Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 155: Gao Jianli's delusions and mistakes (4/6)

Chu Tian pretended to be the fourth day of serious injury.

After eating the breakfast under the gentle service of the crown prince, when the crown prince left, Chu Tian finally stretched his waist lazily, refreshed and uncomfortably comfortable.

The scent of the crown prince still remains on the mouth, and the soft and soft touch can still be felt now. When it is aftertaste, don't feel a little refreshing.

The noble identity of the crown prince made Chu Tian excited.

However, I do n’t know what Yan Dan would think after knowing her actions, Chu Tian said ...

Waking up and twisting his waist, Chu Tian threw a illusion in place to prevent it from being seen by the crown prince and Duan Murong. Then he lost a stealth technique to himself and walked out comfortably.

These days Chu Tian is really living in the house. I have n’t been an otaku for a long time. This time I just lay in bed for so many days. I did n’t even get out of bed. Every day is to sleep, eat, graciously, and to kiss the crown prince ...

Calculating the time, today seems to be the day of the Feixue Pavilion.

You can't soak up the beautiful women here, and forget the beautiful women over there, fraternity is Chu Tian's goal.

So, the figure flashed, and Chu Tian disappeared ...



In front of the Feixue Pavilion, there are many people.

Not ordinary people, but the attendants of various senior officials and wealthy merchants.

The big brothers came to see Xue Nu's performances, all with a group of followers. After entering with a few entourages, the rest stayed outside. The entire Feixue Pavilion was surrounded by a large group of people.

The performance of the Snow Maiden is only a few times a month, it is not so easy to come across, all the adults have commanded, there must be no accidents!

It's only early in the morning, and the performance of Xue Nu will not start until noon.

Nonetheless, the Feixue Pavilion is already full of gangsters. At this time, it is also a good time for the dignitaries to talk and communicate with each other.

Now the Feixue Pavilion, in terms of security level, is already comparable to some royal residences. The whole country is almost half of the dignitaries, all here ...

One can imagine the tightness of defense.

Chu Tian glanced twice, too lazy to say hello, directly teleported to Feixue Pavilion ...

Feixuege's backstage is busy at this time ...

"Hurry up and hurry up here."

"Dazhu, you take a few people, and then go to clean the Feixue Yuhuatai side, there must be no dust."

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Xiaohong, go ask the Snow Maiden, do you have any needs? There will be a long time to start ..."

"Don't be lazy! Everyone is indispensable, work hard!"


The stewards of the Feixue Pavilion kept urging.

Don't look at it as just a performance, there are many things worth noting behind it.

The staff at Feixuege was busy all the time, all the time. The guest is the most powerful person in Yan Guo, and every detail cannot be neglected. In the whole Feixue Pavilion, only Xue Nu will never have to be busy, as long as she jumps to a song when she is in love, no matter what else ...

Because Xue Nu has enough charm, her Zhao Wu is unmatched.

The dignitaries even waited for this early in the morning, and were not dissatisfied. Because they think these waits are worth it.

Anyone who has seen the Snow Maiden dance, no matter who it is, will sincerely appreciate it.

The current status of Feixue Pavilion can be said that no one can shake it. This is not only the Feixue Pavilion itself, but also caused by many dignitaries! Snow Maiden has become the loudest name in Yan Guo Mai Ji, no one can ignore. Even in the Seven Kingdoms, her dance skills are top-notch.

——Only the dancer of Chutian Afang Palace can match the dancing skills of Xue Nu.

Chu Tian walked slowly, not far away, and saw a familiar person.

Gao Jianli.

Gao Jianli is holding a piano and sitting on the ground, carefully tuning the strings.

When he saw Chu Tian coming, Gao Jianli suddenly raised his head and met Chu Tian's eyes. Everyone can feel the fierce hostility.

After all, Chu Tian was punched that day, and Gao Jian was still very uneven! If this is a wild country, Gao Jianli will definitely draw a sword and fight with Chu Tian!

A strong sword intention emanated from Gao Jianli's body. Even, some bitter cold. Gao Jian's long sword from the waist is also buzzing!

It seems to know that Chu Tian has also become a musician, and feel a bit angry! Can such a person be recruited by Feixuege? Gao Jianli feels incredible!

"Are you going to fight?"

Chu Tian was not moved by this momentum and asked with a smile.

