Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 105: Back to Xianyang (1)

The formation gradually disappeared, and the sound transmission was finished, but the voice of Nong Yu seemed to echo in his ears.

Ethereal, beautiful, wonderful, beautiful.

Not only the beauty of timbre, the beauty of frequency, but also a deeper meaning that seems to wash people's hearts.

Like a beautiful piece of music, slowly playing ...

Although it's a matter of Shao Mingming, Chu Tian's mind now appears, but it has a jade-like light and graceful figure, full of charm and temperament. With the improvement of the cultivation base, not only the temperament is more fascinating. People, even the figure, should be better, Chu Tian secretly said ...

The original Lori project was really successful ...

Not only was Chu Tian pondering, but the girls were also attracted by this ethereal and beautiful connotation and tasted carefully. The whole hall fell into a quiet silence ...

Sitting on the stool and thinking for a while, after about ten breaths, Chu Tian opened his eyes and seemed to decide what.

"Meng Tian."

Chu Tian suddenly said.

The voice was flat and dull, and had been flying for dozens of miles.

Meng Tian in the distant military camp suddenly heard Chu Tian's words and immediately knelt down. Respectfully and respectfully, with undisguised worship.

The leader told thousands of miles that it was not the first time for Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian was not surprised.

"Godfather Xianfu enjoys forever, life and heaven!"

Chu Tian, ​​sitting in the palace, easily heard Meng Tian's words thousands of miles away. Chu Tian said slowly: "You don't have to pay more courtesies. In these two days, I will return to Xianyang to do something. The attack on Zhao Guo will be left to you and Wang Jian to take full responsibility. You can carry out all military and material dispatches. This kind of life-and-death event can be chopped up afterwards, and this seat will not be held accountable. The only requirement is ... to win Zhao Guo within 3 months. "

Meng Tian heard this, and he was very excited!

The leader has too much trust in him, and all these things can be taught to him. As a military commander, it is unprecedented to be able to get such a great deal of control and thoroughly master the transfer of soldiers and horses and materials!

Meng Tian knocked her head deeply and shouted crimsonly:

"At the end will guarantee the completion of the mission !!!"

"Okay, that's the kind of strength, so I'm relieved. The power of the Six Nations is almost disintegrated, and it's not difficult to think about it. If you really encounter a crisis, you can crush the messenger of this seat. Everything is up to you. decision."

Meng Tian nodded conscientiously, and then asked again: "Master Qiqi. Then ... Will my holy religion plan in Yan State still proceed as usual?"

"Yan Kingdom Project ..." Chu Tian narrowed his eyes.

The Yan Kingdom plan was for the Mohists.

The giant Yan Yan is in Yan, and the Mohist power of Yan is still very strong. Although the Mo family were killed by Jing Ke because of Chu Tian's pitfalls. However, this tone is not so simple. Do not engage in good learning, this time actually blended into the world hegemony!

Do not give a lesson, not Chu Tian's character!

After a moment of contemplation, Chu Tian's mouth suddenly opened a faint smile. Every time someone is unlucky, Chu Tian will laugh like this ...

"Yan's plan, all cancelled. The Mojia's hand stretched out too long, and I will go to this place in person afterwards ..."

"Yes! Master!"

Meng Tian knocked again.

There is no accident when the leader comes out.

I just do n’t know how the leader will deal with the Mohist ...

I'm afraid Meng Tian wouldn't even think of dying. What kind of unruly means will the great and wise and holy Catholic leader revenge ...

After the order was completed, Chu Tian continued to play with several girls.

"Mr. Master, do you want to go back and see the female disciple?" Xiao Li asked softly, a little bit reluctant.

"I'll go again in a few days. Besides, I will go over things that aren't instantaneous. I will come every day. Xiao Li doesn't need to think about me ~" Chu Tian said with a smile.

"Sir, it's your turn!" Chi Lianjiao smiled and played a pair of 2 ...

Chu Tian blows up!

