Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 144: Meet Snow Maiden (1)

【Snow Girl Picture】

It's just a brief moment.

at this time.

Above the pavilion.

The Snow Girl who just watched with a little interest, after watching the brief fight, her eyes shone more and more.

How strong Gao Jianli is, Xue Nu didn't know. However, it was revealed in that catch that Gao Jianli had at least some martial arts skills and had considerable experience. Overall, it is not comparable to ordinary third-rate masters.

However, Chu Tian was instantly defeated!

Chu Tian's moves are very general, and there are no routines. It looks unremarkable alone.

But Chu Tian ’s body style, no, not only body style, boxing style, leg style, as well as the moving position, speed, everything, all the moves, one way, all have a familiar feeling! When the unremarkable moves are connected together, the power exerted is unimaginable!

That strong sense of rhythm.

That kind of charm of flowing clouds and flowing water!

Too familiar!

"That's not martial arts, it's music."

Xue Nu's eyes are full, staring at Chu Tian below, murmured in her mouth.

No tricks, no tests, no fixed routines, so there are no restrictions on its deployment. Feel free to do whatever you want. Chutian's martial arts was created by incorporating music into martial arts!

Music is martial arts, martial arts is music!

Every action contains infinite rhythm and charm!

Only people who are extremely familiar with and love music can do this.

Xue Nu is so sure because Xue Nu herself has a similar set of stunts. Incorporating music into martial arts, Xue Ling's stunt "Lingbo Feiyan" is exactly ...

Unexpectedly, this one called Chu Tian is also a kind of person.

Xue Nu suddenly had a feeling of finding a confidant, in this foreign country ...

"Come here."

Xue Nu turned around and heard the voice softly.

The maid not far away came and said, "Miss, what's the matter?"

Xue Nui nodded and said, "Please join Mr. Chu Tian below, and you can't miss the ceremony. In addition, Mr. Chu Tian and that Mr. Gao Jianli have all passed the assessment. Now they are the musicians of our Princess Xuege.

"Yes, miss."

After talking, the maid walked away in a hurry.

Xue Nu also changed her clothes, waiting for Chu Tian to come here. I was only recruiting musicians, but I didn't expect to find a like-minded person.

Some expectations in Xue Nu's heart ...



Everything is naturally in Chu Tian's exploration.

The maid of the Feixue Pavilion came out quickly and explained to Chu Tian that Chu Tian entered the Feixue Pavilion in full view. A group of people outside suddenly burst into tears and howl, envious ...

People do n’t get it. Chu Tianming was hitting people in front of the Feixue Pavilion. How come he was invited? This is unscientific ...

Everyone can only hope that the trial will pass in a few days, then at that time, they will be able to enter the Feixue Pavilion ...

In the Feixue Pavilion, the gold and blue are brilliant.

Everywhere is pearlescent treasure, carved beam painting.

Chu Tian walked along the way and also found a lot of valuable utensils and famous paintings.

Feixuege's taste and luxury are no longer comparable to those of ordinary wealthy merchants. Only the mansions of the nobility of the princes, such as Prince Mansion and Yanchunjun Mansion, are comparable.

"Sir, please."

The maid whispered.

Going up the stairs, Chu Tian came to the third floor where the maids stopped.

In the elegant house in the distance, a faint scent diffused, and a shadow of beauty was sitting quietly.

Slim figure, beautiful and moving.

A few layers of bead curtains still can't stop the floating unique temperament.

The beauty of the crown prince lies in grace, luxury, richness and maturity. This posture in front of her is completely different, slim and slender, palm dancing, a delicate and cool beauty ...

This is the Snow Maiden.

"Sir, please, miss is waiting for you here."

The maids whispered and then retreated.

Chu Tian stepped forward with a smile, opened the bead curtain, Xue Nu was sitting not far away, her silver hair fluttered and she was graceful. In front of him was a table of already prepared wine and dishes, and the space left for Chu Tian.

Seeing Chu Tian coming, Xue Nu stood up and saluted: "I have seen Mr. Chu."

"Have seen Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden is too polite."

"Mr. smiled, and Mr. Xue Nu admired his attainments in the rhythm together. Please invite Mr. Mr. together today, please don't say anything." Xue Nu opened the door and directly explained the intention.

"Of course not to refrain from refusing! Snow girl is so kind, how dare to refrain!"

"Sir please!"

"Snow girl please first, lady first!"

"... Mister talks strangely."


The two sat down after giving a few words.

Alcoholic dishes are just a form of hospitality, not a point.

Xue Nu was the talent of Chu Tian's music this time and couldn't help asking him to come up. This is purely a personal hobby to communicate and enjoy meeting friends.

Although the rhythm together, there are many masters. However, Xue Nu has not seen anyone who can integrate music into martial arts. Chu Tian and himself are barely considered as "confidants".

There will be many new experiences in the mutual communication between the two.

After a little chat, Xue Nu and Chu Tian went straight to the topic and talked about the temperament ...

"... Mister can be good at flute skills?"

"Of course I am good at it, in fact I understand everything."

"Sir, how do you see this?"

"Well, it's actually very simple. But here, here ... well, it's not easy to understand directly, let me show you a song ..."

"There is work."

(Ten thousand words omitted here ...)

Regarding musical instruments, temperament, etc., both of them are everyone, and of course the talk is endless.

From noon, the two have been talking about dusk, and they have not stopped.

Talking and talking, Xue Nu was more and more surprised. Chu Tian, ​​a young man who seems to be eighteen or nine years old, has an unimaginable insight in his attainments in music.

Even the snow girl's most proficient flute skill, Chu Tian is far better than her ...

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