Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 96 Orochimaru: You Guys Actually Know Ye Feng?

"Orochimaru, you are blaspheming the dead, blaspheming the ancestors!"

Seeing the two coffins appearing in front of him one after another, Sarutobi Hiruzen was extremely angry.

At the same time, his face was extremely gloomy!

These two are legendary ninjas.

With him alone, it is very difficult to defeat.


There was still a fluke in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind.

Because the power of the Impure World Reincarnation technique depends on the strength of the caster.

Back then, Second Hokage was able to operate perfectly because it was strong enough~those dead.


With only his little strength, he wants to control the legendary First Generation- and Second Generation, which is a bit dangling!

Maybe it will be backlashed!

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his breath.

Then, under the watchful eyes of a group of spectators and Konoha Jōnin, the coffin lids of the two coffins fell to the ground!

"How, how is it possible, those two people are..."

Seeing the people in the two coffins, a group of Konoha Shinobi were scared to the ground as if they saw a ghost!

"First, First Hokage!"

"And the Second Generation!"

"What's going on here! How could it be those two adults!"

"The ancestors have been resurrected!"

Because the Hokage Sculpture Mountain has a high degree of restoration, everyone recognized the true identities of the two at a glance.

It is the originator of Konoha legend, the Senju brothers!

"This is not a trivial matter! No matter how powerful the Third Generation is, it is impossible to win against those two adults at the same time!"

"This is big trouble!"

"Master Third Hokage wants one-to-many, it seems dangerous..."

While exclaiming, several Anbu outside explained wildly.

No one thought of going in to help, or even thinking of killing Orochimaru!

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned black with anger.

You explain it to me!

Hurry up and find a way to help!

More and more people gathered at the scene of the battle.

Akatsuki, Konoha Xiaoqiang, Konoha Jōnin......

All come to watch the legendary two ninjas.

"Is that the First Hokage? Why is it a little different from what I imagined?"

Deidara said something in surprise.

He thinks that the legendary First Hokage should be more Haki and more presentable.

But this First Generation is actually black and straight, and it doesn't look mighty at all.

On the contrary, the Second Generation has a burr on its head, and it feels quite feel.

"It's very difficult to fight the Third Generation now. The legendary First Generation and Second Generation are existences that can fight head-to-head with tailed beasts. Third Hokage is so old now that he can't fight at all.

"Not necessarily, what if the First Generation and Second Generation have a way to crack this Reanimation Jutsu? You must know that this technique was invented by the Second Generation, and the two of them are the teachers of the Third Generation

Surely you can't bear to be cruel?"

The people from the Akatsuki organization also started the explaining mode.

Now the entire roof is surrounded by hundreds of people, big and small.

No one came up to help!

Ye Feng was also puzzled.

It’s okay if Akatsuki doesn’t go up to help, what the hell, these Konoha Shinobi people are also there to explain?

Do you all want to see Third Generation get beaten?

on the battlefield.

Orochimaru untied his hands and smiled sinisterly: "How about teacher? This is the generous gift I prepared for you. How does it feel to be killed by your own teacher?"

After speaking, Orochimaru rearranged his hands and put the spells in the heads of the two Impure World Reincarnation bodies, and manipulated them to walk out of the coffin.

"You two, I will trouble you."

Orochimaru gave Senju Tobirama a token pat on the shoulder.

This was a habitual action, and Orochimaru didn't expect these two people to pay attention to him.

But unexpectedly, Senju Tobirama actually spoke: "Where is Ye Feng?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Not only Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen, but everyone at the scene was stunned!!

"Wh, what's the matter* I just heard Ye Feng's name from Second Generation Misaki?"

"Ye Feng? Did he really call Ye Feng's name just now?"

A group of people from the Akatsuki organization were shocked!

But before they could react, Senju Hashirama yelled again: "Ye Feng! Are you there? If you are, come out!"

At this moment, the audience is dead silent...093312409 Feilu070230050]

All members of the Xiao organization and Konoha Xiaoqiang stared at Ye Feng in disbelief.

"The First Generation and the Second Generation...will even know you!?"

Kakuzu swallowed in horror.

Everyone panicked!

Before, they all thought Ye Feng was a kid, probably only seven or eight years old.

But who would have thought that he was active in the First Generation and Second Generation seven or eighty years ago, even though he knew him!

Could it be that Ye Feng, like Kakuzu, is an old monster who has lived to be eighty or ninety years old?

0......seeking flowers......

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ye Feng put his hands in his pockets and walked into the arena unhurriedly.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Feng said very calmly.

Senju Tobirama's face was serious, and he said seriously: "Sure enough, it is exactly as you said, a battlefield has been arranged for us, please find another Kage-level expert to come over, and we will put a barrier on this place."

Ye Feng nodded, then gave Payne a look, signaling him to come over.

"Will Four Red Yang Formation work?"

Both Ye Feng and Payne nodded.

This technique is to gather four top ninjas whose Chakra volume has reached the Hokage level, and open a cuboid barrier of red transparent flames in the four directions of east, west, north, south, and can isolate the target from the outside world.

Moreover, there is a red flame on the barrier, which can neither allow outsiders to enter the barrier, nor allow enemies inside the barrier to escape the barrier.

Once it touches the four walls of the enchantment, it will be burned by flames. Its hardness can withstand the Tailed Beast Bomb of Ten Tails, and its power is dozens of times stronger than the four purple flames.

"Teacher, what are you doing with this technique...

At this time, Third Hokage and Orochimaru are completely confused about the situation!

What's the situation? This is it?

The two of First Generation Second Generation know Ye Feng, why don't they call someone to help?

And what is the purpose of casting the enchantment?

Don't want to hurt civilians?

Orochimaru and Third Hokage were actually thinking too much.

The purpose of Second Generation using this enchantment is to trap Sarutobi Hiruzen and prevent him from running away!

Take care of him in the enchantment!

"Four Red Yang Formation, activate!"

The 4 people separated into 4 directions, their hands were flying, and they practiced ninjutsu.


Four high-temperature barriers surrounded the entire battlefield.

Ordinary ninjas can't run away from this kind of barrier, because the barrier is tens of meters high, and they can't fly.

But Ye Feng and Payne are convenient.

As soon as the legs kicked, it came out.

"Is this it to protect civilians?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked speculatively.

But Senju Tobirama had a dark face and said coldly: "What? Protect civilians? Sarutobi, this technique is to trap you and prevent you from escaping."

Senju Hashirama: "Sarutobi, you've let us down so much, we're going to clean up the portal ourselves today!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "??? Five?".

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