Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 140: Countermeasure

"Too ... eunuch?"

The crown prince was frightened by Chu Tian again.

Compared with the previous few times, Chu Tian's words this time were the most disappointing to the princess.

Chu Tian's assassination of King Yan or Kai Wanshi Taiping's scary words are all just to attract the concubine's attention to Hu Chang. The princess did indeed have a strong interest and curiosity about Chu Tian. But these are just to make her more curious, and not too disturbing.

But this last sentence opened the most sensitive door of the concubine's heart. In a flash, the crown prince felt even deep fear!

Eunuch ...

Yan Dan ... Eunuch ...

The crown prince was not a fool. Yan Dan alienated her deliberately, and the crown prince also felt it. The crown prince had not known the reason. And Chu Tian ’s words just reminded her that, in combination with the past, Princess Yan suddenly felt that this seemed indeed very possible!

Crown Princess Yan only felt that her heart was shaking.

I have never been so scared. As a woman, she married a **** and passed the second half of her life alone. As a woman, her life was basically over.

However, there was a hope in the concubine ’s heart, and a dare, pretending to carelessly said to Chu Tian: "How could Yan Dan be an eunuch? I have never heard of this matter, and ... and Yan Dan has good conduct, Loved by the public, how could it be ... would it be ... "

Princess Yan was unable to say the last two words.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "What does morality have to do with eunuchs? And, it's too late to cover up such scandals, who will preach it!"

"But you can't believe what you said!" Said the princess again.

Chu Tian shook his head.

It seems that the crown prince has believed four or five points. Otherwise, it will not be so gaffe.

Moving his body, Chu Tian lay down at a comfortable angle and continued indifferently: "Believe it or not, this is the fact anyway. There are not many people who know this, just I am one of them. See you as a lifesaver For the benefit of the benefactor, I would like to persuade you that this is a bad thing. Do n’t preach it. Whether Yan Dan is a eunuch, what does it have to do with you ... "

How could I not care, the concubine thought.

Chu Tianyue said casually, and the concubine was more worried. In that tone, it was like saying something that was so ordinary that there was no need to doubt at all.

The crown prince became more and more flustered.

Is Yan Dan really a eunuch?

If she is really an eunuch, what should she do?

The crown prince did not know and could not judge. However, the most important thing now is to check the facts, otherwise, it is useless to panic here.

After making up his mind, the crown prince Yingying got up.

In the cuffs of the gold-encrusted red cuffs, a haw of arms stretched out. The crown prince also handed the remaining buns to Chu Tian, ​​saying, "This bun should be eaten when you are hungry. Take care of your wounds. Don't let others discover it. "

Chu Tian nodded.

The crown prince turned around and walked away.

"I will come to see you again at night and bring some gold sore medicine. Don't move around. It won't be good if you find it. If you want to complete your idea, you must first get well wounded."

After the princess walked a few steps, she turned back and told him.

If Chu Tian didn't tell her this, she might still be in the dark. For Chu Tian, ​​the concubine also felt a little grateful ...

Although he denies it in his mouth and is unwilling to admit it in his heart, think carefully about the facts connected with it, and a cold breath on Yan Dan. The princess who is not weak is becoming more and more convinced of this fact ...

Chu Tian laughed:

"Don't worry, I can't move now. Also, thanks."

The crown prince nodded and walked away.

Chu Tian put aside in advance, she has more urgent things to investigate.

A touch of red robe swaying, the noble and graceful body exudes charm and maturity that ordinary women do not possess. Qiao. Very big buttocks, huge snow peaks, all are amazing.

The crown prince's pace gradually accelerated, Liu Yao swayed, touching and ecstasy ...

When she came to the study, the crown prince immediately raised a pen and wrote a letter.

The background of the princess itself is very unusual, and she has seen many big scenes. Despite a little panic at first, after trying to understand the truth, he quickly decided on a strategy.

The next man was ordered to bring pen and ink, and the princess wrote a letter at the moment, calling out several maids: "Let the guard give the medical girl Duanmu. Duanmu was also in the country of Yan recently, and she knew where she was. After arriving at this letter, she will come over. "

The maid nodded respectfully: "Yes, Princesse. Princesse, are you sick?"

The crown prince smiled brightly, without revealing her feet, and said, "No, it was just the old friend, and I met each other. I saw Duanmu girl's medical skills, the first person under the preacher of the holy religion. "

"Yes, Crown Princess."

"Get back."


The maids withdrew.

The crown prince pursed her gorgeous lips and sat at the desk, looking at the scenery outside.

It is too abrupt to ask Yan Dan directly, and this kind of thing must not let Yan Dan know, only to investigate in secret. Although she is not weak, it is still difficult to understand the truth without Yan Dan consciously.

However, if it is Duan Murong ...

As a medical expert, judging this kind of thing should be very simple. The truth will be revealed soon. I do n’t know if the assassin is true ...

The crown prince was in a panic like never before ...



Among the rockery.

After Chu Tian had bitten a few buns, he stretched his waist and left.

Yan Dan has already finished the preliminary pit, and Chu Tian will not continue to wait silly here. I heard that Feixue Pavilion, the capital of Yan Kingdom, seems that Xue Nu has just arrived? Just take a look.

Leaving a divine thought here, incidentally created another illusion, when the prince came to reappear.

Chu Tian flickered and left the Prince's Mansion ...

At this time, the Snow Maiden didn't know which one was beautiful with the Crown Princess. Chu Tian thought secretly ...

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