Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 119: Echizen Ryoma's protagonist aura


The light shines, covering the entire stadium.

Echizen Ryoma walked calmly with the racket in between.

The air gradually became hot and hot, and Ryoma seemed to be calm in his body, but there was a strong fighting intention hidden in it. This fighting spirit began to brew from the first defeat by Chu Tian, ​​and Nanjiro was even more crazy when he was defeated by Chu Tian. Now, once again with Chu Tian, ​​Longma's fighting intentions can no longer be suppressed.

Erupted like a volcano!

Surge like a flood!

The majestic, pea-powerful power is constantly emerging from the body, and Echizen Ryoma and even himself have not deliberately done it. [The seamless extreme] has already exploded!

[The ultimate in a thousand hammers] No, that is not effective for Chu Tian. Double back hitting is meaningless, even if it does not catch the ball.

[The ultimate glow]? It's not even useful at all. Chu Tian's skills are simply unpredictable. Even Gan Zhenzhi can only make predictions based on superficial data statistics, and that is when Chu Tian casually plays ...

In front of Chu Tian, ​​only [the perfect seamless] can barely engage in battle!

Because Chu Tian is very strong!

Every effort must be made!

Ryoma knows this instinctively, and before the game has started, he has subconsciously burst out his strongest power.

Under the seamless extreme, the whole person's concentration, explosiveness, coordination, thinking ability, strategic ability, everything, all have multiple growth!

The light is more and more dazzling.

Ryoma's fighting intentions are getting stronger and stronger.

The whole person entered the situation of forgetting things, slowly raising the racket, facing Chu Tian. In the eyes of Echizen Ryoma, he is full of brilliance, and he has a consistent line: "!" (You are still far away)

"Yes, very good. Ryoma, your progress surprised me a lot. It's just--" Chu Tian's tone changed, and looked at Tezuka under the eye stage, and said, "It's still a lot worse than Tezuka. You who are in the state, want to challenge me, are still a lot worse. Nanjiro lost, you are naturally doomed to fail. Children, it is better to be humble! "

The air wave exploded violently!


Even if it does not apply to any thing without the realm of self, it is only a little more serious. Chu Tian's momentum has already overwhelmed the dragon horse on the opposite side. The entire tennis court is like a small boat swaying in the storm, which is going to be destroyed at any time!

Chu Tian's powerful, and Ryoma, and the entire world of Prince of Tennis, are not of the same grade!

Chu Tian is above everything else!


The momentum of the two struck in the air!

Echizen Ryoma even took a step back involuntarily. Chu Tian's strength is almost crushing. Even the current Dragon Horse is still not Chu Tian's opponent!

The referee did not dare to talk.

Because Chu Tian seemed interested, the game had been served by Ryoma without any announcement. The reporters of the whole stadium are filming nonstop, people all over the world are excited and nervous!

This is a showdown between the second generation of samurai and the world's first!


【Tezuka Area】 Open in an instant!

Echizen Ryoma has actually learned the field of Tezuka!

Echizen Ryoma is also polite, so he took the lead in serving. Without even saying hello, Rongma could not help but quickly serve. The tennis ball quickly passed a golden light in the air, spinning violently, and the sound of the wind was strongly shaken. This is the external service with the full strength of Ryoma's selfless state!

Boom! ! !

Super enhanced version of external service! !

The tennis ball hit the ground fiercely, and then jumped up quickly, straight to Chu Tian's face!

Such a powerful external rotation serve is the only thing in the audience's life, it is simply too powerful, incredible! The state of Echizen Ryoma's outbreak is already very strong.

Rotation, speed, all beyond the limit!

However, Chu Tian was always squinting and listless.

"too weak."

Chu Tian said lightly.

Swing gently, without hurry. Such a strong goal, anyone will be careful to deal with. However, Chu Tian has always been lazy, facing a violent goal.

Boom! ! !

The racket collided gently with a ball from Ryoma.


The tennis ball disappeared in the compressed space in an instant, and with the speed that was almost impossible to catch, he came behind Ryoma in an instant. …

There was no time to respond.

Too, too fast!

Chu Tian twisted his arm and twisted his head.

Glancing at Ryoma lightly, he smiled and said, "Don't speculate, don't think of strange strategies, fancy tricks are also free. Ten thousand percent of your strength is beyond your own limits. Fight, otherwise You have no chance to receive my ball. "

"I will use your strength against Nanjiro to confront you."

Chu Tian looked at Longma and said.

"That's really thank you, senior. It must be fun to beat you like this."

After a long pause, Ryoma recovered again. Once again, it became the arrogant Echizen Ryoma.

The scene of the showdown between Chu Tian and Minjiro resurfaced again.

Echizen Ryoma's fighting intentions are getting stronger and stronger.

The momentum of the whole person has risen again and again. Ryoma gains strength and is growing rapidly with terror! If there is no Chu Tian, ​​the current state of Ryoma can be called an invincible skill-"protagonist aura". Actually at the last moment, the strength has soared!

Tezuka field, full open!

The five sense fields of Komura Village are fully open! Sixth sense, fully open!

The eyes of Fu Zhouzhu, open!

The demonization of Kirihara Akaya, start! Angelized, open!

So far, the tricks of many people who have battled against Ryoma and the tricks they have seen have been presented one by one.


Ryoma swings a ball again!

this is--

Zero serve!

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