Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 49: Five years (1)

Many monarchs and ministers felt the meaning behind the actions of the sacred religion.

They used to think that this organization really only promotes doctrine, promotes the equality of all beings, and pursues peace. It's as if the Mohists were daydreaming about "both love" and "non-attack" all day long. The sacred religion, in fact, does not have much ambition. In the eyes of those monarchs, the holy religion, which is only for propaganda, threatens even less than some bandits. The only thing worth paying attention to is the leader of the Holy Church ...

But now, many people gradually find themselves wrong.

If it is such an organization, it will not make the current action.

The forces that had long been ambushing in all corners of the six countries finally began to flourish. The rudders of the holy churches one after another are established in various places.

They do not promote force, but only doctrine.

They do not violate national laws and are even willing to help others.

They even preached various good virtues and mingled with the people.

They are all people of their own country, and it is the same as preaching and worshiping the Holy Church as good deeds ...

And many officials and ministers who are not "savvy" have joined the sacred church, and even take pride in thinking that this is a manifestation of their high spirits. Then, without exception, these officials were praised by the people ...

The height of the Holy Church is rising to an unmatched height.

The dignity of the sacred leader is even more than that of the princes of all countries!

They are building momentum!

No matter which country, once destroyed by Qin in the future, there is no possibility of turning over again! The army comes from the masses, but the masses are already on the side of the Holy Church!

This is an attempt to uproot and completely eliminate the six countries!

The kings of the Six Kingdoms were chilling, and the sacred religion and the Qin Kingdom were almost invincible!


More than half of the people in the whole country have become believers in the Holy Church. How can they be arrested? The actual implementation is extremely difficult. Moreover, in case people complain, the kings are also afraid of riots ...

Even many brainless ministers preached the Holy Church above the Chaotang, and they should compete with Qin for their beliefs!

In short, in the power of propaganda, the power of public opinion, there is no organization that can compare with the Holy Church ...

The sacred religion, the people's wishes, and Qin's help.

The Six Kingdoms are getting nervous ...

More than ten days later.

The armed forces of the six countries were frequently mobilized, and the border was not tense for a moment.

Huge amounts of military supplies are transported from various places to the border. The army expanded and expanded again and again, and a large number of people were recruited into the army, guarding the border with fear that Qin would suddenly be in trouble.

Countries are ready for World War I.

Ready to fight against Qin at any time.

Once they lost, they were completely over. However, there was suspicion between the six countries, and no one would attack Qin first, so they spent so much, guarding their own homes. Once Qin Guo attacked, they immediately united ...


A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

three years have past…

The Qin Kingdom and the Holy Church who made such a big move have almost no news, and they are still developing the believers and the economy steadily.

The army did not move. There is no expansion or reduction.

Moreover, Qin Guo turned a blind eye to the mobilization of some troops in the Six Kingdoms, and did not seem to mind at all.

Mingming and the sacred religion united. Mingming ’s ambitions were clear. Mingming had the power to overthrow the Six Kingdoms, but Qin Guo had no action at all, and he was dedicated to development ...

The Six Kingdoms were completely stunned ...

"—— Grandma, is this teasing me? Is it true that Yingzheng has really been brainwashed by the holy church and started to pursue peace? The holy church ... is really just preaching? You Aiqing, you said, this is Why? "

"With such a big deal, they are done !?"

In the hall of Qi State, the monarch asked with a confused look.

The same is true for the rest of the monarchs of various countries, and it is impossible to know exactly what the Qin Kingdom and the Holy Church are planning. Qin Guo is so calm, so strange ...

It is not only the kings of all countries who are equally puzzled. Mo School, Confucianism, and so on, many people thought that Chu Tian was about to join forces with Yingzheng to make some earth-shattering events. Who knows, it was so silent.


In this way, the time is long, blinking has been years.

Chu Tian has controlled Qin Wang Yingzheng for five years.

Daqin and the Holy Church, all developed under Chu Tian ’s plan and flourished. Five years have changed a lot. Despite the choppy waves in the dark, on the bright side, all countries get along peacefully. Especially Qin State, actually did not wage a half-time war.

Everything in Qin State is gradually leaning from the king to the leader.

People's concepts have gradually been changed, and the "biggest king" in the hearts of the people has gradually transitioned to the "biggest leader".

As well as the military, the official system, business, etc., everything forms a regular bond. Everything is developing with Chutian as the center. The development of the empire is centered on the Holy Church and Chutian ...

The people chatting after tea and dinner are all about how great the holy church master is. The goal is to join the holy church and become an orthodox believer in the future ...

Everything is walking in accordance with Chu Tian's script, only 5 years, and Chu Tian's life is only a blink of an eye. Used to arrange a perfect game, cost-effective ...

early morning.

The sun rises from the east of Xianyang Palace, and the dazzling light coats the palace with a layer of gold, dazzling, noble and gorgeous. The golden light even went straight to the sky, with a kind of holy atmosphere.

This is the seat of the bishop.

The brilliance of the sacred religion illuminates the world.

The floor is made of pure gold, and the walls are hung with pearls as big as a bucket, and the light emitted by the night pearls at night illuminates the palace as bright as day.

Chu Tian is the most honorable person and the most powerful person in Daqin. This is an indisputable fact ...

A famous bodyguard is closely guarding the periphery of the palace. Even if the sun shines on their eyes, everyone has serious eyes, blinks and noble faces.

It is a great honor for them to be able to guard the leader of the Holy Church.

Da da da--

Da da da--

Footsteps hurriedly, a clear-faced man came to the door of Xianyang Palace and nodded with several guards. Immediately, his face was respectful, and he bent over to the distant palace.

Obviously far apart, but the man still bowed respectfully, as if the other person was in front of him. He even spoke to such a distant palace. It seems that the other party can hear the other person's own voice: "The priest of the Holy Church, Xianfu Yongxiang, the birthday and the heavens! Chen, Li Si, see the leader!"

The palace in the distance was silent for a long time, and then Chu Tian's slightly lazy voice came: "What's the matter?"

Obviously so distant, so low voice, but it seems to ring in Li Si's ear.

Li Si looked serious and saluted:

"Qi Yu, the leader, Li Si dare not disturb the leader. I can't make a decision about the seven dragons in Canglong, so I ask the leader."

"…come in."


The guards gave way.

Li Si hurriedly walked towards the hall.

In the tall Xianyang Palace, just after entering, Li Si's heart swelled in the worship of the leader ...

Xianyang Palace, the administrative center of the Holy Church.

Afang Palace, where the leader lives.

These are the two most noble buildings among the sacred religions, especially the latter, which almost become the symbol of the sacred religion ...


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