Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 122: Come with me, beauty (4)

"Long live Chu Tian!"

"Master Chu Tian is invincible in the world, no one can compare!"

"Mr. Chu Tian, ​​please take my knees. I will not believe in religion anymore. You are my faith! I will worship you forever!"

"Mr. Chu Tian! Please accept my daughter!"

"Chutian Chutian I love you! Chutian Chutian I love you!"


The carnival started at the stadium and spread quickly.

Chu Tian's power like a **** has caused the people in the entire gym to fall into a frenzy. The faith of Chu Tian's crazy worship is more than five times more than Chu Tian's estimate! The whole stadium was immersed in extreme boiling, even the air was fire. Hot fire. Hot, burning in general!

The live broadcasts of major news media are conducted worldwide. No matter men and women, no matter how old or young, whether they are pacifists or terrorists, under Chu Tian's skill of flying bombs, they are crazy and excited!

Even in the Western Hemisphere at night, it is now in a carnival, more lively than during the day! The major factories will have holidays tomorrow, and they will be used for carnival tonight!

It's almost unruly!

More fanatical than any religion!

Any film emperor, after the song, its influence may not be comparable to Chu Tian at the moment. Chu Tian is now well deserved-a global idol!

After a short interaction with the audience and reporters, Chu Tian and the people of Qingxue greeted each other and walked to the girls of Longkui. After pretending to finish, it's time to accompany the beauty.

"Xiao Kui, how's that, my brother, is my performance okay?" Chu Tian said with a stinky face.

"It's not only okay, Brother Tian, ​​you pretend to be too much."

The nightshade smiled lightly, and the faint dimples contained classic fresh beauty, moving and graceful. Chu Tian hugged the delicate body of Longkui and gently kneaded it in his arms, enjoying him very much.

"However, it was okay. By the way, let's go quickly. If we don't hurry, the fans who have finished watching the live broadcast will probably block the gate ..."

"... Yes."

Longkui was crying and laughing.

Obviously, I pretended to be forced, but after the pretense was over, I didn't like to be entangled by fans. How could there be such a good thing in the world? In this way, the girls clung to Chu Tian and walked to the stadium gate ...

"Mr. Chu Tian, ​​don't go!"

"Mr. Chu Tian, ​​I like you, don't leave us!"

"Your Highness Chu Tian, ​​Your Highness, don't go, don't go !!"

A large group of beautiful women followed Chu Tian and said reluctantly. Seeing that Chu Tian was about to leave, the few women who had long been deeply attracted to Chu Tian were disappointed and rushed to stay.

Chu Tian glanced roughly and instantly selected seven or eight beautiful women with good looks. Especially one of them, tall, with a bumpy texture, full of the taste of mature Yu Jie, very in line with Chu Tian's heart.

This beautiful woman looked at Chu Tian affectionately, with strong affection and adoration, which was too strong. If you like me, what Chutian refuses!

The mind is moving a little, the law is surging. Everything in the Prince of Tennis world cannot escape Chu Tian's investigation. In a flash of time, Chu Tian found out all the information about the beauty.

Name: Fujiko Yumiko.

Height: 157

Measurements: 90, 57, 83

Age: 21

This is the sister who is not a helper?

Chu Tian remembered this, and within two weeks he helped a gentle and considerate sister. Nima, I didn't expect to soak up the classmate's sister! What a shame it is! What an accident!

——Forget it, it ’s estimated that the character will not care ... Even if you care, it ’s useless ...

"Beauties, come with me."

Chu Tian showed a handsome smile and said to the group of beauties.

All the girls showed their faces in joy, cheered, and followed each one of Chu Tian with joy. I never imagined that the dream idol actually agreed to their request so easily.

So, Chu Tian not only won the game, won the reputation, but then the game pretended to earn seven or eight beautiful women, it is really full of return ...


"Huh? Why did the person who followed Chu Tian look so much like your sister?" Kikumaru Hideji suddenly pointed and looked at the distance.

Everyone in Qingxue turned their heads and looked at it and found that it was indeed the case. Chu Tian, ​​this guy was mad, but he could do everything.

"No, Chutian will be your brother-in-law!"

"No, is it really your sister?"

"No, when did Chu Tian hook up with your sister !?"


Fu Zhouzhu covered his face with black lines and said: "It shouldn't be so. My sister's vision has always been high. How can it be seen as a junior high school student ... It's you ... I think too much."

Fu Zhou smiled a few times.

It's just the image, his sister, how, how could he like his classmates! And they never seem to meet!

If it is true, after seeing Chu Tian, ​​you will have to call your brother-in-law, which is really embarrassing!

Okay, in fact, Erbu ’s heart is also lacking, because the back is really like ...

The stadium is still in revelry.

The world has also entered a festive season after this game. Chu Tian's five-game winning streak, but it makes all people addicted enough, so cool!