A faint light radiated in the hands, if Gao Jianli said a word, Chu Tian would definitely beat him in a second! This kind of guy can't do without beating!

"There will be a chance."

Gao Jian paused for a long time and said coldly.

Gao Jianli has killed people, and still a lot.

Gao Jianli was not in a hurry, and no one he could kill could escape. After looking at Chu Tian for a long time, Gao Jianli also knew that it didn't make any sense. He bowed his head and continued to fiddle with the strings.

A slight killing intention, gradually receding ...


A pleasant piano sound came out, and Gao Jianli began to pretend again ...

There are many people around Gao Jianli.

They are also various musicians, specializing in different musical instruments. Every instrument is used by at least 5 people. Before the performance, the musicians also cooperated with each other and got together to talk. Although people come to see the dance, but the music is better, it can also be icing on the cake ...

Of course, Gao Jianli doesn't count. He held the piano alone and sat on the side, enjoying himself alone.

Among these musicians, Gao Jianli's interpersonal relationship is obviously not good ...

"Huh? Is this Mr. Chu? Mr. Chu, you are here!"

After seeing Chu Tian, ​​a man in charge walked up eagerly, his face somewhat flattering. Xue Nuo is a guest of honor to Chu Tian, ​​so he naturally has to entertain well. That day Chu Tian played, he also heard, it really is a master level!

"Mr. Chu, you haven't appeared in the past few days, but we are in a hurry. There must be a tacit understanding between this performance, you are not in these days, I ... I am not easy to handle. You ... Try, can you cooperate with everyone? Oh, this is the tune used for the performance today, I will show you ... Hey, I blame me this time, I did n’t notify you in time, you see ... "

The meaning of this affair is obvious.

Chu Tian hurried over, and if he went on stage to play, it would be a bit wrong. This time the situation was so bad that Chu Tian should not be able to get on stage.

Chu Tian smiled and said, "Nothing, don't care."

Chu Tiancai doesn't care about a show. He just came to see the Snow Maiden, the rest, let him be!

"Thank you Mr. Chu for your understanding! Haha, Mr. Chu, you must come in advance next time, otherwise I will not be a good person! You say no!"

The steward smiled.

The crowd continued to play, and Gao Jianli continued to play the piano.

Gao Jianli was suddenly a little happy.

Knowing that Chu Tian could not come to power this time, Gao Jian actually had a touch of joy in the centrifugation. After all, I had lost Chu Chuanfu to Chu Tian before. This time, it seems to be a different game.


Gao Jianli thought of the legendary Snow Maiden.

After all, young people are enthusiastic, no one has a longing. For this legendary woman, Gao Jianli still has some expectations. He wants to know if the snow girl can understand his piano sound. This time playing music may be an opportunity.

As for Chu Tian?

Gao Jianli never paid attention to this, such a rough man, how to understand the rhythm! ?

Thinking about it, there was a sudden movement in the distance.

Almost as soon as Chu Tiangang said "Nothing", a slight scent came upstairs in the distance. The person has not yet arrived, the fragrance has diffused, fresh and tangy, refreshing fragrance is light and distant.

The light footsteps are soft, soft and delicate, full of rhythmic beauty. Even if you listen to the sound of walking, you know it is a beauty.

The woman with silver hair like a waterfall and a graceful figure finally came slowly from a distance. Daimei is like a moon, her waist is slender, and her skin is better than snow, as if she is a woman walking out of the painting.

Slender, weak and graceful.

Almost all words are difficult to describe in case, "palm dance" is perhaps the most appropriate description. That light posture seems to be born to dance.

This is the Snow Maiden.

Gao Jianli sat up straight and continued to play the piano. He wanted to play the best piece to attract Xue Nu's attention. Alpine water? It seems good, Gao Jianli made an elegant look.

Gao Jianli is about to start pretending, and he is fully prepared.

Unexpectedly, Xue Nu didn't watch anyone, Yan Yan chuckled, and walked straight to Chu Tian's body. The light tone completely broke Gao Jianli's illusion: "Brother Chu, you are finally here. I just heard what I said just now. It ’s not right, the penalty! ... Well, what is the penalty? Just punish today, let me play music for you! "

Xue Nu's cunning eyes were filled with a touch of joy.

After a few days, I finally saw Chu Tian again!

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