Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 185: Disappointed hole card (4/7)

The thick **** smell spread across the valley.

The corpses were tired and the blades were all over the ground, and the verdant mountains were lit a little bit red, like a burning flame. The Mojias of Sheng Ji were so decayed.

Mo's top fighting power almost disappeared in this battle. There is no more than ten years of effort that cannot be recovered. Cultivating top-notch combat power is not so easy.

Not only the Mo family, but also the high-end fighting power of the entire rivers and lakes, and the leaders of all sectors, also suffered heavy losses. All who came to participate in the Hundred Leagues were at the level of leaders of various factions, and this time almost all of them were destroyed. Compared with the hundreds of chaotic schools in the original book, the current forces of the rivers and lakes have no power to contend with the saints.

Staying aside obediently, or continuing to resist usher in perdition, this is their only choice ...

Chu Tian stood on the spot and walked slowly, feeling particularly well ...



Several figures suddenly appeared behind Chu Tian.

The figure is as fast as lightning! Even the robbery among the Mohists is far inferior to a few people. But Chu Tian's subordinates are more than ten such masters at will! Moreover, these people are not good at all!

East Emperor Taiyi! Star Soul! The six sword slaves!

As well as the rest of the book masters, everyone placed outside is a first-class master. Several people's eyes occasionally glanced at the corpse on the floor, and then look at Chu Tian's spotless clothing, the color of worship in his eyes became deeper. Hundreds of Mo family members were easily wiped out by Chu Tian, ​​and the group of people didn't seem to even touch Chu Tian's clothing corner ...

Such an unfathomable leader is the biggest reason for the unity of the Holy Church!

Who doesn't admire Chu Tian's power!

More than a dozen people kneeled respectfully, without saying a word, with a respectful look, waiting for Chu Tian's words ...

"how is it?"

Chu Tian looked at the sky in the distance and asked with his hands on his back.

There was no more noise around the valley. Hundreds of people from all walks of life, all must have been resolved. This battle is perfect.

"Master Qiqi. Most of the rebellions are insults. Only five people escaped. Another 13 masters surrendered! As for ordinary disciples, 34 captives have been detained for interrogation ..."

"Five people ..." Chu Tian interrupted and frowned slightly. "A master wants to escape. It's really not easy to catch. This can't blame you all. But the five people are more than I expected ..."

"Subordinate **** it! Ask the Lord to come down!"

"Forget it."

Chu Tian waved his hands, too lazy to care.

The current sacred religion is not something that the hundreds of schools can contend with. The Mo School, Confucianism, Taoism, and several of the biggest martial arts have been severely hit. The so-called Jianghu forces are not worth mentioning now.

Among them, the most restless Mohists suffered the most casualties ...

However, the time of Banzhu said by the giant of the Mo family actually dragged on for so long. Chu Tian was a bit surprised. He was also waiting for a while to see what good moves Yan Yan had. Now it seems that this guy seems to have run away?

Just now I was about to turn around, and suddenly the whole mountain shook.



The ground swayed swiftly, the rocks were beating, and a dull sound came from the distant mountains. There seemed to be something huge shaking.

The leaves drifted and fell in violent shaking, and the sound gradually became louder and harsher. The vibration became stronger and more obvious. It seemed that there was an ancient beast that woke up from the distant mountains ...

Chu Tian foresees something, looking up, looking at the distance with great interest.

After a glance, Chu Tian shook his head, seeming to be less interested.

"... I'm really disappointed. Sure enough, I have seen one move, no matter how powerful it is, there is nothing to applaud ..."

boom! ! ! ! !

The loud noise came again!

This time, it was louder than the previous few times, as if thunder and thunder exploded!

On top of the mountain, huge rocks rolled down and collided with the mountain to make a loud noise, and the trees broke off. The huge movement that caused the mountain to sway, what caused it, I can't imagine it!

The shaking of the earth can also be clearly felt. The world and the earth seem to be shaking, and there is a burning breath in the distance. Just listening to the deafening sound makes people tremble!


The last loud noise finally came.

The earth shook violently. After shaking, it stopped shaking. In the mountain not far away, a huge monster boomed up and flew into the sky.

The huge body, stretching for thousands of kilometers, is unimaginably large.

This is what once appeared on the battlefield of South Korea, the ultimate weapon of the Mohists-the organ Qinglong!

This time, the Mo family hosted a hundred alliances to contend against the Holy Church, and also prepared a green dragon nearby. Originally this was the Mo's biggest hole card, but now it is used by giants.

The huge green dragon hovered in the sky and came straight to Chutian! The huge body is swaying in the air, and Mo's most powerful organ beast can almost contend with the presence of the army on the battlefield!

Yan Dan roared wildly among the blue dragons, his face was mad, and he couldn't live forever!

This is his hole card!

"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha! Dead, all dead! Chu Tian, ​​as long as you die, as long as you die, no one knows my secret! Ha ha ha ha!"

"You all die !!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ——————"

Since the Mo people are dead.

If you kill Chu Tian again, no one will know the fact of Yan Dan's eunuch!

Yan Dan was very excited, and she was still thinking about this thing, but she didn't see it at all. Whether it was Chu Tian or Chu Tian's subordinates, she looked disdainful.

In Yan Dan's eyes, there is no manpower to counter such things as Qinglong. But Star Soul, Eastern Emperor, and others knew that the power of the Holy Prophet is far from comparable to that of Qinglong ...


Qinglong made a loud noise.

A pillar of fire descended from the sky and ran towards Chu Tian in the valley, Yan Dan's laughter rippling in the sky, as if he had won the ticket ...

(The next chapter is around 8: 30 ~)

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