Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 192: Chitaki's birthday (2/6)

【E emperor, female hero picture】

The days passed.

Xianyang City is also bustling day by day.

Festive unconsciously has spread throughout the entire Xianyang City. What the ears hear and the eyes see are all kinds of information about the saints. Festively overwhelms the whole Xianyang City.

Various large and small shops have carried out various promotional activities, and the usual careless ghosts have begun to consume arrogantly. All the people are in groups, wandering on the streets, cheering, the whole Xianyang City, more than the Spring Festival Be hilarious. All kinds of prayers about the saints and saints are endless.


A large number of high-ranking priests came from all over the world ...

Representatives from hundreds of schools, all came to congratulate ...

The loser family even made a huge firework that cost 8 million two silver, ready to be used this evening to celebrate the twelfth birthday of the saint ...

All in all, the entire Xianyang City has entered the most lively season in a year!

Because this is the birthday of the saint!

This is the birthday of the daughter of the leader!

On the day of her birthday, the saint will sit in a saintly car and march on Xianyang Street. At that time, it will be a rare opportunity to teach people to get close to the gods!

Everyone, including Jing Ke, is waiting for this moment!

Xianyang City.

Afang Palace.

The lights are red and green, and the fairy sounds curl.

The birthday of the good daughter came, and Chu Tian also renovated the inside and outside of the Afang Palace.

Twelve years have passed, Daqin is developing, holy religion is developing, and Chutian's Afang Palace is becoming more luxurious and courageous. More than half of Daqin's taxes were used by Chu Tian for fun. The current Afang Palace is so luxurious, even if those believers want to break their heads, I am afraid they can't think of it ...

Chu Tian is currently sitting in a chair, hugging left and right.

Two smart and delicate beauties lay quietly in Chu Tian's arms.

Elf-like watery eyes, exquisite and white face, long and graceful jade legs, and beautiful and attractive jaw legs, with a delicate and attractive body, with a bud waiting to be released, the youthful liveliness and the beautiful woman. It is like a young woman who is newly married, making people covet ... Every place is extremely beautiful, extremely wonderful!

Moreover, what is even more incredible is that the two beauties in Chu Tian's arms actually looked exactly the same!

Beautiful twins!

One is Xiao Li.

The other one is Jiutian Xuannv.

Xiao Liben was created by Nine Heavens Xuan Nu according to her own appearance. Now Chu Tian is holding one by one, like twins in her arms, she is dead.

The big hand touched in the arms of the two girls. The faces of Xiao Li and Jiutian Xuan Nu were red ...

"Huh, Xuan'er, your skin is getting better and better ..."

"Xiao Li, come, kiss one ..."

"Xuan'er, your kiss skills need to be improved."

"Xiao Li, come, that's it ..."

Xiao Li and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, one in each hand. Eat tofu, kiss your baby. Mouth.

Behind Chu Tian, ​​Emperor E and Ning Ying are pinching their shoulders to Chu Tian. Crisp. The soft little hands are as soft as water, soft and soft, pinching the earth in the clouds, and occasionally using special services of the chest ...

Under Chu Tian ’s crotch, there is a small head shaking vigorously, occasionally raising his head, revealing the cold and inviolable. The face of the offender is a lunar **** who looks cold and indifferent on weekdays. Putting white paste, but it does not match her temperament ... Luna, fallen ...

In the distance, there are countless girls wearing tulle, which can hardly hide the graceful body. The body is dancing. Xue Nu and Chi Lian were playing in it, Chun. Guangzha Road, Yu. Body Hengchen, but Chu Tian died ...

All the beautiful women in the world are included in Afang Palace.

Afang Palace, now it really became Chu Tian's **** nest ...

After having some fun, Chu Tian exhaled for a long time, embraced Luna in his arms, and was about to enter the topic ... While thinking, Chu Tian said: "You said, what's the preparation for Qiantung's birthday gift this year? Okay? I have thought about several ways, and I always feel that it is not exciting enough. Tomorrow will be Chitaki ’s birthday. I ca n’t just do a perfunctory thing, otherwise the little girl will be sad ... "

Chu Tian was tangled.

Last year ’s birthday gift was to build a spaceship and take a good daughter to swim through space; the previous year ’s birthday gift was to create a "mirage" and take the good daughter to go to the sea for sightseeing; another year before, Chu Tian was manipulating stars , Arranging the stars into the words "Happy Birthday", Chu Tian still remembers the excited look of Chitaki ...

However, every year's birthday gift is so cocky! Now that ordinary birthday gifts are sent out, I feel that they have no effect. This is also the source of Chu Tian ’s troubles ... This child is very fond of Chu Tian. Chu Tian regards her as a pearl in the palm. In addition to spoiling or spoiling, If the good daughter is sad, Chu Tian will feel guilty.

What kind of birthday gift do you use ...

Luna gasped lightly, and there was still some tide on her face. Red said, "Adult, as long as you are with Qianlong, it is the best birthday present. Qianlong is a little precocious, she is actually not already Little child. "

"I'm with Qianlong, who will accompany you!" Chu Tian smiled and twisted the crescent moon chest, smiled.

"Adult ~"

"Okay, don't worry about it anymore. I actually prepared the gift a long time ago, but I didn't feel shocked enough. Chitaki seems to be in a bad mood recently. It's time for girls to rebel ... Hey, it's hard to be a father Father is harder ... "

"Adult, are you a father, how do I think you look wrong in Qianlong?"

"What's wrong! My father's love, that deep father's love!"


There was a lot of laughter, and a series of unsuitable movements for children were staged quickly. Tomorrow is Chitaki ’s birthday, and Chu Tian wondered whether to add a few sisters to Chitaki tonight ...


For details of Emperor E and Nuying, please refer to "The Emperor of Qin Shiming Moon Comes Down". The current Mrs. Xiang is not the original Mrs. Xiang, but an unrelated person. (In short, I was pitted. Who knows that Mrs. Xiang is a big beauty! Just like that)

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