Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 179: Anastasia II

(Weakly speaking, this book has eunuchs, the outline of the next volume is almost the same, it is impossible for eunuchs. Mainly busy with make up exams these days, the brain is not enough, sorry!)

(The update resumed and broke out on Saturday!)

Along the way, the thieves panicked in their hearts.

Lots of doubts plague the robbery. Although robbery is usually a little smart, but this time, robbery is also clueless ...

Is Chu Tian lying to him? Is Chutian telling the truth? The current giant is fake? How did Six Fingers Black Man die? And the Mo family, have really been blinded? Was the war in South Korea the information leaked by the giant? What is Juzi's true identity? ...... Too many doubts, we must find out! The impact of this matter is too great, especially at the juncture of these 100 alliances, which is directly related to the great cause of anti-Qin and anti-Holy, even if there is a 1 in 10,000 possibility, it must be investigated clearly! Whether Chu Tian is right or wrong, Chu Tian must be brought over!

Bringing Chu Tian to the scene to confront the giant is undoubtedly the best choice.

After all, there are hundreds of schools and people from all walks of life, and there will be a fair verdict.

Who is the real Mohist giant?

How should the Mohists go in the future ...

The robbery is very confused ...

"However, if the giant is fake, I will stole it and I won't be able to spare him! Dare to play with our Mohists, **** ... damn! I believe him so much!"

80% of the thieves believed Chu Tian's words.

After all, Chu Tian ’s evidence is so abundant, he dare to confront the giant himself, and he will not make a fake ...

The thieves have done nothing, and walked fast.

After a hurry, the two finally arrived at their destination. That is, a stronghold for the secret contact of the hundreds of schools.

The stronghold is located in the valley. The forest is lush and the flowers are lush. It is very hidden. Even the sacred information network is difficult to discover.

At present, people from all walks of life are gathered here.

One hundred alliances.

This is an event that has never been seen in hundreds of years ...

Pirates pointed to the woods in front of them, and there was a faint voice of conversation, saying:

"It's here. The giant is inside. Taoism, Confucianism, and so on. Many people from the rivers and lakes are here. Right now, the plan of the Hundred Alliance to fight against the Holy Church is under discussion."

Chu Tian nodded and said, "Okay, let's go. This fake giant, I will expose him personally."

"Mr. Chu!"

The robbery suddenly looked grim, and said, "Sir, the impulse to robbery was really offended. But this matter is related to the life and death of my Mo family. I have to say a word about robbery. Sir, the martial art of the giant is very high Taller than anyone in our Mo family. With the exception of the traitor Jing Ke, almost no one can contend. At that time, please be careful ... "

"Be careful? Be careful not me ..."


Chu Tian walked in with a smile.

Even the clever thieves have been tricked into this by themselves, not to mention others.

It seems that this is the first time that a hundred schools of children are facing, and Chu Tian is still a little excited ...

Throwing away the layers of vegetation, Chu Tian walked in. On the huge open space, countless people were talking.

Elegant and elegant, gentle gentleman who talks and politely wants to be a Confucian. There is also the old man of immortal wind and indifferent temperament, who is a Taoist. And the most striking of them, wearing a black robe and a cloak, is undoubtedly the Mojia giant in the center, Yan Dan ...

Right now, the leaders of the various roads are talking, not paying attention to the movement of the two.

Chu Tian and Robber nodded and walked in ...

The two came in for a while, and then they were found one after another and said hello one after another. Although I do n’t know Chu Tian, ​​everyone is very familiar ...

"Pirates, you are finally back!"

"It turns out that this is the famous king of robbery on the rivers and lakes."

"Confucian Yan Lu, long heard the name of the thief ..."

"Robbery, this one by your side is ..."

"Is the boss of the robbery injured?"


Everyone saw the robbery and came over to say hello.

This time was very particular about etiquette, not to mention that Lai Ren is also one of the leaders of the Mohists. Many people's attention was attracted by the robbery, and the giant could not help turning around to look at the roar.

But it's okay not to look at it. At first glance, the giant's eyes are staring out!


Isn't Chu Tian the one who robbed around? That **** who made her nominal wife big belly! The greatest shame in Yan Dan's life!

Chu Tian, ​​why is he here!

No matter how smart a giant is, he can't figure out the key. He clearly told Pi Tian to kill Chu Tian, ​​but Zhu Tian brought Zhu Tian over!

what happened! ?

The giant's men consciously held the saber around his waist, and the murderous intention spread. Several people around the giant immediately discovered this murderous intention of the giant!

Shame on men! How can a giant endure!

Staring at Chu Tian, ​​if not all the people from the rivers and lakes gathered here, care about the image, the giant had already hacked away!

"Stealing ... you, how did you bring him." The giant stared at Chu Tian for a long time before spitting out such words from his teeth.

Many people in the rivers and lakes looked at each other, and they didn't understand what had happened to them.

On the side of "Giant ..." Xu Fuzi also stared at the giant. It is better not to have a conflict at this time.

"Giant, calm down." Master Class also whispered.

"Yes, giant, now we need—"

The giant plucked out his long sword and pointed directly at Chu Tian in front of him, saying, "Calm down? How do you calm me down? This man, I must kill today! I came to my Mojia stronghold, but you asked for it! Robbery, you are being intimidated by him. Don't be nervous. So many people are here today, won't let him escape! "

"Chu Tian, ​​do your consciousness of death!"

The giant rushed to Chu Tian quickly!

A fierce killing intention, constantly superimposed in the air, superimposed! That is, as if the enemy of life and death! Defeating the enemy! Unkillable intent! I wish to kill the other party with thousands of swords!

Hateful! ! !

Chu Tian must not stay, this is the determination of the giant!

The sword light was agile and swift and fast, and the giant used his full force to stab Chu Tian.

Sunflower swordsmanship, the fourteenth style:

Three sunflowers!

Seeing that this sword is about to arrive in Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian has no intention of evading. Just looked at the giant with such a smile, a relaxed look.

Chu Tian just used his inner strength and said in a loud voice:

"Hey, look at you, I admit that I was wrong. But you are an eunuch, and you are doing something wrong with other girls, is it too immoral? Is it wrong for me to help you take care of your wife? Well ... yes, your wife's daughter is about to be born, that is, my daughter. Will the full moon wine invite you to go? "

Chu Tian's voice was enough for internal force, and echoed for a long time in the valley, and everyone heard clearly ...

Giant, cuckold ...

"What? The giant is an eunuch?"


"Uh, did I hear it wrong ..."

"It turned out to be the rival of the giant, hey, it's hard for the Qing official to break the housework ..."


The biggest fear of the giant finally happened!

Chu Tian actually revealed the fact that he was a **** in front of his compatriots!

I'm so famous!

What other face does he have?

"Asshole !! Shut up !! Shut up ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

A sword has not been stabbed yet, the giant has angered and his internal power is disordered. Thinking of the humiliation and anger, the giant spit out blood, stained the rich clothes on his chest, and spit blood like a fountain ...

Boom! !

The giant fell to the ground, unkempt, and still didn't stab Chu Tian ...

"It's all said, you can't get me ... you are a dead eunuch."

Chu Tian once again emphasized the term **** ...

Ju Zi's mouth foamed and almost fainted ... This time it's really a fame of the whole world ...

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