Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 194: Jing Kexing 2 (4/6)

"See the Virgin!"

"See the Virgin!"

"Holy religion is immortal!"

"The brilliance of the leader is everlasting!"


The believers' voices are like waves, one wave higher than the other, fluttering on the streets. As the holy car in the distance gradually approached, the sound continued to rise.

The people were more and more excited and more enthusiastic. Countless people even smashed their heads to express their excitement.

This is the saint of saints!

In the Holy Church, second only to the leader!

Because it is a woman, the saint is less dignified and more intimate than the leader. In the minds of many believers, the Holy Virgin and the Virgin are no less than the existence of the leader-but in fact, it does not make much sense. Anyway, the relationship between the two is the father-daughter ...

The sound was deafening in the scene with intense excitement.

The street seemed to be shaking, shaking.

Such horrible and crazy scenes can only be met when the leader and the virgin are in person. Even Jing Ke couldn't help but feel shocked at this time, when he first saw such a scene, the whole Xianyang city was roaring and boiling. The influence of the Holy Church is too great! If the crazy people are rushing up, Jing Ke might not be able to stop him!

Be careful!

Jing Ke's forehead, sweat beads streaming down ...

The holy driver approached slowly.

Jing Ke also moved forward quietly.

The streets are immersed in the lively atmosphere of welcoming the Virgin, and the people are roaring excitedly. At this moment, an amazing roar came from afar.

A group of unbridled wild horses, pulling a carriage, rushed over frantically!

There was burning firewood behind the carriage, and the blazing flames brought white smoke!

The carriage went straight to the Luan of the Holy Virgin!

Everyone's heart mentioned his throat!

"It's now!"

This writing is all in the plan, Jing Ke grabbed everyone's panic, his body was like an arrow from the string, shot out violently, and went straight to the Saint Girl in the distance!

An instant opportunity is enough!

Jing Ke's sunflower swordsmanship, practiced for so many years, has been perfect for a long time! Sunflower qi quickly circulates in the body, fully exerting its characteristics. The martial arts in the world are indestructible, and only break fast! Jing Ke's body is as fast as his sword! Fast to catch!

Jing Ke's speed was as fast as lightning, and a gust of wind blew past. Several believers who wanted to intercept Jing Ke were easily evaded by Jing Ke! Immediately turn into a straight line, approaching the Holy Drive in the distance!

The body is light and fast!

The speed is like a ghost!

Jing Ke pulled out the sunflower sword in his waist in an instant, a bright sword light shining.

Everything happens only in an instant!

Jing Ke had approached Shengjia and came to the elite soldiers. Through this defense, you can kill the saint. Jing Ke's sunflower sword danced in an instant, and Dao Dao's silver light turned into a blossoming lotus flower, blooming in the air, and a blood flower, flying suddenly!

Five guards have died in the blink of an eye! !

"There are assassins !!"

"Protect the Virgin!"

"Bold! Dare to assassinate the saint!"

"Holy believers, kill this person!"

"This is Mo Ke's rebellious Jing Ke! This is Jing Ke! Everyone went together and killed him!"

Everyone reacted in the first time!

Some people are so bold and dare to assassinate the saints and saints, but everyone never thought of it! The Virgin is a godlike person, a person who overrides all living beings, how can such a despicable person be approached!

All the guards tried their best to stop Jing Ke from approaching!

"It's up to you !!"

Jing Ke sneered.

At this time, Jing Ke also noticed that these guards were just ordinary guards, third-rate masters, nothing! I can't stop myself! Originally thought that there will be a large number of masters, it seems that Chu Tian slacked off unexpectedly!

While Jing Ke was excited, the Sunflower Sword gently swayed!

Twelve swords stabbed in an instant!

Swords of light bloomed in the air, because it was too fast, so that people could not tell which sword was true. The twelve swords pierced in an instant are like Jing Ke holding twelve swords. Each sword is as fast as lightning, dazzling. Jing Ke's sunflower sword is many times stronger than Yan Yan at that time!

In addition to the sunlight, every sword of Jing Ke seems dazzling and cannot be looked at. The guards on the opposite side have no way to deal with it.

Puff puff puff puff!

Puff puff puff puff!

Twelve guards instantly fell to the ground and died!

Every sword is in the throat!

"Come again !!"

Jing Ke stabbed with a sword!

One sword into three swords!

The three guards attacked Jing Ke from three different directions. Before they approached, they were swept by a sword, and the three fell to the ground! The fast characters of sunflower swordsmanship were vividly played by Jing Ke! Over the years, Jing Ke has been studying sunflower swordsmanship. Ordinary third-rate masters, killing more than ten in one stroke, are nothing.

"and also!"

Jing Ke brandished his sword again!

Several people fell again!

"and also!"

"and also!"

"and also!!"

"Chu Tian, ​​you also have today, you also have today !!"

"and also--"


A blood flower suddenly blooms!

Jing Ke's eyes widened!

To the present, Jing Ke revealed this incredible expression for the first time!

——Blood is not the enemy, but Jing Ke's own! The blood flower bloomed from Jing Ke's chest, the blood color permeated and floated in the air. When Jing Ke was not aware of it, he was stabbed by the enemy. And the orientation of this sword was never thought by Jing Ke!

The opponent is obviously an ordinary third-rate master, but he can break his sunflower sword!

The clumsy way broke his exquisite and witty sunflower sword!

As if knowing this flaw in advance!

"Sure enough, everyone knows the flaws of sunflower swordsmanship ..."

Jing Ke endured the injury, and his heart was cold. Although I guessed it beforehand, when I actually face it, I still feel terrified. A third-rate master who is far inferior to himself can also use this flaw to injure himself!

Taking a deep breath, Jing Ke raised his sword. When he stepped forward, he did not retreat because the move was cracked. Instead, he was more full of fighting spirit: "However, because of this, I need to continue to attack. All the weaknesses must be exposed. Let Tianming know the weakness of sunflower swordsmanship. Can't stop! My death must be meaningful! "

"Tim! Must see, must see! The flaws of sunflower swordsmanship!"

"Don't let me sacrifice in vain !!!"

Jing Ke roared in his heart.

Before coming today, Jing Ke had no plans to go back.

Without hesitation, Jing Ke raised his sword and rushed forward again!

clang! !



Bang Bang Bang Bang! ! !

The saint is not more than ten meters away from herself!

Not far away!

Persevere, you must persevere!

Jing Ke struggled to kill him—



"Uncle ..."

The dawn in the distance looked at Jing Ke with tearful eyes, and suddenly understood the meaning of what Jing Ke said before.

Strongly enduring the pain, Tianming didn't venture forward, he knew that that would only cause trouble for Jing Ke. Calm down, wipe away your tears, and Tianming carefully observed.

Observe each sword that thorns on Jing Ke, and observe the weakness of sunflower swordsmanship.

Gao Jianli, and several Mo family members, also came to Tianming's side ...

Jing Ke is sacrificing himself in exchange for the weak hope of the future ...

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