Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 112: Young Master's Doubts (2)

Looking embarrassedly at Young Commander, Chu Tian squeezed out a kind smile, trying to dissolve the inexplicable atmosphere ...

Chu Tian raised himself, and actually forgot the time, Chu Tian felt a little sorry. His mana is boundless, and there is no problem if he does not eat for hundreds of millions of years, and he does not feel the passage of time at all. Unconsciously, it was almost evening ...

Young Master, this is hungry ...

It takes so long to practice, and it must consume a lot ...

Chu Tian wanted to say something, but for a moment he didn't know what to say. A beautiful woman's stomach growls, it's not a beautiful thing, especially such a beautiful young woman.

Silence enveloped the two for a long time, a little weird ...

"Shall I invite you to dinner?"

Chu Tian said suddenly.

The voice echoed in the empty room, and the young master opposite raised his head slowly.

Under the eyebrows of Shui Dai, the jewel-like purple eyes are calm and beautiful, the veil floats slightly, light and hazy. Young Master Ming just looked at Chu Tian calmly, and didn't seem to have any anger or embarrassment.

Young Master Ming thought for a while, and shook his head gently, the range was very small and small, and if Chu Tian observed it, he could hardly feel it.

Then Young Master slowly stood up, and a pair of exquisite and graceful jade legs slowly appeared in front of Chu Tian. Wrapped in lilac stockings, a pair of calves are exquisite and exquisite, and every inch is almost perfect. Under close distance, Chu Tian feels its beauty even more.

Not waiting for Chu Tian to observe carefully, a pair of exquisite jade legs move slowly, light and elegant. The faint scent was lifted by the skirt and entered Chu Tian's nostrils, Chu Tian was stunned ...

The bright purple eyes of Shao Shiming glanced at Chu Tian slightly, and then turned gently.

This look is actually equivalent to saying goodbye.

If it is an ordinary person, I may not even give Shaoxing even one look. Chu Tian has directed her so much. Shaoxing's gestured look is actually very rare. Not disregarding, indifferent, but the character of Shao Mingming. Calm and calm, this is how she expresses herself ...

Although Chu Tian had long known that Shaojiing's character was cold, but Chu Tian never thought that he had actually reached this point ... he didn't feel embarrassed by his stomach groaning, and he refused to treat himself directly, even when he was separated ...

——According to Chu Tian's script, it should be life and death, don't be emotional! Or at least you should be convinced by your knowledge! ! This is too unscientific! !

"Hey, you just left like this? Your Yin Yang family's food is definitely not as good as mine, hello?" Chu Tian shouted at the back. Young Master seemed not to hear it.

The stars flickered and shook slowly.

Young Master Ming was on a path of illusion, with green grass on both sides. Walking gently, Yingying's posture is always so good. A pair of elite white jade hands are particularly eye-catching in the dark ...

Shao Mingming didn't even stay for a while.

Chu Tian looked at it, suddenly thought of something, and shouted again to the front: "Hey, you do n’t want to learn-a more powerful Yin-Yang technique?"

The voice echoed in the empty room.

The faint green grass at the foot of Young Master Suddenly shook continuously.

This is a change produced by illusions, just false. Relative to the heart, some people see the shaking stars, some people see the surging rivers, and what Shaoming sees is indeed pure and lush green grass.

The grass was shaking, indicating that Shao Siming's mood was also changing. Sure enough, everything was as Chu Tian expected, and the pace of Young Master slowly and gradually slowed down, and finally, slowly stopped.

Standing steadily in the distance, like a quiet water lily. Shao Shiming didn't hesitate at all, just stopped, turned his head, and looked at Chu Tian from afar, his purple eyes were bright and crystal ...

Although subconsciously remind yourself not to get too close to this man ...

Don't get too close to anyone ...

Because the more you cherish, the more painful you are when you lose.

She would rather shut herself down than try the bleakness again ... After her parents died, she would be alone, and this life has been used to life for a long time ...

However, power, Yin and Yang techniques ... these are the things that Shi Mingming cares most about. Chu Tian's words happened to hit the weakness of young master. After a short hesitation, Young Master decided to stop ...

Chu Tian in the distance finally showed a happy smile:

"After three days, still here, I will come again. If you still want to listen to my explanations, just keep coming. Come or not in yourself, I don't force it. Remember, after three days--"

In the distance, Young Commander Yingying nodded, then turned around again and walked towards the distance.

The stars shook, and the shadow of Young Master was like a fairy.

Chu Tian suddenly remembered something and shouted again:

"By the way, also, do you really not know who I am? I'm famous, you don't really don't know me--, hello, hello? ..."



Going out of the gate, Young Commander followed the green path to his room.

As the young man of the Yin-Yang family, she was sent over three meals a day, so she didn't need to worry about it. In addition to daily practice, Shao Mingming sleeps and eats, and life is very simple and organized.

It's just that Chu Tian's figure appeared faintly in the mind of Young Commander ... This person seems to have countless mysteries. He said he was famous, but Young Commander really didn't know him ...

Not long after walking, a familiar shadow suddenly appeared in front of Young Master. This is also an acquaintance, the elder of the Yin Yang family, Yun Zhongjun.

Yun Zhongjun smiled all over his face and said to Young Master:

"Congratulations to Young Commander, He Xi Young Commander! Such a good opportunity, you must cherish your Commander! Your status will be above me in the future. Please give me more promotion, haha!

Yun Zhongjun smiled very kindly. Young Master did not respond. He didn't take it seriously, knowing that Young Master was this character. He Shaoxing nodded and walked towards the distance ...

Young Commander continued to walk forward.

However, my heart became more and more puzzled. Everyone who met her along the way, even the elders, were polite and very envious.

What's going on…

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