Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 16: Roaring giant, passionate belief (4/4)

"The Yellow River broke the embankment, is it ... your handwriting?"

The loud voice of the giant said slowly.

The Yellow River bursts.

Millions were killed!

Mohists who emphasize "both love" and "non-offensive", how can they just ignore this kind of thing? The six-finger black man is a giant of the Mo School, and has an obligation to investigate clearly!

With staring eyes at Chu Tian, ​​the wind between the giant and Chu Tian seemed to stop in an instant. Between the valleys, a strange and rigid atmosphere slowly spread. The breath of the giant became ups and downs, and it was constantly scattered.

The little bird in the distance suddenly walked away from the branch ...

But Chu Tian, ​​still standing calmly, unmoved ...

The giant's brows are also getting tighter ...

"——The Yellow River breaks the embankment? Does that have anything to do with me? Matrix, are you asking the door to pinch the door? You can ask this kind of question?" Chu Tian pouted, asking with some discomfort. .

My own plan is not seamless, but it is fairly complete. Without a soldier and a soldier in his own hands, who would doubt himself about the Yellow River breaking the embankment?

The giant is worthy of the leadership of the Mohists, with two brushes ...

However, in this way, you have to kill your mouth ...

The giant took a deep breath, and Chu Tian's bad tone was already assumed in disguise. Knowing this answer, Juzi felt more depressed.

Why would such a talent be an opponent ...

After a long silence, the giant continued:

"Actually, it's not a guess, it's just an intuition. Mr. Chu Tian feels that he is omnipotent and everything is under control. After seeing you several times, I am particularly impressed by this impression. Although I ca n’t say how much I can do in the world, I ’m also experienced, and there are countless people. This feeling of Mr. Chu Tian, ​​even those monarchs and Confucian scholars, has nothing ... ”

"Performance is too perfect, it is precisely where Mr. Chu Tian is the most misguided. This is also the source of my suspicion ..."

"Coincidentally, when the Yellow River broke the embankment, you happened to be not in Gongsun Mansion. However, even at that time, I was just a flash of speculation, and I was not too skeptical ... But, you are in the Wei Dynasty these days This generation, the reputation has soared, spreading their believers, I think, I guess what ...

The giant suddenly looked up and said with certainty: "Mr. Chu Tian, ​​are you from Qin country!"

"how you said that?"

The giant said abruptly: "After this war, the damage to several countries is not small, and the most benefited is the Qin State. Yingzheng has recently fought hard and prepared for the war. This world is going to be chaotic again. Well ... I think about it, Mr. Chu Tian ’s motives can only be explained by this. You, the Qin Wang Yingzheng sent! "

"Unfortunately, although I don't want to disturb your pretense, the fact is, I am not a Qin countryman." Chu Tian smiled and said.

"Then what do you want to do !? It's not the Qin people, what motivates you to do this!" The giant froze, suddenly yelling loudly, almost crazy!

Not Qin people!

It ’s not the Qin people, what did Chu Tian do for what! ?

Millions of lives, doesn't he take them seriously?

What is it for?

"With your ingenuity and advancement, you can unite the six nations, fight against the Qin, and protect the peace of the world! Withdrawal, you can also defend the country and protect one side of the people! Your talents are the only things I have seen in my life. No one can surpass! "The giant screamed, almost crazy.

"As long as you are willing to benefit the world, the position of the giants of the Mo family, I can give in! I have no complaints! But what are you doing now, and why?"

The breath of the giant suddenly skyrocketed!

The gusty wind swept around, oscillating around the giant, the grass at the feet of the giant spread out, and the majestic momentum made the opposite jade, breathing quickly.

Although Li Ji had been taught by Chu Tian and had profound skills, the oppression of this momentum made her step back a few steps.

The giant, like a crazy beast, is about to explode at any time ...


Momei raised.

The dark lines are filled with a majestic breath. The conviction of the giant turned into awe-inspiring anger, spreading among the valleys. Above Momei, a violent two, continually galloping.

The ink eyebrow in the hand of the giant pointed at Chu Tian.

The breath keeps rising, heading straight to the top!

This is a confrontation of faith!

Chu Tian was silent for a long while.

Juzi is truly world-loving, very human and worthy of respect.

I just thought it was a game and I practiced once in the WTO. Changes in people's minds, the world's various attitudes, all is just a means, including participation in the competition. Even if the blood flowed into the river and the spirits were painted, Chu Tian ’s state of mind would not be shaken at all.

Everything is just a means, not an end.

But these, giants do not understand.

The tone was a little more serious, and Chu Tianfeishen explained:

"As a respect for you, let me explain a little. You will not understand my purpose. However, this matter cannot be analyzed subjectively. Excluding all personal emotions, what I have done, objectively, actually has Beneficial to the people of this world and the world. "

"There is only one country in the world. When there is only one faith in the people, war will naturally disappear. The Yellow River flooded millions of people, but you know, how many people will I save in this feat? Qin State will rule the world. It is the historical trend that is unstoppable. Giant, do n’t be nervous, I am a good person, a big drop. "

"Put up your sword, or you will die."

Chu Tian said with a smile, the breath was still calm like a pool of water, no trace of waves.

The giant on the opposite side, even if the sword strength is strong, it is difficult to cause half of the impact on Chu Tian. Chu Tian respects the mind of the giant, not the strength.

"So, in the end, you still have to speak with a sword." The giant took a breath out of reluctance. Why would such a talent have such an ambition ...

The giant has made up his mind that since Chu Tian is really such a person, he must be left behind. Otherwise, Chu Tian did not know how many people's lives to be harvested. Killing him now is better than regretting later.

Trying to calm yourself down, the giant is holding his breath, concentrating, and the sword is getting stronger and stronger——

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