Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 69: Hundred Steps Flying Sword (3/6)

"It's too weak. Thanks to him, he still prides himself on being light and strong, and he can't even hide a random sword. It's boring."

Chu Tian glanced at Bai Feng with no interest.

Even the moment when Feng Feng pierced his sword in Chu Tian's hand, he died before he could react. Even the people with light merits at the top of the world still can't struggle in Chu Tian's hands.

Chu Tian walked slowly towards the crowd in front.

The atmosphere in the crowd is getting more and more depressed.

In the palm of the hand, small swords were suspended, rotating, and the bright light shone like a star. No one knows whether the sword qi in Chu Tian's hands will shoot out again, and whether he is the next one to die. Everyone present was holding their breath and dared not move ...

Even Wei Zhuang.

That small sword spirit gave Wei Zhuang an extremely horrible and dangerous feeling!

Before you are sure, you can't move!

Chu Tian walked out of the distance of more than ten meters and walked in front of Zi Nu.

Purple girl.

Member of the quicksand, founder.

Quicksand was founded by Zi Nu and Wei Zhuang together. The identity of Zi Nu has always been a mystery in "Qin Shi Ming Yue". Even now, Chu Tian does not know her very well.

Her beautiful hair fluttered, and her delicate face had a heroic gesture that her daughter didn't have.

The figure is uneven, because of martial arts, maintaining a strong toughness and perfect arc is also a great beauty.

"It would be more beautiful if I removed all the paint on my face." Chu Tianju looked down at Zi Nu and said lightly.

"To kill and to stab, to listen to respect!"

Zi Nu pursed her lips, stubborn and disdainful.

The body has almost collapsed, painful. Even if Chu Tian didn't attack her, but encountered Chu Tian's internal power explosion, Zi Nu's own tricks also rebounded to herself with her.

Under the double damage, the current Purple Lady can't even do simple movements.

The person in front of me is stronger than anyone I've seen, Zi Nu has given up her struggle ...

Chu Tian shook his head and stared at Zi Nu's eyes, his sharp eyes seemed to see through Zi Nu's entire person. Word by word, Chu Tian slowly said: "You are a member of the Yin-Yang family. I just saw the move clearly. But since you are a person of the Yin-Yang family, why did you take this seat?"

Everyone knows that the Yin-Yang family is now surrendering to the Holy Church.

If Zi Nu is a member of the Yin Yang family, it is impossible to shoot Chu Tian. Chu Tian couldn't figure it out, so he asked. Moreover, no matter how to say it is also a beautiful woman, Chu Tian still rarely do things to destroy flowers ...

Zi Nu looked up and met Chu Tian's eyes.

"I am Korean."

Zi Nu said one by one.

Stubborn and unyielding.

For the sake of his life, he said that he was a member of the Yin-Yang family, and Zi Zi could not do it.

"I understand."

Is this someone who wants to change the destiny of the country?

Speaking of such a woman, I haven't seen it for a long time. Throughout history, there can be this kind of mind, not to mention women, even men, there are few people.

Moreover, Zi Nu's strength is indeed good, talent is also very high. If Luna and Da Siming had their own teachings, I am afraid that their strength is similar to that of Zi Nu.

It is also a talent and a beauty. At the same time, Chu Tian is also optimistic, and it is a pity to kill. Chu Tian weighed for a while, and said again: "So, how about this? Join the Yin-Yang family and play for this seat. Within three years, this seat will return you to a peaceful and prosperous country with no smoke and war.-Don't rush to answer , Think carefully, there is only one chance. I think you are a smart person, know what I mean. "


"If you can't do this, no one in this world can do it. I don't need to lie to you. Give me an answer within ten breaths."

The purple girl's heart was choppy.

What Chu Tian said, no doubt hit the vital point of Zi Nu!

She left Yin and Yang's house, established a net, and moved around in secret. What was the purpose?

Although Wei Zhuang is very strong, it is still much worse than Chu Tian! The power of Chutian can undoubtedly transform South Korea and build a new country!

Isn't that what she is struggling with?

Zi Nu, almost without any hesitation, endured the severe pain, and knelt slowly towards Chu Tian: "Zi Nu, see the leader."

Chu Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Glancing at the moon **** in the distance, he showed his gestures.

Luna's figure flashed and came to Zi Nu's side and lifted Zi Nu. The two women looked at each other for a while, then nodded quite tacitly. Obviously, they knew each other before.

Luna took the purple girl to the side, and Chu Tian continued to walk around here, looking at everyone present.

The pressure of death enveloped everyone again ...

"Want to live?"

Chu Tian looked at everyone and suddenly asked faintly.

The sharp sword energy jumped between palms, exuding the breath of death.

With the precedent of Zi Nu, coupled with Chu Tian's coercion, these people may have been shaken. After several swordsmen took a deep breath, they nodded silently.

"Subordinate, willing to follow the leader!"

"Subordinates are willing to join the Holy Church!"

"The leader, the leader pudu sentient beings, his subordinates are willing!"


Chu Tian smiled, as if playing tricks.

Raised his hand high, the small sword in the palm, like a ray of light, scattered around, one by one, blasted towards the crowd densely!

Puff puff!

Puff puff!

One by one, he was continuously pierced through the chest, without the slightest resistance. Even Wei Zhuang, but barely escaped the vital point, shoulders, thighs, one after another, leaving many unknown scars! Chu Tian's intensive attacks are simply unstoppable!

Everyone widened their eyes in amazement and looked at Chu Tian, ​​they felt incredible. Chu Tian just meant, don't you want them allegiance?

Why kill again! ?

Chu Tian shook his head and looked at everyone like a monkey:

"Want to live? There is no way. I have as many things as you want. Why should I let you go? Give you a few colors, and you really are great! Those who dare to kidnap me do n’t look at them. A few heads! "

While speaking, Chu Tian kicked out at will.

A stone underneath blazed like a meteor, sparking sparks.

Because the speed is too fast, after rubbing with the air, it turned into a fireball, and while flying, it issued a long and crisp cry!

Shizi approached Wei Zhuang at an unimaginable speed!

In the next second, it seems that Wei Zhuang will be smashed into pieces!


An intense light appeared simultaneously from a hundred meters away.

This is a long sword, a sharp, shiny long sword. In the wind and sand, it shoots at a very fast speed and turns into a brilliant light.

clang! ! ! !

At the moment when Chu Tian's stone was about to penetrate Wei Zhuang, the long sword arrived in time. The sword and the stone struck violently together and gave a loud roar!

Boom! ! !

Long sword burst!

Chu Tian's power is unimaginable. After the stone shattered his long sword, he moved on. However, due to the collision with the long sword, the angle was slightly deflected.

The stone with a little bit of orbit, "Bang", pierced Wei Zhuang's shoulder with a bang, exploding a large piece of blood ...

The man who was a hundred meters away was finally relieved nervously ...


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