Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 189: Unification of the whole world, unity of church and state, title of saint (2/4)

After coming to Afang Palace, Chu Tian never left again.

Even a random maid in Afang Palace is one of a million women.

Playing, dancing, massaging, and sleeping ... all sorts of functions.

Coupled with Li Ji, Chi Lian, Nong Yu, Luna, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming, Xiao Li, etc., all the beautiful women together, even just watching, it is very satisfying!

This is a paradise surrounded by beauty!

Man's fantasy town!

It was enough to play, so Chu Tian stayed in the Afang Palace in this way and lived comfortably with the daughters. There was no place more suitable for rest than here. Eat tofu, play the piano and say love, or exchange questions about the cultivation of the next generation.

The days are dashing, and things outside are too lazy to manage. Anyway, there are a group of loyal subordinates ...

Three days later, everything went on schedule.

Wang Jian was in command and attacked Wei Guo.

According to Chu Tian's strategy, Donghuang Taiyi attacked Yan Guo.

Unconsciously, Meng Tian entered the Chu Kingdom.

With three pros and cons, all three forces are at the same time, and everyone is caught off guard! Qin's national strength combined with the influence of the Holy Church, the direction of this war is almost one-sided!

Even, because of Chu Tian's pretentious actions, the reputation of the Holy Church is now too loud. This battle is almost like a broken bamboo. Many enemies are on the side of Holy Church. The attack on the three countries is simpler than expected. Chu Tian was scheduled to get it in ten days, and in just seven days, he won the Three Kingdoms!

Fast and amazing!

After the Three Kingdoms won, the three-way army met Yan Guo.

The only remaining Qi country, under this huge force, had no room for resistance. In just a few days, it was also won.

Unification of the Seven Kingdoms!

The centuries of war finally ended in Chu Tian's hands!

Of course, this is not the end!

Chu Tian ’s goal was not the small Seven Kingdoms. Soon after the unification of the Seven Kingdoms, Wang Jian and Meng Tian led their expeditions to include Asia, Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the entire world in Daqin ’s territory! It is more than enough to conquer the whole world with Daqin's national power now! Soldier demon god, organ dragon, these are the existence that other countries can't compete with anyway!

Thus, Daqin became the only country in the world, the most powerful country!

The Holy Church has also become the most powerful sect in the world!



History has deflected here.

A few months after the time returned to the unification of the Seven Kingdoms.

The temples in various countries have just been built. At this time, Wang Jian and others are still fighting outside, attacking Europe, America and other places. Everything is going on in full swing.

However, in the Afang Palace, a holy place for holy religion, a supreme priest's oracle suddenly came out and spread to all parts of the world and to the ears of every holy believer. Alhambra, a holy place that almost symbolizes the supreme glory of the sacred religion, there are very few orders or the like. This time, everyone was shocked.

Streets and alleys, the old capital of the Six Kingdoms.

Countless people are watching the news, and countless people start cheering ...

The leader, who had always believed, finally ascended the supreme throne in the hope of all. A brand new noun is reflected in everyone's mind: the unity of politics and religion!

God, supreme!

"Yingzheng has no way, this person will be punished on behalf of the gods! He cut his teaching membership and was reduced to a commoner ..."

"Since today, politics and religion are one."

"The Great Qin is the Holy Religion, the Holy Religion is the Great Qin, and there is no longer the title of King Qin, everything belongs to the leader ... Anyone who believes in the Holy Religion will be the Great Qin people; all the Great Qin people, all need to believe in the Holy Religion ... The leader decides ... "

"From today on, we will annihilate a hundred schools and honor the holy religion ..."

"Hundreds of schools, abolish their establishment, save their doctrines, and be incorporated into the holy religion. No privately opened schools, no missionary, no propaganda of force, all behaviors require permission from the holy church ..."


Such news, posted all over the streets.

Everywhere in the Seven Kingdoms, everyone is cheering. For the believers of the sacred religion, the sacred religion has become the only faith, and the only religion is undoubtedly the most exciting thing!

The glory of the Holy Church is their glory!

Everyone has become a believer in the Holy Church, which is the most joyous thing for everyone!

Chu Tian has finally become the most sublime and most powerful person in both the bright and the dark. No one in the world can compare with it!

Holy Christian leader! Chutian! !

In addition to the unity of politics and religion, another news is also exciting and circulates from place to place. It was only because the unity of politics and religion and the demotion of a hundred schools were too fierce that they were covered up.

But even so, many crazy believers of the Holy Church have noticed this news: the daughter of the leader, was born!

The first child of the leader is finally born!

This is a baby girl, born on the occasion of the moon. It is rumored that when she was born, Xia Guang diffused, and Ruiqi covered the whole Xianyang. This is a rare auspicious event in a century!

On the day the daughter of the leader was born, countless people had backaches and backaches in the city of Xianyang, and even the stubborn illness that had not been cured for many years was suddenly healed. It is even said that the crops in the field have grown a lot in one night!

From this, everyone guessed that the daughter of the leader, the identity is also extraordinary, I am afraid that the immortal reincarnation ...

The respect for the leader is even deeper ...

The daughter of the leader, whose surname is Ji, has the same name as Qianlong.

From the time of birth, he was sealed as a saint by the bishop. The Holy Virgin and the Virgin, the symbol of the universal life of the Holy Religion, under one person, above ten thousand people. If the holy church sees the holy girl, like the holy church leader!

Saint title: Gao Yue.

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