Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 89: Arriving at the front line (1)

The tearful Jing Ke was completely fooled by Chu Tian.

Chu Tian also pretended to be handsome, with a depressed face, and a bit of concern. Slapping Jing Ke's shoulder comforted, comforted for a long time.

Knowing that Jing Ke's emotions have gradually stabilized, Chu Tiancai said in a deep tone: "You have this kind of heart, and you are very happy to be a teacher. These Mo family members, you will have to clean up for the teacher sooner or later. The teacher does not object to your revenge, and even encourages you to take revenge. My Chu Tian ’s apprentice, since he suffered a loss, is there any reason to swallow it? Get it back, use your sword to get a fair one! You, my Chutian's disciple, Jing Ke, it's not that they can play around wantonly! "


Jing Ke burst into tears again!

Master didn't blame him, but encouraged him to take revenge for his own sake. It was a shame! ! Before him, he actually misunderstood Master!

It ’s a blessing to have such a master!

Chu Tian stretched his hand a little, Jing Ke ’s internal injury was almost healed, leaving only a little trauma, Chu Tian said: "Your trauma, you have a good memory, do n’t be so simple in the future, be a man. Yes, revenge is important, but everything is still about your own safety. If nothing can be done, do n’t force it. The Mo family deceived my apprentices. Do they think they can live long? "

"Master ... Father ..."

Jing Ke wept silently.

At this time, Jing Ke really wanted to kill himself in front of Chu Tian if he still had the wish to avenge the Mo family. Master took him this way, he was simply ... what a pig or a dog!

In the distance, a broken voice came.

Chu Tian has already captured Jing Ke's "Sunflower Sword" and handed it to Jing Ke, saying:

"Go, use the sunflower sword created by their Mojia to kill his Mojia people."

"Yes! Master!"

Jing Ke said vowedly.

At this moment, Jing Ke even wanted to kill the Mohists immediately!

His master did not capture the soldier demon god! Did not do anything bad! Still his master! I will not let you go, Mo people!

Jing Ke walked a few steps and seemed to remember something again. I have been separated from Master for many years. How can I leave so quickly? Thinking of this, Jing Ke turned back again: "... Master, Tu'er, Tu'er would like to stay with you for a few days, Tu'er hasn't seen you for a long time, and Li Ji hasn't seen you for many years, Tu'er wants to stay Days again— "

Chu Tian slapped a volley!

A huge blast of air exploded and quickly rushed Jing Ke away. Jing Ke didn't have time to respond, and suddenly the man turned back and flew out for more than ten meters. Rolled on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.

Chu Tian opened his mouth and sprayed a spit on Jing Ke's side, arousing the dust, and splashed Jing Ke's face into black and black! After Chu Tian beat Jing Ke, he said eloquently: "Fuck! Boys are aspiring in the Quartet, how can they stick to the feelings of these masters and disciples, brothers and sisters? Now that the flames are coming up today, it is not when you are hesitant. Go! Take your sword and do what you should do! How can my Chutian apprentice be an incompetent! "

Jing Ke's face was red and red.

Chu Tian slapped, but Jing Ke felt warm in his heart.

Master really takes care of him like an elder.

Jing Ke is an orphan. Since childhood, no one has hurt or loved. Chu Tian ’s teaching is just like the elders. This slap is hot on his face, but Jing Ke ’s heart is not angry at all. This is clearly-Master's earnest expectation of him! !

He must not let Master down!

People who killed the Mo family!

Holding the sunflower sword tightly, Jing Ke didn't turn his head back and walked forward quickly ...


Above the desert, Chu Tian looked at Jing Ke's distant figure and smiled.

If you dare to fight against yourself, you have to make the worst preparations. A brave little guy, Chu Tian didn't even think about it.

There are other people who are against themselves, grandma, one by one, don't want to run! Chu Tian is now thinking about how to pass the time.

The whole person is perhaps the most pleasant way ...

The figure slowly faded and faded, and Chu Tian disappeared into the desert again. The wagon in the distance was running fast, with laughter and laughter ...

"Chi Lian, come and dance!"


More than ten days later.

The weather is clear and the breeze is warm.

Qin State border ushered in a rare good weather, at the same time, also ushered in the most amazing news of the past few months: the holy church leader Sheng Jia visited!

The holy driver came in person, and the leader also entered the barracks to investigate!

What a glory!

Chu Tian walked out of the carriage, carrying Li Ji and Chi Lian, who was the highest, around him, and went to the Qin Army Camp.

The soldiers saw Chu Tian from a distance and began to shout, roaring, one by one, abnormally excited. When the sound is loud, you can hear it hundreds of miles away. A spacious avenue unfolded in front of Chu Tian.

The entire Qin army barracks entered the most excited state! Everyone is excited!

"See the leader!"

"See Holy Envoy!"

"Long live, long live, long live!"

"Godfather Xianfu enjoys forever, life and heaven!"

"Roar roar roar, Master Lord immortal!"

"% ...... & ¥% ¥%"


The heat wave was so big that Li Ji and Chi Lian were a little bit uncomfortable. Nearly a million soldiers screamed, and the two women saw it for the first time, their eyes filled with surprise.

But Chu Tian, ​​even the scenes of hundreds of millions of people have screamed, this scene is nothing.

Chu Tian and the two women nodded and walked toward the center of the military camp ahead. From time to time, he reached out and greeted the soldiers in the distance with several symbolic greetings.

In the front, the old general Wang Jian, the youth Meng Tian, ​​as well as some other generals and counselors, including public revenge, Gainie, have been waiting for Chu Tian early.

The look is respectful, even with an ecstasy that is hard to conceal!

What does it mean for the leader to come in person? No one knows better than them! There is no suspense in this war!

"Report on the situation here, let's go in and talk about it again." Chu Tian opened the camp and entered with the two women first, followed by a group of generals and counselors.

"Congratulations to the leader!"

"Six nations seem to be coalition? Is Zhang Liang motivated?"

"Return to the leader, it is!"

"Well, it was barely a personal thing, but unfortunately it was too young ..."



Cough, I'm over-excited today. I'm too late to update. I was originally going to read a literary novel to improve my literacy ... the result ... a chance encounter ... a great uncle.

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