Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 4: Sunflower came out, the beginning of the chaos (2)

Sunflower Collection!

That's right, it's the one-of-a-kind master who wants to practice this skill!

Whether you are a hero or a bear, the protagonist's dad doesn't matter, even if there is no injustice, but as long as it is a guy who blocks his own girl, there is even a hint of possibility, all killing it!

Chu Tiancai will not be merciful!

Li Ji is her own, Jing Ke stays aside!

No one can stop himself!

"Good disciple, the swordsmanship for the teacher is remembered in my mind. One month later, I will write down the content. You can practice it again. Remember, sunflower swordsmanship is so powerful that it must not be spread ,Did you hear me!"

"Yes! Master!"

The excited Jing Ke even called Master directly. After listening to Chu Tian's theory of "the world's martial arts, invincible, only fast and unbreakable", Jing Ke seemed to see a new door to martial arts! For the first time, Chu Tian began to respect him.

Sunflower swordsmanship must be practiced well, Jing Ke said ...

Next, Gongsun Yu gave Chu Tian wind and dust.

Then there is the rite of worship, rite of worship, etc. In ancient times, especially among these nobles, the ritual and music system of the Zhou Dynasty was still very much admired. After the ceremony, Chu Tiancai officially became the master of Li Ji and Jing Ke.

After some negotiation, Gongsun Yu led Chu Tian to walk around the mansion. A luxurious mansion in Gongsun Mansion became Chu Tian's temporary residence. Chu Tian intends to live here for a while now, to take the opportunity to understand the world.

This is how Master Lige ’s career began ...

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

This month, Chu Tian did not leave the house and taught two disciples at Gongsun Mansion.

While teaching the apprentices, study the world.

Chu Tian's strength has already surpassed everyone in this world, even overriding the entire world, but learning still has to start from scratch. The laws of this world are different, and they are naturally different from the operating principles of other worlds. If you want to conquer this world, you still need to learn the knowledge of this world from the beginning.

Perfect control of the law is a vast project that requires everything ...

All kinds of knowledge, various principles, laws of wind flow, laws of natural disasters, and martial arts from various schools ... Chu Tian studied all aspects of this world within a month. Chu Tian's cultivation is not so much cultivation, but rather enlightenment ...

Of course, what is more worthy of celebration is-

The martial art of "Sunflower Sword Art" has finally come out! ! !

That's right, sunflower swordsmanship!

Martial arts like the sunflower collection!

With "Sunflower Collection" as a reference, both internal and external cultivation, stressing a powerful sword technique to win with speed, Chu Tian has finally created it!

Before understanding the laws of this world, it is really difficult to create such a sword technique. However, Chu Tian has the "Sunflower Collection" of Xiaoaojianghu World as a reference. With his huge experience, it is always possible to modify it. It's just a modification, it only takes a few days!

Sunflower swordsmanship, suitable for women to practice.

Especially for women like Li Ji, whose physique is yin, the practice is even more effective!

It is conceivable that Jing Ke, a man with a flesh and blood, cultivates this skill. Poor Jing Ke didn't even start to develop male features. She started to secrete estrogen. It won't take long for Jing Ke to have a problem ...

Let your kid haunt Li Ji all day long!

Make your kid arrogant!

Chu Tian is very resentful. Li Ji Xiao Loli is very obedient to herself. Every time she chats with Li Ji very happy, Jing Ke always likes to intervene. Come in and break this harmonious atmosphere, what a real death!

After watching Jing Ke take away the sunflower collection, Chu Tian was at ease.

Practice, practice.

When you know the truth, hum, let me clear the portal again!


After getting Jing Ke from "Sunflower Swordsmanship", he was infatuated and indulged in martial arts cultivation. Finally, Chu Tian had more time to teach Li Ji. The teacher-student relationship is slowly developing ...

Chu Tian seemed to see a beautiful future beckoning himself.

However, the good times are not long. During this month, Chu Tian had a comfortable life, but the whole of the Great Patriotic Kingdom was in serious crisis. And, recently, it has become more intense.

Wei Guo is a small country. Compared with the Seven Kingdoms, his strength is a lot worse. Surrounded by the great powers, Weiguo had a crisis of destruction almost at any time. However, countries are worried that after attacking the defending country, they will be taken advantage of by other countries, or they will be cheaper, and they have not started.


A year ago, Qin Wang Yingzheng officially took power.

A series of courtiers such as Li Si and Wang Jian received reuse. Qin Shihuang's employment never asked his origin, only his ability. If it can be done, it is competent! Not doing well, severe punishment! Qin's aggressive attitude will even swallow the world's brains, which can be felt by individuals!

Qin's strength is stronger than any of the six countries. The situation that the seven countries were still relatively peaceful was gradually broken.

The countries that have experienced the crisis have started their actions one after another.

Weiguo, a small country, is under pressure from several countries around. In particular, Wei Guo, the army has even pressed the border, ready to attack at any time. The remaining countries seem to have responded well, preparing to divide Wei at one go and increase their strength against Qin!

It has become a consensus among several countries to fight against Qin together!

In the past few days, the old man Gongsun Yu was so busy that he barely saw any figures, and he went to and from the palace all day long. There were more and more diners in the house, and some strange faces appeared frequently. Among the hundreds of families, some people who had friendship with Gongsun Yu gradually appeared at this time to assist the country.

The dark clouds of the war are densely covered with the sky of the Great Patriotic Kingdom.

"Li Ji, it seems that this time, the lecture for the teacher is about to be interrupted." In the study, Chu Tian, ​​who was holding Li Ji, was sitting on his lap, talking about the happy goat and the big big wolf. Looking out to the sky ...

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