Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 150: Fierce combat and hallucinations (5/6)

"Unexpectedly ... I didn't expect you to hide so deep, so hard, it's no less than me, no more than ten years of hard work, how can I get such a strong internal force! ... Ha ha, I actually forgot to investigate you carefully, unexpectedly My Prince's Mansion, it's really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ... "

"It seems that today's choice is right."

Yan Dan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said coldly.

The crown princess's palm, in terms of pure internal force, even above Yan Dan!

Yan Dan never thought that this gentle and noble princess would actually be a master of martial arts! It's so unexpected, who can expect such a thing!

Yan Dan's internal force surged, and the crown princess's palm had already caused him serious injuries. Yan Dan quickly adjusted her inner breath, calmed down as quickly as possible, and a sharp sword slowly ran across her chest ...

Yan Dan looked at the two people on the opposite side cautiously, still not giving up. Now that he has turned his face, at this time, it is still good to cut the grass.

The techniques of sunflower swordsmanship are played back in my mind.

Sunflowers are in full swing, Yan Dan is ready to attack anytime, anywhere ...

Swords of light, shining in front of Yan Dan, sunflower swordsmanship has been cast, brewing the next attack.

"--I originally thought that I would never use it again. I originally thought that I could live smoothly. Yan Dan, I'm just going to talk about it, you actually ... you are too disappointing me."

The prince whispered in a low voice, she would never shoot today if it wasn't for Yan Dan to fight, "Yan Dan, are you ready for today's game?"

"of course!"

Yan Dan gently waved his sword and said sharply.

True Qi has lost control, and his voice is involuntarily sharp, like an eunuch.

Yan Dan, the giant of the Mo family.

A person who has always loved the world once is ruthless than anyone else!

Cut the grass!

For the world to live! Yan Dan told himself this way!

Yan Dan did not realize that these were just the excuses he was looking for for his reputation. Many martial arts can gradually erode people's minds, and sunflower swordsmanship is precisely this. In addition, Yan Dan is in the emperor's family, which is more complicated than Jing Ke's mind. The sunflower swordsmanship has also transformed Yan Dan. It has made Yan Dan's character unconsciously go to the evil way ...

"Sunflower swordsmanship, the last one."

Yan Dan stared at the two girls on the opposite side, brewing the sword of the sword.

The fierce sharp edge is constantly condensing, and the sword is overflowing, as if the blade is cut in the heart of the person.

A portrait in the house was swaying endlessly. On a desk not far away, there was a slight trace of the sword where the sword gas passed by! This sword by Yan Dan is the strongest sword in sunflower swordsmanship!

The tip of the sword pointed straight at the two women.

The sharp swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger!

Yan Dan is determined to die!

"Sister Rong, stop him quickly, this sword cannot let him out!"

The crown prince said quickly.

Although the crown prince is not weak, after all, there is no weapon in his hand, and the long-term lore against Yandan has little chance of winning! Moreover, even Yan Dan did not know that the Crown Princess had not practiced martial arts for a long time. The Crown Princess was not only practicing backwards, she even had the experience of fighting ...

The original princess really only intended to be an ordinary woman. Who would have thought that this would be ...

This sword, she has less than 10% grasp ...

咻咻 咻!

Three silver needles fly out!

Duan Murong's three silver needles pierced Yan Dan's vital point in an attempt to break Yan Dan's sword!

The crown prince also slashed in the air, the surging internal force surged, the air was sometimes hot, sometimes cold, the yin and yang flowed, and there was a way of Yin and Yang's family.

The two teamed up and saw that Yandan was about to be touched.

The corner of Yan Dan's mouth suddenly opened a smug smile!

The bright sword waved lightly, and the attack was blocked as much as possible. Yan Dan's momentum has now risen to the top. The sharp voice said: "Late!"




You can hardly see the movement of waving your sword!

Yandan's sword has been prepared. Now Yandan is holding the belief that he will die. Almost no one can stop the power of this sword! The momentum of the whole person is unmatched!

The figure shook gently.

Yan Dan's figure blinked away from the two's vision.

The sword in his hand also erupted in an instant. The ghost-like sword shadow and ghost-like speed combined together. The power of sunflower swordsmanship really appeared at this time!

Yan Dan stabbed out eighteen swords in an instant, and got out eighteen palms!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The prince snorted softly and greeted Yan Dan's attack.

The violent force collided, the bookshelves collapsed in the entire study, the stones on the roof quickly leaked, and the sword gas blasted, leaving a deep mark on the wall! There are so many holes!

Yan Dan said while waving his sword:

"How long can you last?"

"How much strength do you have?"

"How can you beat me so harshly?"

"Can I defame the reputation of Yandan!"


Yandan's sword is like a sword, one sword after another.

Dao Dao Jian Wang was densely covered in front of Yan Dan, and the endless attacks broke out in an instant, and he fought with the Crown Princess many times in an instant. After dozens of princess fights, it has gradually been unable to support!

Although Duan Murong wanted to help, it was a pity that he was so far away that he couldn't get in the way!

"Prince Princess !!"

Duan Murong said anxiously.

The crown prince suddenly thought of the man and thought of him again, and she didn't understand the truth.

The first man who boasted about his beautiful appearance said that he had the most beautiful chest.

I would rather go hungry and endure the injury, but also compensate myself to relieve boredom, but also funny and handsome, it is really many times stronger than Yan Dan ...


Yan Dan's 184th sword finally broke through the defense of the crown prince.

In an instant, the prince suddenly had hallucinations in front of her.

Isn't that ... the injured assassin?

Is this the hallucination before death? At the moment, the crown prince's heart, there was only peace ...

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