Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 161: The Guardian of Feixuege III (4/6)

Kicked Yan Yi again, Chu Tian raised his head, his eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone who had been watched by Chu Tian was horrified and frightened. As if that were not human eyes, but monster eyes! Everyone is already afraid of Chu Tian from the heart!

Yan Yi's miserable look, no one wants to happen to himself!

Several of them were timid, and even their legs were soft. They slumped on the seats as if they were boneless. They tried to run away, but they couldn't help them. Anxious and scared, sweating ...

However, the entire Feixue Pavilion was silent.

There was fear in the hearts of everyone, but no one dared to express a little bit of dissatisfaction ... What if they were eaten?

Looking at the expression of fear in the crowd, Chu Tian nodded slightly. This is the most ideal effect. Let Yan Yi do these things in public, also to give everyone a wake-up call!

"Good, very good, you all performed well."

Chu Tian looked at the crowd for a while, and said lazily, "Everyone shouldn't panic and don't be afraid. You see, Yan Yi sinned me and I didn't kill him, did I? I'm so afraid of what I do, I'm not a bad person , Have n’t killed anyone yet, as for ... "

Grumbling ...

Everyone swallowed one after another.

No killing, better than killing!

But everyone dared not to speak, and could only wait for Chu Tian to speak quietly. Chu Tian walked so slowly, reaching for a grasp. Yan Yi was picked up by Chu Tian, ​​as if throwing a stone, and flicking gently, the whole person flew out, and he did n’t know how many fell ...

Like throwing garbage, Chu Tian was relieved and continued:

"Everyone present, remember to me, what happened today, especially when Yan Yi was controlled by me, I do n’t want to hear any rumors outside, otherwise Yan Yi is the end. As for how to edit Yan Yi ’s injury, it is Your business. Of course, if any one has a bad heart, I would still like to have a chance to control me, I am very happy ... "

"As for the Feixue Pavilion, it doesn't matter whether you come or not, but you can pay 1,000 or two gold every month, no one can afford it. Be sure to pay it at the beginning of every month! I will come to the person who violates the deadline to ask him … Everyone who sees something wrong in Feixue Pavilion is obliged to stop it. I will find you if I am indifferent ... "

"Also, if you are of poor quality, be acquainted, don't come over and find it uncomfortable, you know?"


Chu Tian said slowly.

The sound is not loud, and there is no huge momentum. But everyone here has no courage to interrupt, or even insert a few words.

All the conditions Chu Tian said, everyone can only obey unconditionally!

Because of fear!

Yan Yi has been adjusted! What can they do?

Chu Tian's voice was soft and light, with a little laziness, echoing in the Feixue Pavilion, everyone was listening carefully ... The staff of the Feixue Pavilion did not expect that this would happen. thing.

Their musician is actually ... a demon!

It was Gao Jianli, still a little clear in his heart.

For Chu Tian, ​​Gao Jianli's heart is always a bit unhappy. He could perceive Chu Tian ’s strong hostility towards himself ...

"Impossible, impossible. In this world, how is there sorcery ... If it is really sorcery, wouldn't Chu Tian want to accomplish everything, and have already become the master of the world? There must be greasiness! "

"... This is not black magic, this must be a special martial arts secret! Chu Tian, ​​he is a martial arts master and has his own strange means ... what is it ..."

Gao Jian thought about it.

Today, Chu Tian was beaten again, and the anger in Gao Jian's centrifugation was getting bigger and bigger. Subconsciously, Gao Jianli is thinking about Chu Tian ’s weaknesses, simulating his own battle with Chu Tian ...

Gao Jianli held the long sword tightly around his waist.

Where Chu Tian had just kicked his foot, he still feels so much pain ...

"... Okay, that's all, you go!"

Chu Tian became the ruler of every world, and his speech was endless. After a while, he finally ended his speech and talked about N conditions.

The entire Feixue Pavilion suddenly became clear, and everyone was relieved. Pay more if you pay more, they do n’t want to be turned into dolls by Chu Tian!

One by one, immediately flirting with a smile, where dare to complain a little bit!

"Thank you heroes!"

"Hero, good work!"

"Hero Chu, you are my idol!"

"The old must pay gold regularly, you can rest assured that Hero Chu!"

"Be sure to keep your mouth shut!"


A group of people were nagging and eagerly saying goodbye to Chu Tian. When they walked to the door, each one was anxious like a monkey and ran away quickly!

If they don't run away, their hearts will be broken!

Everyone in the Feixue Pavilion also came up close to Chu Tiantao, or they were far away from each other, so they dared not get close, fearing that they would be eaten by monsters. In short, nothing more than these two types of people.

The look is calm, even a little bit happy, there is only one person ...

Lian Bu moved lightly, a light blue dress was elegant and calm, and the bright eyes were shining with crystal luster. The ribbon is wrapped around the jade arm. Around, the silver hair is flying, the skin is better than snow, like a fairy who dies in the world ...

Xue Nu had infinite doubts in her heart at this moment, and Chu Tian gave her the feeling of being too mysterious and omnipotent.

However, compared to these, Xue Nu is more concerned about another thing ...

Walking to Chu Tian, ​​Xue Nu chuckled and blamed:

"Brother Chu, you are right. I just said that in front of so many people ... We can say it well, but I didn't promise you!"

Xue Nu's voice is graceful, with a bit of a whimsical taste.

The faint blush on his face gradually spread, and Shengxue's skin seemed to burn a blaze. Xue Nu seems to blame, but in fact she is sweet.

Chu Tian's overbearing, she likes it very much.

Chu Tian beat Yan Yi for her, and Xue Nu also liked it.

For the first time I felt the taste of being cared for by a man, Xue Nu was very happy ...

Chu Tian naturally saw Xue Nu's mind, the girl was just shy. He took Xue Nu's hand and smiled, "You don't agree, I don't care. Anyway, in the eyes of outsiders, you are my woman. No one dares to touch you. Who can you marry except me?

"I can't marry for life!" Xue Nu smiled Yan Yan.

"No ..."

"It's up to you."


The two whispered softly, and soon continued the conversation about the previous temperament. While chatting, he walked up to the third floor of Feixue Pavilion.

The rest, who dare to disturb the two, have gone far ...



From this day on, the status of Feixue Pavilion in Yan Guoguo has skyrocketed again!

Rumors about Feixue Pavilion suddenly spread throughout the streets!

Legend has it that General Yan Yi entered vertically and came out sideways, wounded all over, and did not dare to seek revenge afterwards! According to relevant sources, there is a person in the Feixue Pavilion who can't be messed up, and even Yan Yi can only eat deflated.

Some people say it is a senior court official.

Some people say that it is the holy envoy of the Holy Church.

Others said that it was a mysterious and powerful warrior ...

In short, there are different opinions in various versions. The Feixue Pavilion, the dancing Ji Xuenu of the Feixue Pavilion, has since become the most unforgettable existence in the country of Yan Guo. And the mysterious man who guarded the Feixue Pavilion has become the most frequent topic of the rest of the country ’s citizens after a long time ...

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