Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 198: Fengyun Party Songhai City (3)

【Xiaoyu Picture】

The news that the sacred leader was about to leave the country soon spread throughout the world.

The seven temples have made moves and sent the most elite men and women to open the way for the bishop; the heads of all the schools and hundreds of schools are also gathering at the predetermined place to prepare for the opportunity to see the bishop; this is also a rare opportunity to see; , Yin Yang family and other powerful institutions also acted in an instant ...

It's so rare for the leader to go on a tour. Usually, Chu Tian is basically in the Afang Palace. Where will it come out? This tour made the empire that was silent for twelve years ushered in a major earthquake!

In an instant, the population of Songhai City increased dramatically, and believers from all over the country came to flock!

In order to meet the great leader!

This is a sacred moment! !

This trip is to let my daughter see the world, but also a sightseeing tour.

In addition to Chitaki, the accompanying women also played with many of them.

Xiao Li and Jiu Tian Xuan Nu's twins were naturally brought on, and the twin gods, Chu Tian, ​​loved each other.

Li Ji just got pregnant, and came out for a ride, to carry out prenatal education, and strive to give birth to a daughter as beautiful as Chitaki. Of course, Chu Tian, ​​a pregnant woman playing the **** horse, also likes it ...

Chi Lian can't let go of this fairy, as well as the young master of the girl who grew up, the cold and gorgeous moon god, the gentle jade, the snow girl, the Duan Murong ... as long as it is the heroine in the original book, Chu Tian has brought it!

To see the plot, always have more familiar people!

And there is no beauty XXOO along the way, Chu Tian will not get used to it.

In this way, under the banner of the holy priest, under the **** of hundreds of thousands of people, Chutian took a "mirage" and walked along the river to the land of Qilu.

The river is not wide enough. The gods and horses are all floating clouds. Millions of believers spontaneously widen the river along the way ... In contrast, the gods and horses of Sui Yang Emperor are just a scum. It was so intimate to come over and dig the river channel by myself ...

Occasionally stepping out of the cabin and waving to the people on the shore, the people kneel down to the ground, crying, shaking, and shaking ... Chutian's prestige is no longer shaken by any forces!

In this way, it took three months to play all the way, and Chutian finally arrived at the destination from Xianyang City.

Song Hai.

Sang Hai, an important plot point in Qin Shiming's original book, a lot of people and things happen here.

At the same time, it is also the seat of Confucianism, Qilu Shuangjie has again; the Mo family also has a stronghold here, and Luo Wang ’s information is clearly written.

Chu Tian has not formally stepped into the land of Sanghai. In the city of Sanghai, dramatic changes have taken place ...

Various forces, the wind is surging ...



"Chu Tian ... coming to Sanghai."

An old man said lowly in a dark room.

At this time, we get together and secretly discuss what we are discussing, which is obviously a force against the Holy Church. There are only a handful of forces in the world against the Holy Church, and the origins of this person can almost be guessed ...

"Chu Tian! He's finally here! I haven't found him yet. He came here by himself! This time, I will not let him go. Certainly! The hatred of the country will definitely be reported !!"

After hearing this, a teenager immediately said bitterly.

Compared with the calmness of the old man, this young man has more impulsiveness and sharp eyes. Although he is young, he has vaguely exuded a tyrannical spirit.

This is Xiang Yu, the famous Western Chu king in history.

It's just that under the Holy Church, it seems impossible to be the overlord of Western Chu ...

Fan Zeng shook his head and persuaded:

"Shaoyu, don't be impulsive. Don't you still understand? Our enemies are strong and stronger than anyone. The holy sect leader smashed the green dragon and cut the sky, I saw it with my own eyes. That is no longer a mortal can reach Level. You are born with divine power. Among your peers, even looking at the entire rivers and lakes, you can be considered a master. But if you want to deal with the holy church, it is still a lot ... "

"Don't be impulsive, Chu Tian has come to Songhai, we have to be more cautious, more cautious than ever ..."

Xiang Yu frowned and said loudly:

"Did he just let him go in this way ?? Chu Tian lived in the Afang Palace for more than a decade. The copper walls and iron walls, layers of guards, had no way to start! This time he came to Sanghai. The destruction of the country is all thanks to him! Master Fan, do n’t we just keep hiding! "

Everyone was silent for a while ...

Xiang Yu is right. This is a crisis and an opportunity.

Chu Tian ’s tour this time was their biggest opportunity. If he missed it, he would never have a second time. If Chu Tian is in the Afang Palace, let alone go in, whether their people can enter Xianyang City is a question!

The so-called overthrowing of the holy religion is usually in paranoia! This time, there is finally a glimmer of hope!

Fan Zeng bowed his head for a long time and nodded with several leaders, then said:

"This matter ... we need to discuss it carefully. This time is indeed an opportunity, but there is no one-size-fits-all strategy that cannot be acted upon! Shaoyu, be careful. Even if you do, we cannot proceed alone, we must advance and retreat with the Mohists! No one can deal with it alone. "

Xiang Yu was relieved when he heard Fan Zeng's words.

The biggest goal of Xiang Yu's life was to destroy Daqin, to destroy the Holy Church, to cut Chutian, and then to re-establish Chu. Xiang Yu is brave and invincible and never fears.

Nodding, Xiang Yu said: "Master Fan, although I am reckless, but not stupid, I will be careful. Although Chu has three families, Qin Bichu will die. I always remember this sentence!"

"Just have this confidence."


Several people continued to discuss.

Although the sacred religion is huge, the battle among the people has not stopped for a moment.

A nursery rhyme has been circulated many years ago, "though Chu has three households, Qin Bichu will die." Everyone has been working hard in this direction. And Xiang Yu, let everyone see hope.

Resist the Holy Church and restore Chu!

To free the people from the confusion of the Holy Church, this is the belief of the people!

Another place.

In a lonely mountain.

A young girl with long hair and waist, graceful posture, smart and lively, filled with a strong exotic style. Even a man dressed up can't stop her natural beauty.

The waist of the willow is slender, and Xuefeng has begun to take shape. The slender figure is extremely resilient, and it quickly moves through the mountains and the trees are engraved with strange symbols ...

The age and appearance of girls and Chitaki are of equal age compared to Chitaki. At this age, there are very few girls who can match thousands of ponds. This girl, who grew up in the future, is definitely a beautiful woman who has fallen in love ...

The girl carved a strange symbol on the trees in the mountain, conveying the message: "Chu Tian has come to Sanghai ... I am waiting for the opportunity to prepare for the thorn ... reporting the revenge of Shushan Mountain ... don't worry about me ..."

She is not the dawn or Xiang Yu. Perhaps she knows that there is no hope of revenge. She just wants a relief. She didn't think much about the success.

From time to time, the girl would raise her head and look to the yellowish sky to the west, to the sky that was red by the sunset. The girl's smart eyes seemed to be brewing with a melancholy ...

Faint, sad, as if telling something ...

After the secret sign was engraved, the girl looked around for four weeks, and after confirming that there was no one, she returned along the same path.

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