Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 75: If it doesn't work, it's hard (4)

The necklace worn by Xiao Li is the tears of the goddess.

Originally it was a decoration symbolizing Xiao Li's identity, but I did not expect it to be regarded as Chiyou by everyone.

What can Chu Tian say about this? If it can be explained, Xiao Li in the original book has already explained it. It seems that there must be another fight, and still rely on fists to speak.

"I really came with sincerity, and I want to settle it peacefully, high priest. This is because you don't mean enough. You can't blame me."

Chu Tian said helplessly.

Chu Tian is telling the truth, he really wants to resolve it peacefully. If you can lie to the past, then lie to the past. Fighting with these small shrimps, Chu Tian has no sense of superiority at all. ——Whoever stepped on the ant stepped on a sense of superiority? joke!

But the current situation seems to be not allowed, Chu Tian is very headache ...

The big sacrifice on the opposite side quickly backed away, and the guards on both sides kept on rising. The high priest's white jade arms were raised high, and the dark blue eyes were cold and solemn: "At this time, I still want to deceive us! Why aren't people from the Chiyou family wearing that thing? Go! Take them down for me! They are The people of the Chiyou family came for the demon **** of war, and one cannot let go! "

哗哗 哗 ——

哗哗 哗 ——

The guards in all directions kept coming up.

This is Loulan's most sacred place, and there are really many guards. Hundreds came at once. Intimately, Chu Tian surrounded everyone.

Wearing armor, their vital points were covered, and the weapons held by the guards were also very sophisticated. Loulan's peaceful development for so many years is quite good, and the weapons are very well-made.

Chiyou people.

Hearing this message, everyone was even more angry. The grievance between Loulan and the Chiyou people is unquestionable. Even after so many years have passed, the stories here have been passed down from generation to generation, the people here still have extremely strong hostility towards the Chiyou family.


A bodyguard first stabbed Chu Tian too long. Gun!

More than a dozen guards followed, and followed closely. Everyone's eyes were red. For this liar and the Chiyou people who blasphemed the goddess, I wish I could kill them before I was happy!

However, Chu Tian was too lazy to move. Although these people were very aggressive, they were actually weak. In areas where there is no war, their combat capabilities are terrible. Thousands of years of ease, is it okay for them to engage in development and fight? Far from it.

He glanced towards Chi Lian, who then twisted his slender waist and walked out.

White water, tender jade hands, lightly pressed on the waist, Chi Lian suddenly smiled charmingly, the soldiers on all sides seemed to have received a strong impact, and all of them were dull for a moment!

This is a mental attack!

Spiritual attack is what Jade Jade is good at. After all, Jade Jade's weapon is Xiao. The relationship between Chilian and Nongyu is good, and some of the methods in this area have also been discussed. Use it, barely okay.

In a moment of Chi Lian, the jade hand was already placed at the waist.

It was a long and beautiful belt.

It is also a fierce and sharp soft sword!

Sword name, Chilian!

"Sir Chutian, you are not close to you." Chi Lian's tone is still charming and charming. Not much movement, the jade hand flicked gently, and the soft sword at the waist suddenly pulled out and danced in the air.

call! ! !

A hurried wind swept across, and Chilian's chain sword flew up like a flexible snake, encircling Chu Tian and others. The gleaming light was shining and beautiful; and the little blood-red color in the center of the chain sword was full of **** and dangerous atmosphere.

In this way, Chain Sword formed a halo, slowly swinging from the inside out. While swinging and dancing, all the people could not get close to Chu Tian.


The Chain Sword was finally spinning, expanding its range. The ten or so closest soldiers were all swept by the sharp sword in an instant. The sharp edge of the sharp sword swept across, and a stream of red blood spattered into the sky. One wave, two waves, three waves, Chilian's attack is almost indistinguishable to everyone.

The internal force attached to the soft sword also shook out in an instant, and a large number of soldiers rushed back out one by one. After the soft sword swept through a circle, it continued to expand outward.


The second lap!

More than 20 people spewed blood again, where the soft sword swept, cut gold and broken jade, no matter what weapon or armor is invalid! More than twenty people flew out in an instant with serious injuries and lost their fighting power in an instant!

However, Chi Lian's movements are not over yet.

The jade hand shook again.

The aperture formed by the chain sword expands again and spreads outward!

Third lap!

More than fifty people flew out directly!

Fourth lap!

More than eighty people flew out!

Fifth lap!

One hundred people!

Boom! ! ! ! !

The last sword light flashed through the air. After the huge arc of light that almost enveloped half of the hall, all the guards in the whole hall had been hit by the red training. Either the person is unconscious or wailing. Hundreds of bodyguards all lost their fighting power.

Everything happened just for a moment. To outsiders, Chi Lian just waved the chain sword and danced an aperture, and then they flew out and were seriously injured ...

The whole hall, with only one high priest left, stood opposite in fear ...

"Really, what a beautiful scene. Master, do you say that?"

Chi Lianjiao. Mei's voice came out, and he touched the **** chain sword, and his reddish face appeared more enchanting and charming.

The blood on the ground spread, and it had blossomed into a bright flower, red and bright. Chi Lian seemed to deliberately create such an artistic scene while killing the enemy. The blossoming blood flowers gave Chi Lian a faint excitement.

At that time, it was on such a blood-red night that the adult saved her ...

Since then, I have always hated the **** red training, and I like this bright red beauty ...

"Very good, one-piece work." Chu Tian commented, "However, the topic of art will be discussed later. There are more important things to do now."

"What is the adult saying?"

Immediately, everyone looked at the Loulan high priest opposite ...

The high priest was pale, and the blue eyes were full of fear and anxiety ...

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