About an hour later, the ambulance arrived. The Echizen Ryoma, which had fallen to the ground with too much overdraft, was transported to an ambulance for rescue. Echizen Ryoma's overloaded exercise caused even more serious injuries than Nanjiro. After all, his strength is comparable to that of Minjiro.

And those doctors complained that they were watching Chu Tian's game, and they had to come to save people. It was really troublesome ...

The world-wide fanatic response caused by Chu Tian in this national competition has lasted for nearly half a month, and this gradually subsided ...

(This volume is to be continued ...)


The time setting outside of this volume is after the decisive battle of the Honghuang main world.

The next volume is the text ~

The ending comes from the confession of the supporting dragon

Hello everyone, my name is Echizen Ryoma and I am 18 years old this year.

I graduated from the Department of Physics at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and I am currently assisting an internationally renowned physics expert in a laboratory to conduct various high-tech experiments.

Sounds beautiful!

That's right, I am a school bully.

When the students met me, they would greet me eagerly and look at me with admiring eyes. Because I will probably become an important talent in the field of physics in Japan in the future.

I was called by a professor a rare genius in the field of physics for a century, and was given special attention by the school. I was allowed to skip grades, not to take classes, to choose independently. At the University of Tokyo, when my name is spoken, it is all resounding. No one knows, no one knows. Even in Tokyo, I am a famous genius and prodigy.

I am the hope of the country's future.

However, few people know that 6 years ago, my reputation even once surpassed me now ...

I studied in a junior high school called "Youth Academy".

At the time, I was an arrogant tennis player with endless potential. Even, compared with my present talent in the field of physics, it is more than that.

I even once faced the legendary man, Chu Tian, ​​twice!

Even if I say it now, I am afraid no one will believe it. That kind of power and strength all reached the top. The person who could not be surpassed at the peak actually had two confrontations with me, an ordinary people, who seemed to be useless. Even now, as a genius, I can only look up to him, he is always the idol of the world.

Fortunately, the video of the national competition, the Internet Mountain has been circulating. I won't be lied to by my classmates. Every time I think about it, I am really young and frivolous. Well, actually I am still very young now.

In the national competition, I used my father's ban, [Samurai lore], and almost died.

That game also became the last tennis match in my life.

Even if I can still play tennis, my strength has always stayed at the level of ordinary people. Permanent damage to muscles and bones can never be recovered. Fortunately, now, I can still use a tennis stunt called [Extreme Talent]. I made a breakthrough after being injured and used it in the non-tennis field.

Under the brilliance of talent, I have amazing computing and thinking skills.

It is for this reason that I became a physical genius. This is my personal secret ...

Let's talk about Chu Tian again.

Chu Tian has always been a legend, even now I still think so. Everything about him sounds like a legend, and it can only make people look up.

After the national competition, Chu Tian seemed to rest for a while. Soon after, he was hired by the U-17 Cup as a coach.

At that U-17 Cup, it seemed that something earth-shattering happened, I do n’t know the specifics, but vaguely know that the reward of the U-17 Cup seems to be related to the “Relic of God”.

From the vague news that was blocked, I only knew that the game was dead, and there were a lot of them.

The political struggles at the core of tennis and exploring the power of the gods in various countries are more intense than I expected. At that time, I am afraid that I never thought that the tennis competition will involve so many things ...

After the U-17 Cup, Chu Tian disappeared.

Suddenly disappeared out of thin air, no one knew where he went. With a large group of his girlfriends, and my cousin Nanako, the elder sister's sister Yumiko seems to have left this world, no one can find him. A few days before disappearing, Chu Tian came to me and said, "The plot is over, there is still a fart left", saying that I have never understood the true meaning of this sentence ...

Chu Tian really became a legend.

And others.

Minister Tezuka deserves to be a minister. Now he has become a professional player and shines in the tennis world. In this year's game, Tezuka defeated many strong opponents, and the world ranking has risen to 18.

Kawamura's eldest son inherited his father's business and continued to open a sushi restaurant. After two weeks, Chu Tian abducted his sister and started the company where his sister stayed.

The arrogant man who is called Kibu knows narcissism from day to night, but now he is much more stable. He has become the successor of the Kibu Consortium and has a strong follower and bodyguard.

Tachibana's Komura, Sanada, also have their own family industries, and gave up the pursuit of tennis. But Kintaro is relatively real. It is said that he went to a mysterious place to explore the unknown field. Because of his height, Kintaro ’s disadvantage in tennis is so obvious that he has to give up ...

. The reality is so helpless and so natural.

People who used to chase tennis dreams together can only run their own things now. Perhaps only those who transcend everything like Chu Tian can be truly free.

"Ryoma--, Ryoma--, have you dressed up? Go to the hospital to see it."

The voice of his girlfriend, Karina, came from outside the door.

Karina is a girl I met in the hospital after I was injured.

She is very ordinary, but very kind and considerate. I used to be ignorant and only knew how to play tennis. I met her.

She changed me.

She told me that tennis is not everything in life.

She told me that reality still has to look forward.

