Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 121: Shengqi is a beaten life

"If you only discuss the strength of your own, you are out of reach among the disciples of the Yin-Yang family. Even the one named Xiao Ling is a bit worse than you. There is almost no surprise in the Wu Ling Xuantong competition. Change I will teach you slowly and lay a good foundation when I do usual, but now there are some accidents. These things, as a young man, you should have heard about it ... "

"A Daoist disciple infiltrated the Yin-Yang family and tried to steal the Yin-Yang family's secrets. That's right, that little spirit. The Taoists are all sent to perform tasks that are talented, experienced countless trials of life and death, and have a firm mind . His actual combat experience is definitely richer than you. When playing, he can be very powerful and play a 12% effect; but you have little experience, and rarely learn from the disciples in the Yin and Yang family. Your words are very good. Strength can only exert 80% effect ... "

"... I will practice with you later, but first of all, I want you to experience the real killing intentions. The killing intentions and offenses that the enemy can only emit are what you need. By the way, young master, you Have you ever killed someone? "

After lunch, Chu Tian and Shao Shiming walked slowly along the mountain road to the jungle.

The sun was warm and falling, walking with the beauty, Chu Tian felt more energetic. Heaven and earth raged north and south, and all the weaknesses of Shao Mingming were in Chu Tian's words.

Young Commander still did not say a word to Chu Tian.

Just walked so quietly, listening quietly. I also learned a little about some things. Occasionally Shao Mingming nodded or shook his head, but he did n’t say a word, but Chu Tian died anxiously ...

After hearing Chu Tian's question about murder, Shao Mingming nodded gently, and a touch of calmness appeared in the purple eyes. Murder is not unusual for the disciples of the Yin Yang family ...

"That's good."

Chu Tian then accelerated a little bit and walked forward ...

After passing through several forests and crossing several rivers, Chu Tian came to a beautiful place.

In Qin State, there are not many places like this scenery. The mountains are green and the water is clear, the breeze is slowly blooming, the flowers are blooming brightly, and occasionally there are birds crying crisply.

To say that the only thing that is unsightly is a rough man lying on the ground ...

The figure is burly, like a barbarian. And all over the place, there seems to be a lot of wounds, and the big man is lying on the ground like this, it seems to faint ...

He naturally wins seven ...

Young Master Ming glanced at the huge epee, and guessed the person's identity in his heart. The user of Juque, the farmer Shengqi, how could this place ...

Is it related to Chu Tian?

Young Master Ming's heart is more and more determined ...

Chu Tian smiled and stretched his fingers gently. A sharp cracking sound hit Shengqi's head, and Shengqi's immobile body suddenly shivered.

Slowly, it seemed to wake up from his sleep. One of Shengqi's hands moved and his eyes gradually opened, as if he hadn't slept enough.

Chu Tian shook his head with a smile, and continued to the young master:

"Sheng Qi, the peasant family, destroyed many of my Yin Yang family's actions. It should have been killed directly, but I thought it would be of some use, so I kept it."

"Young Master, what I want you to do is kill him within six days, isn't it okay?"

6 days! ?

Although Shaoming was quiet and quiet, she still couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise.

That is the top expert in the world. Although she has just broken through, the gap between her and Shengqi is self-evident. It was too difficult for Chu Tian to let her kill Shengqi in 6 days.

Young Master was hesitating, Chu Tian explained:

"He got a blow from me and was slightly injured. He lay here for two days and two nights. He was hungry and cold, and his state was even worse. Now the victory of seven, he can't even play half of his strength. Ju Que is physically exhausting. Weapon, it is still possible to kill him in this state. "

Of course, if there is danger, Chu Tian will go to rescue the young commander.

Young Master's attack, hesitant in flexibility, lack of strength. Moreover, the real life-and-death fight, a battle full of killing intent, the youngest commander has never experienced it. This time, it is also the idea of ​​improving the younger commander's actual combat ability.

Poor Shengqi can't think of it. In Chu Tian's eyes, he is just a tool for "sparring" ...

Young Commander nodded slightly.

He walked past gently, and emerald green spread at his fingertips. The journey that Shaojiing and Chutian took was just after digesting lunch. Shaojiing was in the best condition at the moment!

Chu Tian actually grabbed a top expert in the world just to train himself.

Although nothing happened on the surface, there was a little turmoil in Young Master's heart. This man is obviously so powerful, why would he care so much about her ...

Emerald greens condensed at the fingertips of Young Master, and quickly attacked Shengqi.

Shengqi instinctively sensed the danger, just woke up, his body suddenly jumped up!





A series of fierce battles started in an instant, and the Wanye Feihualiu, who had less fatalities, naturally has no need to talk about his advantages in actual combat. Under the sneak attack, Sheng Qi was actually suppressed by death, and even Ju Que was still in the distance, there was no chance to get it!

The sky and the ground, in all directions, were attacked by young masters.

Young Master Ming itself is in a heavy defense, and completely separated from Sheng Qi. "Integration offensive and defensive" is the idea that Chu Tian kept instilling in Young Master's life in these days.



Shengqi keeps on fleeing and succumbs to his heart!

This situation is unprecedented! It was actually attacked by a woman, and even Ju Que did not have a chance to get it! Looking at Chu Tian in the distance, Sheng Qi was shocked and understood.

"Asshole! You are an asshole, you are all a ghost, Chu--"

Just about to shout Chu Tian's name, Sheng Qi suddenly found that his throat was stuck!

Can't talk!

How to do! ? It must be the ghost of Chu Tian! !

The victory was over 70,000, and he couldn't care so much. He rushed over at the risk of being hit by a violent attack and picked up the giant Que sword. At this time, first deal with the crisis in front of you ...

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