Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 152: Yan Dan retires (1/6)


Yan Dan's body has been flying out for seven or eight meters, and then hit the wall in the distance. The whole room shook violently, the cracks on the walls spread out, the huge force poured over, and only lasted for a short moment, the whole wall collapsed immediately!

The masonry on the roof also fell, and almost nothing in the room was intact.

Yan Dan held the sword in his hand and looked at Chu Tian with incredulous face.

Don't care to wipe the blood from the corner of the mouth, Yan Dan frowned, thinking about every move just now, every sword change, and every move of Chu Tian ...

It is indeed flawed.

The move just now is indeed flawed!

Sunflower swordsmanship, the martial arts of the giants of the Mo family, is there a flaw? Yan Dan can hardly imagine. Without any precautions in the body, I got two palms in succession, and now Yan Dan is a little weak ...

"Say ... you ... who are you? How do you know ... cough cough cough cough ... The Mo family giants are never learned, even if there are flaws, such subtle flaws are not something you can see, you have definitely studied Go through the sunflower swordsmanship ... Tell me, who are you ... "

"How do you know my Mo secret!"

Yan Dan still muttered this sentence.

A bigger killing intention than just now, pouring out!

Severe killing intention, cold, sharp, and red. Stirring nakedly!

The power of sunflower swordsmanship is so clear that the practice of Yan Dan is clear. The leaked leak will be the most severe blow to the Mohists!

And the confidentiality of his eunuch's matter is also known to the other party. Now Yan Dan kills a few people even more ardently!

Sword power, once again condensed ...

Even if the other party does not answer, Yan Dan will kill him ...

Chu Tian smiled and started to stir up again:

"Mojia giant? Are you fainted. How could you be the Mojia giant? I know the Mojia giant. That is a handsome and chic wind. 4D) ... how could it be you! "

"And Momei's token, Momei, is the certificate. Momei has no front, do you know? Do you have? Ah, you said you are a giant, or show it to me? What a giant without Momei! "

Yan Dan's face has been completely gloomy!


How could it be! ?

After Six Fingers Black Man died, Mo Mei disappeared! Where did he come from!

"It doesn't matter what you say!"

Yan Dan's voice became sharper and sharper, and when she lifted her bright sword, she pierced Chu Tian with a sword!

Kill Chu Tian!

Kill the crown prince!

Kill Duan Murong!

A cold and dark negative emotion enveloped Yan Dan. Yan Dan took the palms of Crown Princess and Chu Tian one after another, and now forced to urge internal force, coupled with anger and enthusiasm, the eunuch's affairs were revealed, and the Mojia giant was leaked Waiting for a series of things ... Yan Dan already has signs of getting into trouble!


The sword blared sharply.

Sunflower swordsmanship, style 28, "Sunflower Three Alleys"!

Simultaneously attack three people, all three are targets, even if Chu Tian can be broken, but among the three people present, Duan Murong will die!

All die!

All must be killed!

The Yin Qi in Yan Dan is getting heavier! The killing intention is getting stronger and stronger!

"The guy with short eyes!"

Chu Tian said lazily.

Stepping forward, Chu Tian reached his hand forward again, with the same light movements as before, without any surprises, Prince Dan's sword was extraordinary, and the speed was very fast!

Not to mention using hands, even with a sword may not be able to stop it!

But strange things happened, Chu Tian's flesh and blood, so gently passed through a sword light, just like before. With such a complicated sword light, Chu Tian actually traversed the past easily!

Once again, the palm of his hand was imprinted on Yan Dan's chest.

Yan Dan's eyes widened, almost unbelievable!

How did it happen!

Another flaw!

Or the same cracking method?

Is there really more than one flaw in the sunflower swordsmanship? All the tricks you make at will are flawed! what is the problem! ?

"Fuck--" Yan Dan started, just wanting to back away.


Chu Tian's internal force was surging, "Bang" made a loud noise, Yan Dan's chest. The clothes in front of him burst again, and even the close-fitting gold wire armor was completely broken.

Yan Dan flew upside down like a kite, banging on the wall in the distance.

One wall collapsed completely!

The next room is connected to this room! Yan Dan even vomited blood, and all the clothes on her chest were dyed red!

Yan Dan was seriously injured!

"How could ... how could ... there are more than one flaw in sunflower swordsmanship ... more than one ... impossible, impossible ... you, who the **** are you ... Could it stop here today ..."

"Unwilling ... I'm not willing ..."

Yan Dan thought deeply.

There are too many flaws in the sunflower swordsmanship, and with a few more palms, even if he has body armor, I am afraid he must return to the west! Can't fight anymore!

And almost all of Yan Dan's energy was spent on sunflower swordsmanship. Without swordsmanship, he was not sure to win the three ...

And Yan Dan is not a fool. If Chu Tian used not a palm, but a sword, his life would have been gone! The flaws in the sunflower swordsmanship are too fatal to fight at all!

Can it only stop here ... the dignity of his own man ... fame ... status ... and rebellion against the holy religion, Qin's cause, etc., there is nothing to lose!

How to do!

How to do! ?

Yan Dan looked cautiously at the two people on the opposite side, his eyes stayed on Chu Tian for a long time. The wounds on Chu Tian's body were clear, and there were large areas of blood in almost every place. The previous injuries were obviously very heavy ...

In this case, Chu Tian still calls on internal force ... How can this state ... Look and watch, suddenly, a smile cracks in the corner of Yan Dan's mouth!

Chu Tian lived soon!

It turns out so!

From Yan Dan's point of view, Chu Tian will definitely live soon!

Yan Dan instantly had other thoughts.

As a politician, you must find the best and most advantageous method within the first time. The future Yan Wang is even more so! After thinking about the countermeasures, Yan Dan got up and changed his face, just like changing a person.

Yan Dan's tone is hearty:

"This warrior, if there is no serious injury, Yan Dan is definitely not your opponent! Well, be convinced by mouth! In this case, give the warrior a face today, today, we will stop here, how?"


"What are you doing!"

The crown prince and Duan Murong looked at each other, not knowing what medicine Yan Dan sold.

There are weird!

It used to be so strong, how can I take the initiative to back down now? The two looked at Yan Dan cautiously, guessing what Yan Dan was thinking.

Yan Dan smiled and said:

"Don't doubt, I can't take you away, so I can only make this decision. I will fight and die must be me. However, there is a prior statement. Regarding ... the flaws in swordsmanship and the **** ... I don't want the second person to know. ——Otherwise, even if the spelling reputation is damaged, I will take the army to encircle you !!! "

Yan Dan threw a sound, said.

After talking, Yan Dan sorted out a few clothes and walked out first. It seemed that there was really no movement. Several guards who wanted to come over were also repelled by Yan Dan, preventing anyone from approaching the study ...

However, the princess and the two daughters Duan Murong, but noticed a breath of conspiracy ...

The thinking of politicians is the most terrifying thing in the world. Yan Dan, there is definitely a conspiracy ...


(Late later, sorry! 5:30 in the next chapter)

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