Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 40: Chu Tiandong came, Emperor Star Dimmed II (3)

"Mr. Chu, please, please here."

"Master Master, you walk slowly, do you want to bring the horse down?"

"Mr. Chu, I don't know what you and Master Zhao call you?"


In the palace, a group of escorts escorted Chu Tian on both sides and walked deep into the palace.

Among them, there are believers of the Holy Church, there are Zhao Gao ’s cronies, and so on. However, no matter what their identity is, they are very familiar to Chu Tian ’s name.

The sacred leader of all sentient beings, the wise man who used troops like gods, the medical saint who rejuvenated with his wonderful hands ...

Every identity of Chu Tian is resounding.

After being ordered by Qin Wang Yingzheng, the people received Chu Tian carefully, and did not dare to be negligent. Chu Tian did what he said, all he did. Even the three little loli who followed Chu Tian also came to the palace together.

Following the main road, the crowd walked to the palace hall.

The imperial palace of Qin State is full of magnificence, and the tall palace stands tall and straight into the sky. The palace walls are circuitous, beautiful, and the roofs of houses in the distance are shining with brilliant light and full of luxurious atmosphere.

From time to time, patrol guards passed by, and the queue was neat and calm.

Chu Tian watched while walking, not forgetting to comment.

"Yes, Qin's imperial palace is really very good. Compared to the imperial palace in South Korea, it is a little less extravagant, and its majesty is full. It seems that Yingzheng is a good emperor."

Several guards gave a chuckle in their hearts.

The secret road is worthy of being the leader of the Holy Church, which is full of confidence, and dare to call the name of the king! If you want to change it to anyone else, I'm afraid I can just pull it out and cut it!

However, the king valued him so much, and even admired it a bit, thinking that he would not care about these small things.

Moreover, as the leader of the Holy Church, Chu Tian, ​​sentient beings, wanted to call the name of the king with the mind that all beings are equal ...

Several people pretended not to hear Chu Tian say the words Yingzheng, saying:

"Teacher, you are also very wise. Your name, the whole Xianyang city is unknown to everyone. Although you are alone, your reputation is enough to compare with our king!"

"Yes, Mr. Chu, this time you see the king, I don't know what you plan to do?"

"Mr. Chu must be for the sake of our people."

"Master, our children of the Holy Church will always support you!"


Along the way, Chu Tian finally came to the palace.

The guards retreated one after another, and Chu Tian took three little loli and walked up the tall and magnificent steps.

On both sides of the palace, there are many guards guarding. There are a few of them with high strength, which can be comparable to the first-rate masters of rivers and lakes.

If coupled with multiple protection methods hidden in the dark, the entire hall ca n’t be overstated. Here, the security of Yingzheng is strictly guaranteed!

The more high-ranking people are, the more they cherish their lives, and winning is no exception.


His own steps are not blocked by these mortals.

Ying Zheng's career as an emperor is over!

Chu Tian stepped into the hall ...

Inside the hall, Qin Wang Yingzheng was sitting on the tall dragon chair, with a ruddy complexion and unspeakable excitement.

When I saw Chu Tian stepping in from the door, Yingzheng was even more delighted! Chu Tian looks the same, calmly and unhurriedly, at first glance it is not an ordinary person!

Such a person is the real talent! It is he who seeks to help him unify the seven nations!

Qin Wang Yingzheng couldn't help but stood up from his chair to welcome Chu Tian who entered the hall: "Mr. Chu, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Yingzheng was at a height and looked excited.

There are few people who can let Qin Shihuang call a "Mr."

Even Li Si and Zhao Gaozhi were nothing more than servants of Qin Wang Yingzheng. This sentence "Mr." has shown that Chu Tian is more important than anyone else in the eyes of Ying Zheng.

Using troops as gods is exactly what the current situation requires!

Believers are all over the world, and surrendering to him is also solidifying the King Qin regime! And the moderate thoughts of the universal religion of the Holy Church are very conducive to rule.

Ten thousand steps back and said that even if the war is over, the world is at peace and there is no war. The name Chutian "health" still has an inestimable effect. Even if it is Yingzheng, serious illnesses and minor illnesses can not be avoided. Chutian ’s medical skills are recognized as the first in the world. With such a person, Yingzheng can save a lot of heart ...

This person is worth reusing!

Deserve this sentence "Mr."!

Chu Tian also looked at Yingzheng here.

Yingzheng is still relatively young, with bright eyes and full of fighting spirit, and he has the talents that young monarchs do not have. Aspiring to the world, the means are fierce, and at the same time, it can also be a corporal and a virtuous person, but such a monarch is rare.

"The king is very good. It is the best monarch I have ever seen. The monarch of the Kingdom of the Guardian and the monarch of the Republic of Korea are inferior to each other. The heroes are very general and very human." Chu Tian said heartily, his tone calm.

If you do not have your own words, it is also a general trend for the unification of the six countries. This sentence is very good, Ying Zheng also worthy of.

Chu Tian felt clearly the spirit of the real dragon beside Yingzheng ...

"Good! Good! Mr. Widow's words believe that widows have confidence, and they are better than anyone. This world is still widowed after all!" Yingzheng is on the rise, not paying attention to the blandness in Chutian's words, full of spirit Stepping down the stairs, I came to the banquet that had been set ahead. He lifted the glass and drank it. After drinking, Yingzheng continued to talk, expressing his ambitious aspirations, "Mr. Chu, South Korea and Chu, have fought more than ten days ago. South Korean general Ji Wuye, Chu The National Congress General Xiang Yan is a rare general in a century. The two of them are estimated to be inexcusable now. The two tigers are fighting each other. This is the moment when Qin Guo exhibited his grand plan! Today, with the help of Mr. Chu, the world is no one , Like digging through the bag! Haha, hahahaha! "

"——Come here, hurry, give Mr. Chu a seat! Today, few people want to talk to Mr. Chu about the world!"

Yingzheng talked eloquently, and his tone was heated.

Even, without even knowing it, the fate he is about to usher in ...

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