Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 216: Xiang Yu's confusion (3)

Shi Lan's beautiful shadow quickly disappeared into everyone's field of vision.

The graceful and smart posture, the warm snowy skin, the playful eyes, the dark hair ... Shilan is like a spirit that does not belong to the world out of the painting.

The crying girl gradually went away, but the Confucian disciples on the ground still had the heartbroken expression of the girl in their minds.

Such a beautiful and intelligent girl's crying expression will be compassionate when anyone sees it.

What's more, the girl who is crying seems to be the great holy leader.

The curiosity of the believers suddenly became stronger ...

Everyone wants to find out ...

"That girl ... she ... what's wrong with her ..."

Xiang Yu also stared blankly at the direction of Shi Lan's departure, muttering to himself, blinking his eyes, as if losing his soul. It's useless how Tianming shouted on one side.

Things like fate seem really wonderful. When he saw Shi Lan's first glance, Xiang Yubian had a heartfelt feeling. Seeing the sad look of the girl crying now, Xiang Yu suddenly felt sad in her heart.

It's a pity that the girl didn't look at him at all.

In the eyes of the girl, maybe there is only the holy church leader ... otherwise, how can you dress up carefully and give the teacher a meal ...

That ’s right, the sacred leader ’s temperament and handsomeness are beyond the ordinary people. Even Xiang Yu himself has to admit that when he is quite handsome standing beside Chu Tian, ​​after comparison, he is a **** ...

But even so!

Even so, Xiang Yu still feels unwilling!

Chu Tian, ​​made such a beautiful girl cry! What did Chu Tian do!

That bastard! !

"Shaoyu, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Tianming on the side asked again. Tianming, who practiced sunflower swordsmanship, knew nothing about men and women.

If you have to intercede, Tianming feels that she has a good relationship with Shaoyu ...

"Boy ... don't you think that the holy church leader is too much? Actually weeping a weak woman bully, this kind of person is actually worthy of the master of the world, me, I am not willing ..." Xiang Yu clenched his fists, Endure anger.

There is too much hatred with Chu Tian, ​​and the accumulation is too numerous to count. Even a small thing can arouse Xiang Yu's hatred of Chu Tian.

"What is bullying a girl? Is he doing less bad things? Our Mo family does not know how many people have died under his sword ... Shao Yu, you can rest assured that this hatred will be reported soon. Canglong Qisu is in hand, We are not unsure now. "Tianming comforted.

"I know that one day, I will kill him."



The people in the distance finally opened.

The leader of the sacred church, the sacred woman of the sacred church, the two came out slowly, glancing at the Confucian disciples present. Everyone in Confucianism opened their eyes one by one, looking at the leader of the Holy Church, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

The bizarre anecdotes of the leader are also very attractive to everyone!

What happened between the leader and the unknown girl! ?

Everyone was eager to try and wanted to step forward to ask what happened and satisfy their curiosity. But without courage, you look at me, I look at you, no one dares to step forward.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yu finally had a reason to be brave and step forward. Pretending to be a curious expression, Xiang Yu said: "Teacher! Excuse me, may I ask what you have done to that girl ... what did you do?"

"What did you do? Nothing."

Chu Tian's indifferent expression, Xiang Yu was just relieved. But the next sentence made everyone fall through their glasses!

"I just kissed her a few times. The little girl's house is too shy and thin-skinned, and that's it ... Although she is still young, she is already a rare beauty because of her appearance. You just met Was she crying? Hey, this time the head teacher was anxious, and she did that without her consent ... "

! !

The whole venue was silent.

Just passing by the futility here, he stopped suddenly and was shocked.

How many kisses?

Haven't agreed with others?

This kind of thing can only be done by the legendary "bully"! Since the sacred religion unified the world, the creatures like bullies have almost disappeared. The act of forcibly kissing the folk girl has not happened for many years! After all, it's a matter of a woman's lifetime reputation ...

The leader said so frankly ...

The believers looked at Chu Tian with fanatical eyes ... If ordinary people do this kind of thing, they will definitely be spurned by everyone, scolded, and then handed over to the local holy church ... but the leader did it It's completely different ...

"It's really a blessing to be fooled by the leader ..." said one suddenly.

"Hey, this is the convenience of women ..." Some people complained about their bad birth.

"This girl is not only good at all, but actually refused to be the master, and should be caught and tortured!" Fanatic Christian believers said so.


Everyone's reaction was in Chu Tian's expectations.

Chu Tian has done N things to rob the women of the people over the years, but it is all like this.

Clearing his throat, Chu Tian continued:

"This seat is here today, by the way, I dropped the words. This girl, this seat is fancy. After all of you see her, you will be as respectful as you saw me. You can't be slack. No? If she has any troubles, she will help as hard as she can, and she will be rewarded. Any man who has improper contact with her has the right to abolish his fifth leg! "

"Yes! Master !!!!"

The Confucian disciples roared loudly, their faces excited, their faces flushed, full of energy.

Such a manly and so domineering leader makes the believers feel closer!

The leader is really brave!

Of course, the only Xiang Yu who had not been brainwashed by the Holy Church didn't think so. Obviously, it was a robbing of the people's women, and it was so awe-inspiring. Especially Xiang Yu was very angry.

"But ... but the leader ... you didn't get the girl's consent, just ... just ... is it, is it some ..."

Xiang Yu looked up and looked at Chu Tiandao. Xiang Yu tried to make himself more puzzled. He cannot let the leader notice his emotional fluctuations, and he cannot reveal his identity ...

"The whole world is mine, what is this."

Chu Tian said naturally, and then turned around, holding Qianlong's hand, "Today's class is over, everyone will go to rest. Qianlong, let's go."

"Yes, father."

Qianlong pursed her mouth, and followed with some sullenness.

Then, the secret relationship between the leader and the unknown woman was spread again between Confucians ...



"Mr. Fu Nian, is this really possible? The leader is like--" Xiang Yu suddenly raised his head and asked, looking at Fu Niandao beside everyone.

He did not understand why such a learned fuss would still stand on the side of the Holy Church.

"Yes. The leader is focused on the general situation in the world, and it is a saint once in a lifetime. My Confucians, for the sake of the world, will stand firmly on the side of the leader. Even if the leader is occasionally absurd, we will support ... Children, sometimes, do n’t think about it. ”Fu Nian said coldly.

Fu Nian then turned and left.

But Xiang Yu's mind became more and more unclear.

Xiang Yu vaguely felt that he, the Mohists, and all the organizations that resisted the holy religion ignored which of the most critical positions. A thing enough to decide the huge gap between the two sides.

But for a while, he could not tell what was the truth.

Perhaps, I think too much, Xiang Yu thought. Say hello to Tianming, and the two also went back, continuing to discuss the plan to resist the Holy Church ...

"Tim tomorrow, I will definitely overthrow the Holy Church. Certainly. They are all mad, and all are crazy. No one wants to do it. Everyone is brainwashed by the Holy Church. Only me, only me can do this ... I must succeed ... "

"Relax, Shaoyu. I have heard the news, and Uncle Weizhuang is here too. The secret of Canglong Qisu will soon be unlocked. All the hatred will be reported by then.


Sorry, it's late. Because of the large number of words.

Now I ’m not going to talk about time anymore, cough, or I will have to face again ...

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