Li Ji continues to fry ...

A boring game, playing until the day of Xibo Xishan, the laughter of all the women has been endless. In Chu Tian ’s temple, in addition to being lascivious, occasionally quite innocent ...

Three days later, Chu Tian said goodbye to the women and set off for Xianyang.

Young Master, but the big beauty in the original book, how can Chu Tian let it go? When the Moon God and Da Siming appeared, Chu Tian had been looking forward to Shao Siming, and now he finally expected it. Not even happy to play in the war, Chu Tian came directly to find Young Commander ...

Chu Tian, ​​a teleportation, appeared in the headquarters of Yinyang Family in Xianyang.

The Yinyang Family Headquarters was set up in the Xianyang City. Although it is relatively remote, it is not isolated from the world, but it is strictly guarded.

The Yin-Yang family began to appear brightly since they were subject to the Holy Church. On the streets of Xianyang City, there are even wonderful institutions like "Yinyang Family Recruitment Office". The scale of the Yin Yang family is more than double that of the original. After all, within the first few years of the establishment of the Holy Church, Chu Tian rarely cultivated the force of the Holy Church for the image of the Holy Church. Yin and Yang family, naturally helped a little ...

On the huge building, the words "Yinyang Mountain Villa" are vivid. The former Yinyang headquarters has been transformed to be more magnificent ...

Chu Tian walked in slowly. After seeing the disciples of the Yin and Yang family, he immediately kneeled down respectfully ...

"See the leader!"

"The leader is longevity!"

"Long live, long live, long live!"


The people of the Yin Yang family are also the people of the Holy Church.

After all, the operation, consumption, and all aspects of the Yin-Yang family are sheltered by the Holy Church. Everyone in the Yin Yang family knows it. The leader of the Holy Church is the real master of the Yin-Yang family ...

Not long after Chu Tian came to the Yin-Yang family, the disciples reported to each other. In the blink of an eye, several leaders who stayed at the Yin-Yang family came to see Chu Tian one after another ...

The first person rushed to was a child, who looked like he was only twelve or three years old. The face was covered with dark lines, and there was an evil spirit and gloom. However, after seeing Chu Tian, ​​the man knelt down respectfully and paid respectful worship. That look, it's definitely not pretend ...

His identity is self-evident, naturally a star soul. Despite his young age, the strength of Star Soul is definitely not to be underestimated. Compared with the original, it is even several times higher. It's just that Da Siming and Moon God have Chutian's teaching, but he can't surpass ...

Then a man and a woman arrived.

The two are not a perfect match, men are not handsome, women are not beautiful.

But when the two stood together, there was a feeling of rapport that was as good as any handsome man or woman standing together. Even a child may be able to tell that they are a pair. That kind of husband-and-wife relationship is more intimate than Jin, and it is unmatched by anything.

Both men and women wear a sword. First, the general; second, Moxie. When the two joined forces, even Jing Ke could only be abused!

They are the Xiangjun of the Yin Yang family! Mrs. Xiang!

The fourth person also arrived immediately.

This is a middle-aged man with a sharp eye. At first glance, he is a man with a lot of thought and wit. However, after seeing Chu Tian, ​​he knelt down obediently and loyally.

It is precisely because he understands Chu Tian ’s power that he is more afraid of Chu Tian than anyone, and more loyal than anyone ...

The man is the king of the cloud, the common name is Xu Fu.

Wearing a sword in the waist, the sword is fierce and the sword is pressing. The sword name, Tianzhao, was given by Chu Tian himself.

The four people represent the Yinyang family with the highest combat strength and the highest elders except for the Moon God and Da Siming. When I heard that Chu Tian was here, I came as soon as possible ...

"Star Soul, see the leader! The leader lives forever!"

"Xiangjun and his wife see the headmaster! The headmaster lives together with heaven!"

"Yun Zhongjun sees the leader! The leader has a long history and dominates the world!"


Um, at your request, put more beautiful pictures in the future ~~

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