Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 21: The so-called master-slave two (2/4)

Chu Tianchang drove straight in, unstoppable all the way.

In a short time, he had passed through the gates and reached the depths of the palace.

Two giant pillars, carved with dragons and carved phoenixes, come to life, standing on both sides, like guards guarding the palace.

The tall palace is located in the center, higher than any building in the Patriotic Kingdom, and better than any beautiful palace. Pearlescent and magnificent, glorious and magnificent, overlooking all beings, a royal dignity and dignity, fluttering from above, shining, shining on the square in front, overflowing in the empty palace ...

This is where the monarch Wei is.

Chu Tian's eyes penetrated through layers of obstacles, and at a glance saw the incompetent monarch in the legend of the Wei Kingdom.

Obese posture, blessed face, a lazy breath. Around him, wanting to come is also an indulgent person. He was negotiating with several ministers, his expression a bit anxious.

It seems that I got the news that I had seen ...

"You stay, I will go back when I go."

Chu Tian waved his hand behind him, said indifferently.

A large group of soldiers behind them stopped.

Chu Tian is an army god, talking and laughing to destroy the enemy; he is a medical sage and saves people. No matter what identity, in this era is the object of worship.

No one actually questioned Chu Tian ’s order, even though Chu Tian did n’t have an official and a half job ...

Everyone is standing by, waiting for Chu Tian ...

"Mr. Chu, you, what are you going to do! You, you scared the old man to me!"

Gongsun Yu, who closely followed Chu Tian, ​​gasped.

He couldn't understand what Chu Tian did, but he held his last hope.

Objectively speaking, these people are only fanatical worship of Chu Tian, ​​but if Chu Tian rebellion, rebellion, it is still impossible. Chu Tian didn't have enough weight if he wanted to react.

There is a big difference between worship and obedience.

At a critical moment, these trained soldiers will still choose to cherish their lives and stand on the side of the monarch. Gongsun Yu, a veteran of the battlefield, understood this deeply.

Now, Chu Tian has gone into the palace alone, and Gongsun Yu is more relieved.

Going in alone, it seems that Mr. Chu is ready to be loyal to the king.

That's good…

Gongsun Yu finally felt a little relieved.

Chu Tian walked and suddenly laughed: "Mr. Gongsun, your greatest wish in your life must be loyal to the monarch and loyal to the country?"

Gongsun Yu nodded and said:

"That's nature. Assisting the monarch to defend the country's peace and resist Qin is the goal of the old man. However, with the help of Mr. Chu, this goal should not be far away. After Mr. Chu's allegiance to the king, I defend the country. A new talent has been added, and we will be colleagues at that time, and Mr. Chu does not have to live in the old man's cold house, haha! "

Gong Sun Yu's laughter was full of joy and joy.

Chu Tian nodded slightly, and he knew long ago that the thought of the old man's loyal monarch was inscribed in his bones. It was difficult to change if he wanted to change.

Resistance to Qin is the world's peaceful policy, Gongsun Yu thought the same way.

Most people in this era are still very conservative and short-lived. Gongsun Yu is not like Li Ji. Li Ji is young and has high plasticity. After her short teaching, she can easily correct it.

Chu Tian raised his head, not hurrying, but said something:

"Loyalty to the monarch, a persistent concept. Mr. Gongsun, you are the grandfather of Li Ji, and I am sincere and sincere to me. I will not start with you. You will witness what happened today and hope that it will be kept secret in the future. , I do n’t want to embarrass you ... "

"It wasn't originally planned to be done, but before leaving, let's solve it incidentally, so as to avoid trouble afterwards. And, our goal, in fact, there is no conflict ..."

Chu Tianyi's words made Gongsun Yu feel a different kind of breath.

Just wanted to ask Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian suddenly stepped out.

Simple step.

An extraordinary step!

The distance between the square and the main hall is hundreds of meters, and it was compressed to less than one meter in an instant. The space is distorted and changed, Chu Tian's foot stepped into the front hall. The figure shook, and it had reached the palace hall!

Gongsun Yu was instantly shocked at the spot!

Gongsun Yu never thought that the seemingly ordinary Chu Tian was so unfathomable! Teleporting a distance of 100 meters, this power is unheard of by Gongsun Yu!

However, after the surprise, there was unprecedented panic! Chu Tian is such a master, then, his confidence in coming to the palace alone can also be explained!

Chu Tian, ​​I am afraid it is really going to be reversed!

In the palace, who is Chu Tian's opponent! ?




"Who broke into the forbidden ground of the palace!"

Just after Chu Tian appeared in the palace, a large group of officials shouted loudly.

Several bodyguards had just raised their swords in their hands and wanted to deal with Chu Tian, ​​but when they saw Chu Tian's face, he was stunned and stopped his movements!

This familiar face is not exactly--

Is n’t it Mr. Chu! ?

In the propaganda booklet, Chu Tian's appearance, but everyone has seen it!

The children's songs circulated in the market also illustrate Chu Tian's appearance and temperament!

As well as the image of the heroes and costumes passed down by countless people, they are as good as the people in front of them.

Absolutely Chutian!

If it is Mr. Chu, there must be his purpose to come here, just wait and see its changes. The bodyguards looked at each other and backed away ...

After all, nobody wants to wave a knife at their idol ...

Chu Tian smiled, everything seemed to be in control. Slowly stepping forward, walking forward, looking directly at the monarch king on the throne in front, Chu Tian slightly nodded and said plainly: "Chu Tian has seen the king. It is really embarrassing to interrupt the king's conversation."

The hall suddenly fell silent.


Entering the hall without notice, and seeing the king without salute, the tone is still so indifferent, no matter which one, it is enough to kill the head! Sorry, it's done?

The ministers held their breath and seemed to feel a strange breath, standing nervously. Chu Tian's expression on Cheng Xiong's chest made everyone a little worried ...

"You are Chu Tian?"

Monarch Wei's hand clutched the dragon chair tightly, and his anger was overwhelming. The guards retreated suddenly, making the monarch Wei more angry.

Chu Tian's forces actually swelled to this point!

Even the guards of the palace have become Chu Tian's believers! ?

When did it start! ?

Monarch Wei is not the old man of Gongsun Yu. Even if he is infamous, he is not comparable to Gongsun Yu for his power. Chu Tian's so many believers were cultivated unconsciously by him, and there was absolutely conspiracy and planned deployment.

Such a Chutian must have a purpose ...

"I am Chu Tian." Chu Tian smiled.

The calm expression made Wei Guoguo's heart gradually uneasy ...

"Come here without permission, what is the so-called thing?" Wei Guojun said in a deep voice.


"What's the big deal?"

"Too lazy to say."


Monarch Wei can't help it anymore!

Every civilian is so rampant! It wasn't a patience monarch who could bear it, who could bear this situation! Regardless of the opponent's cards, King Wei Guo patted the chair next to him and shouted loudly: "Shadow Guard, take him down !!!"

Hula number sounds!

Behind King Wei Guo, several shadows popped out in an instant! Go straight to Chutian! At the next moment, it seems that Chu Tian will be won!

But Chu Tian still stood calmly.

Standing with his hands down, he looked at the monarch Wei indifferently.

The still calm eyes suddenly let the monarch of Wei Guo, who was always stable and carefree, suddenly had a cold soaked in bones ...

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