Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 13 Chapter 181: The unprecedented crisis of hundreds of schools

"I didn't! I didn't!"

"I haven't colluded with the sacred religion, I don't know half of the sacred people at all!"

"The sacred religion is the enemy of my Mohist family. Even if my tycoon is even ridiculous, it is impossible to collude with the sacred religion! You, you, you cannot be deceived by this man's words!"

"I was wronged !!!"

The giant roared loudly, never in such a tragic situation!

All the families of all the sons and daughters have already turned away! Even 80% of the Mo family looked at the giant with suspicion! The giant never expected this to happen!

If this continues, he may die in the hands of his family!

Turning the brain desperately, what the giant said, is also the future monarch. He tried his best to live a proton career, and had various struggles in the court. His mind is still very sensitive. In a blink of an eye, he grasped the crux of the problem!

"I know! It's you! It's you, Chu Tian, ​​you are the holy man! I know, you are the holy man! You are framing me, are you? Is not it !!"

"Everyone listens to me, he is a saint, I am innocent! Innocent !!"

The giant shouted.

Unfortunately, everyone looked at the giant's eyes as if they were a clown.

No one believes this kind of rhetoric now. Everyone now almost believes that Chu Tian is the giant of the Mo family, Yan Dan, but a traitor.

The same traitor as Jing Ke!

The leaders of various schools came to Chu Tian and greeted Chu Tian. Everyone has acknowledged the identity of Chu Tian ’s Mohist giant and discussed the next countermeasures ...

The most important thing now is to escape from the Holy Church. As for the giant? Offended all the hundreds of schools, how could it be so simple to spare, can not escape ...

"The Holy Church has discovered our location, what should we do next?"

"Unexpectedly, after all, I lost to the Holy Church."

"Just don't know, what is the scale of the Holy Church ..."


"Actually, there is still a way."

Chu Tian suddenly said, attracting everyone's attention.

Chu Tian took out a branch and drew a rough topographic map on the ground. While drawing, he explained: "This is the topography I observed when I came in. Here is the Mojia stronghold, hidden terrain, and lush jungle. It ’s intricate. The sacred church can lay ambush unconsciously, and that ’s why ... However, the terrain is not only used by the sacred church, we can also use it right now. Escape can still be done. ”

"Run away?" Xiao Yaozi frowned.

Chu Tian nodded and said:

"Yes, run away. Time is urgent, and the sacred church may soon be able to act. We are unprepared, confronting head-on, there can be no victory at all. We can die, but we ca n’t die worthless. Save the living power, and the future It is the wisest way to fight the Holy Church again. In order to live in the world, we must be patient. "

Everyone nodded.

They have no preparation at all and have no chance at all. Indeed, only escape.

Chu Tian continued: "It seems that everyone agreed. So, let's get started, divide the 18 routes, leave from different routes, and try to let more people escape. Concentrating together may have the consequences of the destruction of the whole army, everyone Understandable. As for the route, I have thought about it. The 18 most dangerous, but also the most hidden routes. Confucian, go here, Taoism take this line ... "

"We have to leave here as soon as possible! This time the casualties will definitely be great. The giant should have spread the news that can spread. Right now, dispersing the power and trying to escape is our only way out."

"Go! Start now! It is urgent!"

"One point delay, we are in danger!"

Chu Tian looked solemn.

"What about you, sir?"

"I lead the Mo family, responsible for breaking off!" Chu Tianli said.

People from all kinds of schools and ancestors saluted toward Chu Tian seriously.

This time, if Chu Tian arrived in time to expose the conspiracy, I am afraid that everyone would die here. Now, Chu Tian has to be broken!

Seeing the firmness in Chu Tian's eyes, everyone knew that Chu Tian could not be persuaded. For Chu Tian, ​​I admire it more and more. I really feel that there is no better person in the world. The decent among the decent!

"Okay, let's do this. The matter of anti-Qin and anti-sanctity will be discussed later. Let's escape today! Mr. Chu, thank you very much ..."

"Thank you, Mr. Chu! Let's go!"

"Confucian Fu Nian, thank Mr. Chu for your kindness ..."

"Go! Go here!"



Hundreds of schools of thought, all rivers and lakes heroes, in this way, batch after batch, have left.

Time waited for no one, everyone left quickly and fled far away, leaving only the Mo family to stay in place. The Mojia giant is surrounded by many Mojia people, looking for the opportunity to escape ...

boom! ! !

boom! !

Not long afterwards, there was an explosion in the distance, and the earth was shocking. The people of the Mo family looked serious, knowing that the battle had already begun ...

The force that was originally twisted into a ball was split into 18 strands by Chu Tian, ​​which was easier to defeat ...




After Zhang Liang died, Fu Nian and Yan Lu were also called Qi Lu Shuangjie.

Right now, he is leading the Confucian people to the front. However, not long after walking, a large group of people in front seemed to suddenly appear as if they had been premeditated, and all the Confucians were surrounded!

"Yinyang family, star soul, have seen you Confucianists."

Star Soul's dazzling eyes looked at everyone, and a sharp sword spirit appeared in his hand. The blue sword spirit is extremely thick, as if it were decades of hard work.

Gathering energy into a blade, 32 times the skill!

Without further ado, Star Soul moves forward fast! Countless subordinates also rushed immediately and launched a fierce attack on the Confucian people!


Xiaoyaozi was even more tragic. He actually met the leader of "Tianluo", Tianyi Taiyi, the leader of The hatred between the Yin-Yang family and the Taoist school completely broke out at this moment ...

Donghuang Taiyi was only one person, so he blocked all Taoists ...

The soldiers met one of the six sword slaves. In the complicated terrain, one person died one after another ...

And farmhouses, etc., all kinds of heroes. Without exception, on the road arranged by Chu Tian, ​​they have suffered violent attacks one after another.

The six sword slaves, killers, and even masters such as Donghuang Taiyi and Yingzheng ... the elders and disciples of the Yinyang family ... and the Holy Guard of the Holy Church have all appeared here.

This terrible alliance of all the hundreds of families and the forces of Chu Tian launched the most ferocious collision in history. Chu Tian ’s infiltration into the power of the Yan Kingdom, at this moment, fully demonstrated ...

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