I lost everything and could n’t even play tennis. In the darkest days of that period, it was Karina who cheered me up and regained hope.

"Got it, go now!"

I shouted, packed my clothes and prepared to go out.

Half a month ago, Al Qaeda people came to Tokyo and kidnapped the old man. Governments of various countries were struggling with fierce fighting. As the dad who realized the stunt on the relics of God, his importance is greater than I thought.

The relic of God, a pair of rackets left by the adult that year. Governments of all countries are studying their power, hoping to master the power of God. Everyone in the top 100 players in the world has an unimaginable position. The old man's side may be protected by secret agents all the time.

Tennis is no longer pure. The simple dreams in the story are put into reality, it will always be so funny.

The struggle between nations, the struggle between terrorists and positive forces, and the struggle between various organizations for the benefit ... all are centered on tennis and are fiercely launched.

I think the old man retired in those years, maybe to avoid these messy political struggles.

I used to look at tennis so shallow, so straightforward, it was so superficial. Chu Tian asked me that year, I will regret it 20 years later. But actually, I have regretted it now. Is it worth it to throw away everything for tennis?

Is it really worth it?

not worth it.

This is what I think now.

I still have life.

I still have my dad, my brother, and Kaorina.

This broken body only has more than 20 years of life left. I just want to cherish every minute and every second, and do something for Dad and Xianglinna.

I used to be frivolous, but now I think of how ignorant ...


A breeze blew past.

The sun outside the window is bright and full of life, and the new day is so beautiful.

The breeze brought a blast of air, blowing a piece of paper on the table.

The fine handwriting is a discovery that I have recently researched in the field of physics: the analysis report of the sample information of God ’s relics ... the analysis report of tennis played by Chu Tian ... The supernatural content of the two is 99.9% similar ... Conclusion ... Chu Tian ... is God!


Lied for a while, accidentally overslept, cough.

Um, this volume tried to use a novel ending, um, I do n’t know if you are swollen, (⊙o⊙) ...

Although it is 5 today, the word count is even better than 6 ~~ PS is not added here, it has been calculated ~~

Must see instructions, and some information (free)


Say it succinctly.


There are many versions of Fengyun, including comics, movies, novels, etc. My reference to this volume is the TV series "Feng Yun".

It was the version of Zhao Wenzhuo and He Rundong.

Based on this version.


The age of the storm.

From the TV series, it can be seen that the clothes of some government officials, etc., who are familiar with the costume drama, can see it. Although it is a little flawed, it should be the Ming Dynasty, absolutely.

The most authoritative version of comics, Ma Rongcheng also said. Shenmu Jizhong. It's about the Ming Dynasty from the 15th to the 16th century.

After all, it is overhead, this need not care too much. Let me talk about it, everyone can refer to it.

Combined with the turmoil of Japanese pirates in the Ming dynasty, absolutely godless, etc., these are indeed more in line.


About pictures.

I found the pictures in this volume myself.

TV dramas are probably the reasons for the aesthetic concepts, shooting skills, actors and other aspects of the time. Now, it seems that those female protagonists are not too beautiful. I found some pictures. When everyone wants to be obsessed, cough, bring me my pictures. It took a long time to find, not easy.

Here, call again. If you have any good pictures, please upload them to the group or send them offline to me!

Thanks again!

Qq group of this book: 197506315

My qq: 1924672600


Related to the previous point.

About everyone's understanding of Fengyun.

Because of the actor's reasons, various reasons, grace. My writing is fairly fair, so everyone may have some misunderstandings. Let me talk about it here.

For example, who is the most beautiful in Fengyun?

I said that Yan Ying is more beautiful than Chu Chu, will everyone kill me with a hammer?

Yan Ying, in the TV series, even Chu Chu, Kong Ci, and Ming Yue are incomparable, no doubt. But in fact, because it is not the protagonist, the actor should naturally not be too beautiful. The fact is that Yan Ying was entitled "Wulin First Beauty" at that time.

And the goddess.

Desperate force is also all over the country. Emperor Shitian is a person who pursues perfection. How can the apprentice be ordinary people? This is very similar to the Xiaoyao School in Jin Yong's novels.

The mother ’s mind, martial arts, appearance, and all aspects are all top choices.

Well, that's all, and the word count must be controlled within a thousand.


This volume is still invincible. Keep Jin Shuang in the end ~~~


Some content will be added to the situation.

Of course, passing by is not the point.

After all, after thousands of years ago, to kill Emperor Shitian, then the second part with Emperor Shitian as the BOSS is nothing. The plot will appear less rich.

So, in order to be more exciting and full, I will insert a small plot of "Myth". (The one played by Hu Ge ~ Yi Xiaochuan ~)

Applause you have seen, but you have n’t seen it before, you can watch it as a historical drama ~~

Lv Su, Lv Pheasant (wife of Han ancestor Liu Bang, Lv Hou), wait, all grabbed!


That ’s all for it.

【Evil Sword of the Immortal Sword: Eleventh, Qin Shimingyue】

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