Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 146: Break One (1/6)

After Yan Dan entered the Prince's Mansion, the screen retreated, and then he went to rest on his own.

Seeing the crown prince princess horse is nothing more than a talk. Since practicing the sunflower swordsmanship and purifying the heart, Prince Dan has nothing to do with the woman. Yan Dan went back to the house from time to time and stayed for a few days. In fact, it was just to tell others that he was still a "man". How could he really see him?

Back in his room, Prince Dan continued to practice sunflower swordsmanship.

The more he practiced, the more Prince Dan could feel the profoundness of it. The current Prince Dan is more and more obsessed with this martial art. After cultivation, the whole person became colder and colder, and his personality gradually became strange and extreme, but Yan Dan didn't find it himself ...

Everything is developing as Chu Tian expected ...

As for Chu Tian, ​​after visiting Prince's Mansion for a while, he returned to the flower garden not far from the residence of the crown prince.

Lying in the hole of the rockery, Chu Tian continued to pretend to be a seriously injured assassin. The night gradually thickened, and the moon also hung with willow branches, and not long after, a light fragrance came from afar.

Chu Tian opened his eyes.

The crown prince was beautifully dressed and walked from a distance.

A pair of snow milk is about to come out, huge and surging, in the **** of the honorable red robe, it seems to be free at any time. Princess Xuefeng's snow peaks are not only gigantic, tender, but also very upright, like mature honey and peach. Rich posture, full of a state of wealth.

On Yongrong's beautiful face, her skin was as fair as snow, and her red lips made her heart beat. The hair ornaments on the head are evenly sculpted, noble, gorgeous, exquisite, generous, and a breath of nobility comes out.

Coupled with the slim willow waist, the classic temperament is almost like the person in the picture ...

Today's princess is very beautiful ...

"Yo, you dressed up specially today, not bad! I have seen a lot of beautiful women, and not many of them have met the eye of the law. You are one! Gee, it's really beautiful, beautiful!"

Chu Tian lazily said to the crown prince in the distance.

The crown prince smiled softly, and did not refute.

Bring some exquisite meals, placed next to Chu Tian, ​​and a small bottle, which is filled with the best gold sore medicine.

When the crown prince bowed her head, her neckline was slightly loosened, and a deep breast and ditch made her look even more radiant.

"I'm so beautiful?"

After being silent for a while, the crown prince asked an unusual question.

There is a touch of hidden sorrow on the noble and graceful face.

The crown prince was not like someone who boasted about her beauty, but today, she asked this question abnormally. Maybe it ’s because Chu Tian is a stranger and an assassin, so I do n’t have any worries ...

Chu Tian nodded and praised vigorously:

"That is of course! The entire Yan Kingdom, it is estimated that no one can match you. The skin color is good, the temperament is good, the body is good, of course the best is ..."

"Where is the best?" Asked the princess.

"Do you really want me to say?" Chu Tian asked hesitantly.

"Let's say, I've never heard anyone praise me like this. I want to hear it." The voice of the princess was light and nice, and there was a noble and rich attitude.

Chu Tiangan coughed a few words, gazing for a while on the tall and tall peak of the crown prince, saying: "Chest."

"--You let me say it, don't blame me! But your chest is really good, size, shape, softness ... softness ... when I didn't say ..."

Seeing the prince's face a little weird, Chu Tian shut up quickly and panicked.

Of course, these confusions were only pretended by Chu Tian.

When the crown prince was praised by Chu Tian, ​​a touch of pride and arrogance deep in her eyes, Chu Tian was still aware of it. The princess's dress today is definitely because Yan Dan is back, otherwise it is not usually necessary to wear such dignified clothes. And this sad face must be because Yan Dan ignored her ...

Facing Yan Dan's indifference, at this time Chu Tian's one or two praises, of course the crown prince liked it very much. Moreover, Chu Tian, ​​a handsome man, praises his beauty, is also a kind of affirmation to her ...

"Then I won't blame you ..."

Sure enough, the crown prince said lightly, just pretending to be unhappy, but not angry. As expected by Chu Tian, ​​the concubine's heart was quite happy.

At least, Chu Tian's words show that she is indeed very beautiful.

Even if this opposite world is full of hearts, handsome and handsome men will be fascinated by themselves.

She is really beautiful.

The crown prince even glanced at her snow peak. This huge snow peak was a hindrance to walking, but Chu Tian's eyes had swept it many times. Was she really so attractive?


But in this case ...

The crown prince brewed for a while, and her voice said softly:

"If a man, I mean if ... if a man marries a woman who is no less beautiful than me, and that woman is very traditional and wants to be a normal woman, but the man left her aside, even the woman dressed up The ground is like me, the man still doesn't look at it, you say it should— "

Not waiting for the crown prince to finish, Chu Tian immediately interrupted and said: "It's the eunuch! Although you are talking about the clouds and fog, this and that, but this man is definitely the eunuch!"

The crown prince was silent for a long time.


Yan Dan was a eunuch, but she was very skeptical before. Now the princess is almost 80% sure of it!

Today, she specially observed Yan Dan's eyes at that time. Yan Dan looked at her eyes, and there was actually a hidden ... disgust! Now Chu Tian has said the same, and the crown prince has almost confirmed it.

The princess is now only the final step of identification.

"Eunuch ..."

Gently turned around, the crown prince also sat down leaning against the hole of the rockery.

It doesn't matter if a luxurious red and ground dress is stained, it just sits on the edge of the rockery. I was a bit sad in my heart, and I did n’t know who to vent ...

"Yeah, the proper eunuch! You such a beautiful woman, to be honest, if it is not gracious to me, I will definitely take you away after I am injured."

"I'm really so beautiful?" The princess asked again.

"You are doubting my aesthetic !?"

"... Suddenly feel very happy,"

"To chat with beautiful women, I am actually very happy."

The crown prince smiled brightly and said, "You still have to eat it quickly, and it will be cold if you don't eat it. There is also gold sore medicine, apply your injury faster."

"It's okay. Today you seem to be in a bad mood. I'll chat with you for more time."

"Thank you…"


The crown prince was sitting next to the rockery, chatting with Chu Tian.

Today, I seemed to be in a very low mood, chatting and chatting. The crown prince did not go back, so she and Chu Tian sat beside the rockery and whispered.

The depression in the heart of the crown prince gradually dissipated with the conversation ...

In this way, chatting and chatting, in a blink of an eye, it was already dawn.

The air was slightly cold, and the dew was still beating among the grass.

The sun has not yet come out, only a little light of the sky. Not long ago, Chu Tian fell asleep, and slept soundly. The crown prince looked at Chu Tian quietly, and Chu Tian chatted with herself all night with an injury, just to relieve herself, she was very moved ...

Chu Tian is a really good person.

In contrast, the nominal husband, Yan Dan, is so ruthless ...

"It's time to face, I can't escape."

The prince said to herself. He took off his coat and draped it gently on the sleeping Chu Tian, ​​then walked away.

Duan Murong, here today, the crown prince and Yan Dan have to make it clear!

(Look at 4 and 5 in the next chapter. The nephew is coming, coughing, the environment is not very good ~ a little slower ~ but 6 is more proper ~)

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