Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 98: The final fight one (4)


After a long time, the last loud noise burst on the battlefield, and all the people of the Six Kingdoms mentioned their throats in their hearts.

The huge white tiger, which is obviously several times larger than the rest of the white tigers, still has no resistance at all under the Chiyou sword of the demon **** ...

The huge body burst with a bang, the debris iron flew everywhere, and the last white tiger was cut by Chi Youjian from the center, straight and split in two, and completely fragmented. Above the battlefield, there are no more weapons that can stop the soldiers and demon gods ...

The destruction of the White Tiger completely declared the failure of the Six Kingdoms ...

In the battlefield, trance tragedies roar ...

boom! ! !

Boom! !

boom! ! !


Various attacks erupted from the body of the warrior demon without the obstruction of the white tiger, and the fighting power of the warrior demon was completely liberated. Various forms of attack are simply not something that the flesh and blood can resist. How can Chiyou be a **** soldier in the world!

The landslides were cracking, the fire was everywhere, howling ... the soldiers and demon gods could easily take the lives of countless people with one punch and one foot, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

In the sky, the organ blue dragon roared. Jing Ke, who was deceived by Chu Tian and turned dizzy, was carrying out a mad attack on the Allied Forces of the Six Kingdoms with the thought of "washing out the shame of Master who made the wrong mistake"!

And, in a remote place.

The imitations of hundreds of soldiers and demon gods are only a quarter of the height of the soldiers and demon gods, and they are not as destructive, but they are still not to be underestimated. They are coming here quickly. It's a little more difficult to make an ontology soldier demon god, but it's easy to create some pretty good imitations in a short time. For the losers with Chu Tian's huge support, it is still very simple ...

At present, the coalition forces of the six countries, under such offensives, let alone win, can't even retreat ...


Chu Tian laid down his son again.

The center where the million troops confronted each other, and the six-nation coalition and the Qin army confronted each other. It is still empty here, no one is close to it within ten meters, no one dares to disturb. Chu Tian and Zhang Liang sat down and played against each other, and the game was finally over.

There are no more white pieces on the chessboard at this moment, only black pieces.

All the white sons were eaten clean, but the black sons did not lose at all, winning thoroughly and beautifully. Zhang Liang, who is very good at Weiqi, and even Xunzi are far from opponents, but lost so tragically in Chu Tian's hands. Zhang Liang looked pale, and he couldn't believe it ...

"you lose."

Chu Tian looked at this game of chess and said with a meaning.


Everything is under Chutian's control.

On the battlefield in the distance, all Zhang Liang's means were used up, but Chu Tian's means had just begun. With endless strategies, the Six-Power Allied Forces have been beaten, and there is no hope at all.

"Everything is as good as I expected. It's all good. Resourcefulness, force, mentality, playing chess, you are far away in any way. Want to win me? Still tender, but forgivable No need to blame yourself, who will let your opponent be me. "

Chu Tian said narcissistically, striking mercilessly.

In terms of force, no one in this world has his own eyes. Intellectually, no one can beat Chu Tian!

When the Taoist law reaches a certain intensity, it is no longer a force, especially Chu Tian's cultivation method, but it is a by-pass, all-inclusive, and strong in all aspects! Omnipotent strong!

Zhang Liang, you won't lose!

Behind Chu Tian, ​​Chi Lian smiled delicately, Liu Yao was posing like a beautiful snake, and the chest wave rolled. Chu Tian's victory, Chi Lian's heart is also extremely proud.

This is Master Chu Tian, ​​Master Chu Tian who can do everything ...

Although Li Ji didn't show much performance, she seemed to anticipate these, but the corners of her mouth were raised with a touch of curvature. She looked at Chu Tian with respect and tenderness ...

"You won, you can laugh at me. But you won me, but lost the world."

Zhang Liang was still struggling in the end, suppressing the desolation in his heart, and slowly said, "The death of 2 million troops is not a small sum. It seems that your holy church leader wants to save all sentient beings. After standing, it will be the time when your credibility is the lowest and the believers are the most irritable. The Six Kingdoms will not let this opportunity pass. "

Chu Tian snorted.

2 million coalition forces, nearly 500,000 dead at this time, what other waves can be turned?

Chu Tian shook his head with a disapproving expression and said, "Mr. Zhang Liang, you have made a mistake again. Other than that, the most basic thing is that this war was not launched by me. It was Yingzheng, Qinwangyingzheng. . "

"I am Chutian, the leader of the Holy Church, who has always loved the people like a child, how could he start a war? I am a good person! I start a war? Do you laugh?"

Zhang Liang frowned.


Actually, it was all pushed to Yingzheng ...

Zhang Liang seems to understand why Ying Zheng is still the master of Qin Kingdom.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. It is a simple matter. Zhang Liang had speculated long ago that between Chu Tian and Yingzheng, one person must control the other. Moreover, it is likely that Chu Tian controlled Yingzheng. After all, Chutian ’s ability was too strong, and Yingzheng could n’t control it at all ...

But, what is the purpose of Chu Tian to do this? Zhang Liang has never figured out ...

Now Zhang Liang guessed about it, Jiucheng is sure ...

In my heart, I also admire more and more.

"Good plan, you will always be the leader of the holy religion. You wage war, pick up the bargain, and win the infamy for you. Ha ha, the holy religion is still as wise as ever."

Chu Tian smiled and said: "The benefits are more than that, you will understand in the future ... if there are, then."

Zhang Liang was silent for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Liang raised his head again, and his eyes were determined!

In this war, they lost. But in this decisive battle, he has not lost! The long sword at Zhang Liang's waist suddenly made a cry of Qingyue, his eyes sharp and sharp: "... I have no future, I don't know. However, you must be gone!"



The next update is at 18 o'clock. After the code 4 is over, I will take a break. I got up early today.

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