Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 174: Jing Ke's proposal (2)

Kill Chu Tian!

What a difficult thing this is!

The power of Yin-Yang family, "Luo Wang", Holy Church, and even the entire Daqin! These are the power of Chu Tian! In terms of power, no one can compare!

Chu Tian's security is protected by so many huge forces, and Chu Tian's personal combat power is even more diverse and cannot be predicted! However, it is definitely the most top master! Killing Chutian is harder than ascending to heaven! Even assassinations and assassinations, all kinds of despicable means, are impossible things to succeed!

-Not long ago, even the Taoist head of Tianzong, the legendary figure of the same era as the last ghost Guzi, Master Xiaomeng, is gone forever!

Killing Chutian is almost what most people want to do, but they are the least sure about doing it.

Jing Ke actually said that he could kill Chu Tian!

This sentence of Jing Ke has to be said, it is very tempting.

The people looked at each other and were moved. A sword with a handle still pointed at Jing Ke, but everyone stopped fighting and looked at Jing Ke uncertainly ...

The giant stepped forward slowly.

The rest of the people also gave way to let the giant go to Jing Ke.

Jing Ke is a traitor of the Mo family. To say how to deal with it, Juzi is undoubtedly the most powerful person with French rights. The giant came slowly to Jing Ke's front, staring at Jing Ke, his eyes showing a raging murderous intention ...

The defeat of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations also had a factor of Jing Ke.

Master Ban's arm was also severed by Jing Ke.

Even if Jing Ke is killed, it is not an exaggeration!

Jing Ke and Ju Zi looked at each other, and there was no slight escape in their eyes:

"Giant ... I know you hate me, everyone in the Mo family hates me. I said I was framed, and you certainly do n’t believe it. I cut off the arm of Master Ban, and many of the Mo disciples were killed by me. I will quibble, this is the truth. However, I was indeed deceived by Chu Tian. Chu Tian played tricks on people ’s hearts. Unusual ... you want to kill me, you can, but not now, I ’m here to convey important news, you also know , I used to be an apprentice of Chu Tian, ​​I know him the best ... "

Jing Ke said slowly.

Everyone's expression finally relaxed.

Indeed, if you are talking about Chu Tian's understanding, I am afraid that only Jing Ke is the most familiar.

Jing Ke then loosened his right hand and the sunflower sword fell to the ground. Jing Ke expressed his position with practical actions. Seeing that the people had retreated a little bit of hostility, Jing Ke spoke again, and said, "What are you going to do, I probably know some. However, there is one thing ... assassination of Chu Tian, ​​absolutely not! You can deal with the Holy Church, you can deal with Daqin, However, Chu Tian ’s power is beyond all your imagination, and assassination is meaningless. Even if all the people here are together, even ten times more people, I am afraid that it will be less than 10%. That is not the case. Human power— "

"Jing Ke, you're too exaggerated! I'm waiting to join forces, can't you beat Chu Chu!" Taoist Xiaoyao Zi said, his face not good.

Xiaoyaozi's brother, Master Xiaomeng, died in the hands of Chu Tian. He resented Chu Tian!

Seeing Jing Ke admiring Chu Tian so much, Xiaoyaozi was very angry.

Jing Ke shook his head, his face slightly heavy:

"Mr. Xiaoyaozi, all of you here, you, who can kill a hundred thousand troops?"

"What does this mean?" The giant also spoke rarely.

Jing Ke said cautiously: "On the battlefield that day, I witnessed Chu Tian's hands and wiped out more than 100,000 troops with a sword. Although he used a lot of tricks, but in fact, there is no such thing, Chu Tian is also fully confident Victory. I have even suspected that Chu Tian is no longer human, so years have passed and his age does not seem to grow at all ... "

Everyone cast their eyes.

Everyone thought that Jing Ke was **** again, or his brain was broken.

One sword wiped out more than 100,000 troops? How can it be?

"The brain is broken."

"Jing Ke, wouldn't you be a lobbyist for the Holy Church?"

"When we are so fool, Jing Ke!"

"Haha, the holy teaching manual also said that Lord Master stepped out of the ocean with one foot blow out the sun, and a fart popped out of the moon ... Jing Ke, do you also believe this? Ha ha ha! You and holy believers It's no different! ... "

"Why doesn't this matter, nonsense ..."


