Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 7: Beacon Company March 1 (1)

The people inside turned around and looked at the two people at the door.


In this era, these two words are familiar to everyone.

The continual expeditions in various countries and the concept of "both love" and "non-offensive" hosted by the Mohists are unique and popular among many people during the war. The huge power of the Mohist family is also among the hundreds.

However, everyone did not expect that the old man Gongsun Yu actually had contact with the Mo Family!

The ancestor of the Mo family, it is said that even a single person once stopped a war! The unpredictable tricks of ghosts and gods are almost invincible!

The masters of the Mo family are people from all over the Seven Kingdoms. Their strength is unfathomable!

This time, it is even more promising to resist the attacks of the four countries!

"Even the Mo family came!"

"This gentleman, it seems, is the legendary giant of the Mo family, the six-finger black man. Only by hearing his name, can he meet his people today! Unexpectedly, so many knights are seen today.

"'Swords are not swords, Momei has no edge'. It is undoubtedly the Mohist giant."

"Is the man beside the Six-Finger Black Man the legendary class master who is proficient in mechanical skills?"


There was a lot of discussion and nodding.

Although Master Ba was young at this time, he was already well-known, and his mastery of mechanical skills was fascinating.

The six-finger black man of the Mo family giant, is a famous knight on the rivers and lakes, and is the object of countless admiration!

"It's a great honor to be here! I didn't expect that the leader of the Mo family came to visit, and there was a long way to welcome it. Over a decade ago, the people of the Mo family actually remembered the old. Hey, help me protect the country! Gongsun Yu sighed and walked excitedly, clenching his fists.

"Mr. Gongsun is polite."

Shen Sheng, the leader of the Mo family, said. The cloak was taken down and appeared in front of everyone.

This is a middle-aged man in his thirties. His eyes are calm and deep. He is a little bit elegant. It is not as fierce as ordinary Jianghu heroes.

The Mojia giant continued: "Our Mojia advocates both love and non-attack. We will come here even if the old gentleman does not say about defending the country. The attacking and defending of the four countries would have violated justice. Once the war started, I do n’t know how many people will suffer. The Mo family came for the common people. But— ”

The Mojia giant's tone turned and looked at Chu Tian.

Looked at Chu Tian, ​​and then looked at Chu Tian's formation on the map. In the eyes of the giants of the Mo family, it seems to be peaceful.

Chu Tian's age seems to be only 18 or 9 years old.

However, Chu Tian's arrangement was difficult for Rao to see through his eyes.

Naturally, the terrain, the army of the four countries, and so on, everything seems to be one, as peaceful as nature. With so many factors taken into consideration, there are no decades of experience in marching, and it cannot be arranged!

Chu Tian is a genius, a real genius!

The Mojia giant took a deep breath and smiled softly on his face, saying: "However, I didn't expect to be able to meet a wizard who never appeared here. The retreat from the enemy seems to have nothing to do with me. The formation of a little brother is so admirable! Little brother, I do not know how to call it? "

"Chu Tian."

"Good name! Little brother's name, it will not be long before it will be known to everyone."

"... this is inaccurate."

Everyone froze, wondering why Chu Tian said so.

Once this battle is won, I am afraid that not only the Seven Kingdoms will be shaken, Chu Tian will even be so beautiful. With the strength of one person, to reverse the battle situation, such a person has been counted from the past to the present!

Why did Chu Tian say this?

Chu Tian smiled strangely, without explanation, and no one knew what Chu Tian's idea was. Only the Mozu giant, staring at Chu Tian for a while, seemed to want to see through this young man.

But obviously he failed.

Chu Tian's expression is flawless ...

Clapping hands, Chu Tian attracted everyone's attention. Standing on the edge of this patriotic terrain, pointing to the above pieces of land to explain: "This array, named 'Hangyuan Bagua Prisoner Dragon Array', the main purpose lies in a word of 'sleepy'. It is three times better, Ten times better. Even a twenty-times enemy can trap it. If there are too many 300,000 troops, if it is annihilated, the Great Patriotic Kingdom will be greatly damaged. After being trapped, the four countries will find it difficult. Retreat is the best policy. "

"With wisdom, Mr. Chu is kind and high-spirited!" The giant of the Mo family couldn't help but praise.

After all, joint efforts against Qin are the ultimate goal, and slaughtering the people of the other four countries is by no means a long-term strategy. Chu Tian's sleepy array is the best choice. If the four kingdoms know that they are not invincible, they will naturally retreat on their own, and they will not make trouble again ...

The giant of the Mo family also appreciated Chu Tian more and more.

This person may be able to win the Mo family in the future!

Chu Tian nodded and continued:

"The enemy is attacking from everywhere, and the forces are scattered, which is not easy to deal with. Even if one of them has entered the country of the defending country, it is difficult to resist. General Gongsun, this plan, interlocking, must introduce the enemy into the core of the formation. It's all sloppy. I will arrange the next tactics. "

Gong Sun Yu nodded, tacitly approving Chu Tian's thoughts.

These warriors from all over the world nodded their heads in unison, and no one objected. It seems that Chu Tian commanded this battle.

In less than a few minutes, everyone was obedient to Chu Tian, ​​and no one felt awkward to obey such a young man.

Gongsun Yu vaguely noticed that Chu Tian had a natural leader's breath. This is the kind of spirit that only those who have been in the upper ranks for a long time ... is it an illusion?

Chu Tian's confident and majestic voice drifted slowly inside the house, dominating the whole battle ...

"... South, Wei's army, if I had expected it correctly, should be led by General Sun. This person uses soldiers in a variety of ways, but lacks caution. He sent 30,000 people to provoke him through Xiyinguan and Xiachenghe. All the way Go north ... "

"Zhao Guo's army was fierce and once even let Qin Guo get into a bitter fight. It can only be outsmarted, not capable of enemies. In this battle, you need to send a wise person to lead the soldiers. General Gongsun, this person is determined by you. Write ... "

"South Korea, it should come from here, we ..."


"... Everyone must follow my strategy, no mistakes! Offenders, cut! This is a matter of life and death for millions of people! Some heroes and heroes present here, please also supervise with the army, and make a perfect strategy. When necessary, Replace it! "

"No problem! Leave it to us, Mr. Chu!"

The hall was full of heat.

Everyone also admired Chu Tian more and more. The whole process is unstoppable. In just half an hour, Chu Tian drew up a strategy for a battle of hundreds of thousands of people!

The layout is delicate, the calculation is perfect!

This war will definitely win!

Gongsun Yu entered the Patriotic Palace on the same day to meet the sovereign.

One day later, commands were sent from the Gongsun Mansion to all parties in the country. The soldiers and horses of the whole country mobilized.

The turbulent wind and the horn of war started!


The recent update is a little bit ugly, the work is a bit busy, sorry.

Try to update it. Well, there is one more thing in the morning ~

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