Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 96: The biggest accident (2)

The flying dust almost covered the large ground in front, and groups of beasts kept approaching and approaching. From the mountains, from the rear of the coalition forces of the Six Nations, sprinted quickly.

Getting closer and closer!

The momentum is getting louder.

At such a long distance, the sound of the white tiger's roar was interlaced and mixed. It came from behind the army of the six countries, echoing the blue dragon in the sky. In any case, the scale of this war is rare.

Every organ, the White Tiger, if placed in the army, can be used as a vanguard in charge. Hundreds of heads of white tigers are invincible! If they rushed into the army of Qin army, they would be destroyed in a blink of an eye!

Zhang Liang couldn't figure it out, what exactly was Chu Tian's formation for? Just for the sniper attack of the front row?

At the moment, Chu Tian's mischief and pretentious composure made Zhang Liang uncomfortable. Zhang Liang, who has always been exhausted, does not like the feeling of being led by others.

Once again, Zhang Liang said:

"It's useless to get mysterious. The army of white tigers, except the soldiers and demon gods, is unstoppable. The sacred leader, maybe you catch me now, is the only chance to defeat."

"You are afraid." Chu Tian said suddenly.

"..." Zhang Liang's face suddenly froze.

"You are afraid of accidents again. As you can see, I am very calm and confident. I am convinced that I won this game. Although you are calm on the surface and pretend to be the same, but the internal force flow in your body is very urgent. Promote, is to suppress your anxiety. Zhang Liang boy, you are really not like this, too sincere. "

Chu Tian shook his head, the elders generally taught.

Chu Tian ’s self-confidence is true self-confidence. Zhang Liang felt this.

It was precisely because of this confidence that Zhang Liang felt calm and uneasy. Although I have analyzed it theoretically, this battle will win. But Chu Tian ’s calmness made Zhang Liang worry ...

By the words of Chu Tian, ​​Zhang Liang's complexion became even more pale.

It's completely downwind.

Why, even when talking or playing chess, they are all suppressed. But this war has indeed won!

"No matter how sharp your mouth is, it doesn't matter. Unless, you have a soldier demon!"

Zhang Liang's eyes stared at Chu Tian.

What about that long-range weapon?

What about Jing Ke's accident?

After all, the general trend is still in your hands! Chu Tian can't win without a demon **** of war! Zhang Liangru thought of ...

"Isn't it the soldier demon god?" Chu Tian asked.

"Unfortunately you didn't."

"Who knows."

"The spies haven't been able to find the news, how could it be—"

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The loud sound obliterated Zhang Liang's words, and the movement was more than any previous one!

Neither the Qinglong of the organization nor the White Tiger of the organization, all of them have no such momentum! Even, it is not a level at all!

The earth shook, the mountains wobbled, and even the clouds in the sky retreated. A repressive, thick, **** atmosphere spread throughout the battlefield!

Zhang Liang's feelings that had just calmed down again were chaotic!

I thought I was going to win. Who knows, there was an accident again! The shock, panic, and doubt in today's day surpassed the sum of Zhang Liang's past! Zhang Liang couldn't wait to turn around and take a look!


Zhang Liang looked at the battlefield behind.

That is a huge person.

A huge giant is so big that it is simply unimaginable and difficult to summarize in words. Under the illumination of the sun, it reflects the metallic luster.

The giant is even larger than Zhang Liang's imagination. Even the strongest organ beast of the Mohists, the organ blue dragon, and the demon **** of war are placed together.

The absolute advantage in size has already demonstrated its huge destructive power. And the kind of strong breath of killing and killing is unmatched by the green dragon and the white tiger. This is not any illusion, rendering, it is indeed true, only after the slaughter of millions of souls, can you have the rich blood of the evil spirit!

"This ... this is ... Bing Mo Shen ... how, how is it possible, how is ... how suddenly appeared on the battlefield, no, it is impossible, even if you got the Bing Mo Shen, it is impossible ... how could ..."

Zhang Liang murmured at the soldier demon **** in the distance.

His eyes were dull.

Such a soldier demon god.

If everything goes according to plan, two green dragons, hundreds of white tigers, and a huge pit prepared earlier, etc., a series of attack methods, even including entering inside to seize control, etc., under Zhang Liang ’s calculation, It won't be a problem to win the soldier demon ...

But now, the demon **** of war suddenly appeared, ghost and charm! The soldier demon **** that emerged so suddenly, even in the best condition to deal with, is too late! Zhang Liang could n’t imagine how Chu Tian did it all, how did the war demon **** appear, what happened exactly ...

Booming ——————

A laser blasted from the mouth of the soldier demon god!

The strong laser sweeps through, almost unstoppable!

Mountain ranges have exploded in succession, huge deep trenches are terrible, and they are connected between the mountains. The rolling mountains are actually vulnerable, and dozens of seats have been destroyed in the blink of an eye! On the huge mountain range, the rocks rolled down one after another, and the huge rocks killed some of the six-nation coalition forces in the forest.

The mountains are like this, and the human flesh and blood are irresistible.

The warrior's head turned slightly.

Boom Boom Boom ————

The laser fired around and entered the crowd of six-nation coalition forces.

The flesh and blood flew, and the screams on the battlefield didn't know how many times it increased in an instant. Under the attack of terror, nearly a thousand people were killed and wounded in a blink of an eye. No matter how powerful the generals are, they cannot survive under such power! No matter how fast it is, it can't escape this kind of attack!

The power of the warrior demon cannot be compared with Qinglong and Baihu!

A world apart!

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