Where would anyone believe Jing Ke's words!

Even the giants snorted at this time, did not believe at all, and even had a disgraceful feeling! After all, Jing Ke also came from the Mo family!

The giant interrupted Jing Ke and said:

"Jing Ke, what's your position, you should know yourself. As a traitor, your words would have no one to believe. You can let us ... how to believe you in this kind of credible thing? Don't talk nonsense, today we have important things to discuss I ’m not listening to you bullshit, **** Chu Tian, ​​I ’m going to see how you are **** ... "

Jing Ke's face was depressed for a few minutes ...

No one believes.

Sure enough, no one believed!

Obviously it is the fact, it is clearly seen with my own eyes, but no one believes! They assassinated Chu Tian, ​​I am afraid that many people will die!

Chu Tian's power is indeed unbelievable. Without his own eyes, no one can believe it. Jing Ke clenched his fists, knowing how to say nothing in vain. After a long silence, he finally admitted his life ...

Slowly, Jing Ke revealed the last secret:

"You don't believe it ... As for killing Chu Tian, ​​there is only one way, the only way ... I have experienced a lot in the past year, and I have investigated a lot. Finally, I found a way to deal with Chu Tian ..."

“I ’ve been to Loulan, I ’ve been to Korea, I ’ve investigated a lot of things, I ’ve read a lot of books ... Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and Chiyou, Battle of Demon God, Chiyou Jian, King Wu Wu, Huangshi Tianshu, and the division of Yin Yang and Tao ... even the Nine Heavens mystery created this continent ... in many legends, I finally found some clues ... yes, you believe it, you know what I said is sporadic, this time, by no means what you said 'S nonsense ... "

Jing Ke's eyes were like electricity, and he said, "South Korea, Han Fei, because he touched this taboo, he was killed by the Holy Christian leader!"

Everyone was silent.

Han Fei!

The master of the legalists! Brother Qin Xiang Lisi! Xunzi lovers! Korean son!

Han Fei died of the Six Soul Horror Curse, which was caused by Chu Tianming. Among the hundreds of schools, it is no longer a secret. Listening to Jing Ke said so well, everyone could not help but believe the score!

"How to kill Chu Tian?" The giant son asked concisely.

"Canglong Qisu, a relic of a mysterious girl. That is, the legendary thing is enough to change the pattern of the world. Only this can deal with Chu Tian. Han Fei was investigating this thing ..."

The giant thought for a long time.

Fu Nian on the side was also silent, paused and said: "Canglong Qisu, I heard Han Fei mentioned that ..."

The giant nodded slightly, and he had heard a little about the Canglong Qisu. After looking at Jing Ke, he stayed calm for a while and said, "What is true and false, it is not easy to judge for the time being, we will consider your suggestion. But there are more important things to do at this time, Jing Ke, you will stay first. Cang Long I will discuss it with you in detail about Qisu .-- Come here, take Jing Ke away and lock it up. "

"Yes! Giant!"

Several people walked by and bound Jing Ke's body with an iron chain.

Several excellent masters of Fu Nian and Xiao Yao Zi personally blocked dozens of acupuncture points around Jing Ke, preventing him from moving. The sunflower sword was also taken away by Xu Fuzi.

Jing Ke was completely imprisoned ...

Under the leadership of the Mo family, Jing Ke went to a distance ...

"I know you don't believe me! You doubt me! However, the assassination of Chu Tian is absolutely impossible, useless! It will only be sacrificed in vain! If you still believe me a little, let me go! Let me assassinate Chu God! If you fail, you should return the lives of the brothers of the Mo family! "

I don't know how far away, Jing Ke's voice came again again ...

Everyone present, it was faintly found that things seemed a little weird. Jing Ke did not need to cast a net, and Jing Ke did not seem to be lying ...

Chu Tian, ​​won't it really be what Jing Ke said ...

"Let's put it aside in advance. Let's talk about the hundred alliances first ..."

The giant said again, and everyone revived from Jing Ke's words. This time Jing Ke's arrival was just a minor episode. A hundred alliances, fighting against the Holy Church, are the real big things!

However, the dark cloud in my heart could never be erased ...

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