Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 30: Bring Loli to Palace II (3/4)

"As far as I know, Canglong Qisu has been a secret that has been circulating since ancient times. It is not something that was unique to the Zhou Dynasty. It's just that different eras have different titles ..."

"The fall of the Xia Dynasty was due to the Canglong Qisu; the King Wu Wu's success in the end was also because Jiang Taigong unlocked the Canglong Qisu's secret and finally created the eight hundred years of rule of the Zhou Dynasty. Even in more distant times The battle between the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou is also related to this ... Among the seven dragons in Canglong, there is enough power to change the world. It has been pursued by people throughout the dynasties ... "

Chu Tian frowned when he heard this.

The emperor and Chiyou, the legend has come out, this seems to be far away.

But then I thought about it. In Qin Shimingyue, even outrageous organ beasts like Qinglong could be made out, and Chu Tian was relieved. You know, it was not artificial in the 21st century.

Chu Tian originally just wanted to ask, but did not expect to pull out something extraordinary.

After all, when watching anime before, the mystery of Canglong Qisu has always been puzzled by Chu Tian ...

"Continue to say, how much, how much."

Chu Tian stared at Han Wang and shouted.

The South Korean monarch swallowed.

Life is held in Chu Tian's hands, naturally speaking endlessly. After a pause, he continued: "The secret of Canglong Qisu has always been controlled by Zhou Tianzi. Later, the royal family of Zhou Dynasty was weakened. Let the countries fight each other. The secret of Canglong Qisu is passed on from generation to generation in the Seven Kingdoms. It has been and continues to this day. "

"I have only one of the seven keys in Korea. The secrets of the rest of the princes, few widows ... don't know. It is said that ... several treasures of Taoism seem to be related to Canglong Qisu. Here are 7 things ... the widows and widows also listened to what the predecessors said while they were alive, and the reasons are not very clear ... "

"Oh, it seems that there seems to be a treasure called a magic box, which is an important factor for unlocking secrets ... but few people ... I have heard that it has not been available for many years ..." Han Wang's voice gradually weakened, and he was afraid He gave Chu Tian a glance.

Seeing Chu Tian's face chilled, he was even more disturbed.

God, this is really what he knows. He wanted to know more, after all, this is the power to control the world, but he can only say so much, no matter how much, he really does not know!

There was a flash of Limang in Chu Tian's eyes, and an oppressive breath instantly shrouded Han Wang. Shen said: "That is to say, you actually know nothing but this pile of nonsense?"

That smiling look scared Han Wang's face pale!

No, the pants are peeing already!

Han Wang was stunned and said suddenly, "No, first, sir, I remembered it, remembered it! There is one more thing, there is one more thing! Because I never paid attention, I almost forgot. And, there is one more thing, The successors of the Seven Kingdoms each hold one copy. This thing seems to have a great effect ... it is called Cang and Canglong Word Juice, yes, it is Canglong Word Juice! But few people can understand it, and it has been left there ... "

As he said, the South Korean monarch ran to the distance, and after opening one layer after another from a closed cabinet, he also activated the dark grid several times, and used ten to get the key before finally taking out something.

This is an ancient cowhide that seems to have been kept for many years. There are strange words engraved on it, not at all in this era. Han Wang took out the cowhide and shuddered and handed it to Chu Tiandao: "This, this is the" Canglong word tactic "that I have in Korea."

Chu Tian looked at this cowhide, his eyes gleaming.

This text is ... Oracle.

What a distant text.

Canglong Qisu seems to be a lot more complicated than he thought. Involved in Oracle, the history is extremely far away, it seems that Han Wang said before, it is not a lie.

Chu Tian has experienced so many worlds, and it is considered to be a Chinese and Western study. Of course Oracle, Chu Tian knew. Even the most primitive Western characters, Chu Tian can read them.

It's just that the Oracles in front of them are somewhat nondescript. It seems to have been cut in half, it doesn't work ...

Chu Tian thought while watching ...

"Dao Law is natural ... Tianren ... Five Elements ... Eternal Life ... what are these things, how do I feel, it's kind of like a cultivation method?"

It's too fragmented.

It's not a section that was directly intercepted, but a piece of fragment that was intercepted directly in the middle, even a complete sentence could not be found! Even if your IQ is high, it is impossible to guess the entire sentence from one word!

Only after collecting seven copies of Canglong word tactics, can we know ...

Chu Tian turned around without looking at Han Wang. In Chu Tian's eyes, Han Wang is already insignificant. There is no difference between killing and not killing ...


"Yes, Master."

"Sir, solved it so soon?"

Two little loli followed Chu Tian to the door.

Canglong word tactics ...

Chu Tian did not know the specific secret of Canglong Qisu.

However, a word on the Canglong word tactics attracted Chu Tian's great attention. Moreover, Chu Tian has 80% certainty and is absolutely connected.

Longevity ...


In that paragraph, the word Changsheng appeared.

Isn't Qin Shihuang in history always looking for longevity? Qin Wang Yingzheng must have been pursuing the secret of Canglong Qisu. The secret of Canglong Qisu seems not simple.

"Maybe, this is a good game."

Chu Tian suddenly said to himself, a funny smile appeared on the corner of his mouth ...

In a too simple game of hegemony, there is a bit of a mystery, it is also pretty good ~


"Catch the Assassin !!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up! There, right there, the assassins ran there! They are all masters, be careful!"

"Protect the King, you go to protect the King!"

"His Royal Highness was robbed, and the King knew that he would kill us. Hurry up and go back to the Assassins !!"

"The king of the Chu Kingdom is too arrogant!"


When Chu Tian walked out of the palace, the voices outside were full of noise and chaos. The entire palace was almost full of noise, like boiling water.

The running guard, the panicked maid, the roaring general ... there are people everywhere. A wave of waves of soldiers hurriedly acted in the night, surrounded and blocked the entire palace, and looked anxiously, as if encountering a big event.

Several guards happened to see Chu Tian coming out of the palace, and his face was scared pale. Even the palace of the king was broken into!

A large number of people quickly rushed towards Chu Tian three people ...


Li Ji looked at a large number of officers and soldiers in the distance, her gem-like pupils a little puzzled.

It was calm when I came, why did you find it now?

Chu Tian shook his head and reached for a finger, flying dozens of officers and soldiers into the distance. He looked at the shadow in the dark in the distance and said, "No, Han Wang didn't have a chance to deliver the news. I haven't guessed it wrong. This is the" grab net "in action. It's just a coincidence of time. Recently, the court minister has always started Now, I have come to the palace. I just do n’t know which royal family member tonight is bad ... "

"Master, are you going to see it?"

"Well ... it's okay to be idle anyway, lively and lively. Let's go!"

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