Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 123: The death of victory

Bang ————

Sheng Qi swept again.

A violent force spread from above the giant que. The ground where the giant queued swept across was cracked. The violent power could not be resisted. After attaching a strong inner strength, the giant que is like a demon. Under the victory of Qiyi, it will directly destroy all the dozen swords on the opposite side! No matter how many attacks, it is also a tragedy!

A victorious seven with insufficient physical strength is destined to be unsustainable. The longer the battle, the quicker the quick decision, the more critical the moment, the stronger the explosive power of the victorious seven! At this time, if you do not work hard, it is too late!


Almost didn't see it, Sheng Qi blocked his sword.

The sharp sword from behind was easily blocked by Sheng Qi, and there was no difficulty at all. As far as experience is concerned, Sheng Qi has gone through many battles and has almost no flaws.

Ju Que can almost defeat any attack frontally, and can perfectly defend against all forms.

The young master opposite is still too far away.

If you want to talk about the disadvantages, there are too many attacking forms of Commander-in-Chief.

Uh, uh, uh!

In front of it, eight swords flew over!

Heart socket, throat, arms, lower abdomen, almost every sword is fierce, attacking the key to victory. However, Shengqi did not retreat, but did not care about these attacks.

Raise the giant que and fight hard!

Boom! ! !

All the attacks broke down in an instant. After winning seven, the sword with a few handles was swept away, and he quickly advanced more than ten meters, further narrowing the distance with Young Master.

Boom! ! !

Bang Bang Bang!


Boom! !

The distance is getting closer.

Shengqi's attack is also getting fiercer.

Shao Siming's sword domain is very strong, very strong, after all, it was the idea put forward by Chu Tian. The potential is almost scary. However, the strength and experience of Shao Mingming are not enough to control perfectly. The current strength of Jianyu cannot be fully exerted, and even 10% of the strength cannot be exerted.

After a few minutes of fighting, the young commander was again suppressed by victory seven.

Shengqi is constantly approaching. After all, the giant que in his hand is waving again and again, like the devil, no one can stop it!


Sheng Qi suddenly opened his eyes.

The speed surged and rushed out like an arrow!

Young Master Ming did not expect that Shengqi would suddenly erupt. More than a dozen handles shot at Shengqi ’s sword. Shengqi did n’t even care, but simply avoided the key point, and let these swords puncture the skin, leaving a deep wound on his shoulder and chest. .

Ignore all attacks, just to get closer!

Shengqi seized the moment of opportunity, and rushed ahead ahead, violently withstanding the time this attack fought for, which was close enough to Shao Siming. In a short moment, Sheng Qi finally came to the front of Young Master.

Ju Que sword, lifted high--

Young Commander also raised the thin sword in his hand, and Wan Yefeihualiu's strong sword was stronger than the rest. While retreating, Shao Mingming waved his sword and collided with Ju Que!

Boom! !

A vigorously spread around two people-

Young Master's body keeps receding, resolving this force with the help of the retreat. At the same time, it is also using the Wanye Feihua stream to lay a heavy defense.

But Shengqi is faster and catches up in a blink of an eye. Raise the giant que and cut it again!

This time, Young Commander can't avoid it!

Those defenses are determined not to be the sword!

Stun her! To threaten Chutian!

This is the only way for Shengqi to escape!

The violent sword was just about to fall. Shengqi even imagined the scene when Chu Tian was angry. As long as he took the young commander, he was free!

Seeing that Ju Que was about to hit Young Master, a horrible voice suddenly sounded beside Sheng Qi ...

"It's almost done, Young Master, let's fight tomorrow. Let's digest today's experience. Let's talk about ..."

When! ?

Sheng Qi's eyes widened and he wanted to ask, but he was speechless!

Chu Tian brushed his sleeves and swept gently, a huge force suddenly burst out! Ju Que is as light and heavy as a stone, and it directly flew out dozens of meters, knocking down more than ten large trees!

Sheng Qi was also picked up by Chu Tianti's children, throwing it hard, and slamming it on a tree in the distance, his head broken and bleeding ...

Shengqi's head is dizzy so far, I don't know what happened.

Chu Tianming apparently watched the battle from a distance, but suddenly inserted. And this speed ...

"--As for you, win seven. I set up a‘ trapped formation ’here, how to live is your business. If you can live within 6 days, I will let you go.”

Chu Tianchao stretched out his command. He shot.

A faint light, exuding slowly in Chu Tian's hands, is gentle and full-bodied, but it is more refined than anything, as if even the sun in the sky is far inferior to it ...

This is an extremely pure internal force ...

Shao Siming is very expensive at the moment, and the tricks he just used are too overdraft. However, there are many benefits. The heavy murderous intent of Shengqi ’s death, the unprecedented violent offensive, all the things, let the experience of Young Commander grow rapidly ...

The head of the show nodded slightly toward Chu Tian, ​​a little grateful in the eyes of Young Master.

Knowing that Chu Tian would not harm her, otherwise she would not spend so much effort to help her improve her strength. Even Shao Siming didn't think about it, so he stretched out his hand at random and put it on Chu Tian's hand. A warm and strong breath came from Chu Tian ...

The two joined hands together.

Not a handle between couples, nor an intimate performance, just a support in difficult times. However, this is only the case for Shao Mingming.

This is the first time Shaoming has come into contact with the opposite sex.

However, obviously touching the opponent's hand, Shao Siming's heart did not have any resistance. Young Commander, who has always disliked talking with people and even contacted, did not reject Chu Tiansheng at all.

Holding his hand seemed natural.

Young Master Ming has an inexplicable feeling, an unprecedented feeling ...

Chu Tian also slightly admired in his heart. Sure enough, Young Master Ming completely relieved himself. When tired, he can accept his support and help.

"... Let's go first, and I feel uncomfortable seeing this savage. The main points of this battle, I'll talk to you carefully, and you digest it well. Huh? Recovered? Would you like to hold your hand again? I have a lot of internal power, and it ’s endless. Do n’t be polite, it ’s too much to be ... ”

Chu Tian continued to wear his face.

However, Shao Shiming still shook his head and released his hand, a dull expression, soft movements ...

Young Commander thus began her practical study.

The relationship with Chu Tian is slowly drawing closer. Although she still doesn't like talking, she looks cold and indifferent. But deep inside Shao Siming's heart, he already regarded Chu Tian as his own, without any precautions.

When we are tired, it is totally acceptable to pull the leader or something.

In this way, day after day, Chu Tian would come here with Shaoming to fight against Shengqi. The real killing intention of Shengqi and the ruthless realistic attack are what Chu Tian needs. Young Commander is also fighting, progressing again and again. Whenever it was a critical moment, he was rescued by Chu Tian to end the game ... and then to spend some internal power, pulling the hand ...

Happy life ...

Finally, on the 6th day.

Young Commander's "Sword Domain" is already a little more skilled, and with the terrifying lethality, he will defeat Shengqi completely! In the original book, a master comparable to Gaini and Weizhuang died so ...

In just a few days of teaching, Shao Mingming has become a master of the same level as several people in Star Soul and Yun Zhongjun!

The Wuling Xuantong competition is coming soon!

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