Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 220: Canglong Qisu starts (2)

Even the title of the leader is exempted, it seems that Shi Lan is really serious.

Thinking of the strange relationship between the two of these days, assassination and stalking, and all kinds of noise, it is really not at all serious.

Clearing his throat, Chu Tian said seriously:

"The serious thing is good, let's talk about the serious thing. How bad it is to kill, kill, and kill. It's so unattractive. Especially for a girl as beautiful as Shi Lan, it's a pity that you don't ...

Shi Lan snorted, Xiao Qiongqiong nose raised, bright eyes stared at Chu Tian, ​​with a hint of coquettishness, seemed to threaten Chu Tian not to vomit ivory in the dog's mouth.

Although the other party is the priest of the Holy Church, Shi Lan's assassinations have come so many times in the past few days, and he also talks about respecting the priest and the like.

After Chu Tian shut up, Shi Lan leaned against the wall and continued to speak softly: "Chu Tian, ​​you listen to me. In the past two days, I thought a lot and thought a lot, Chu Tian, ​​I think, It ’s time for us to make this clear. I do n’t want to continue this way anymore. I ’m tired of the assassinations these days. You let me go again and again and announced me in public ... I ’m your woman ... I started I ’m angry and really embarrassed, but you let me go again and again and do n’t care about me, I figured it out ... "

"Actually you are a good person, the dynasties before the Holy Church, the emperors, did not like you. You are really good. So I decided not to hate you again, nor to avenge you. Between us, just Such a cancellation ... "

"I wo n’t avenge you, do n’t bother me anymore, let ’s stop here, do n’t ... do n’t come to me again ... Please, do n’t waste your time on me, no matter what you do, I will … What did you do in Xianyang City, I know that it ’s not worth your stay for me for so long ... so ... so ... ”

Shi Lan's heart suddenly felt sore when she said this.

The line was prepared early in the morning, but Shilan couldn't bear it when she said it.

At first, this man was the enemy of Shushan, and he was the target that he had to assassinate. But gradually getting along with Chu Tian, ​​Shi Lan's view also changed bit by bit. The time is not long, but it is enough to discern right from wrong.

Chu Tian is not a murderous devil.

Nor is it a violent ruler.

Gradually, Shi Lan realized that she had somewhat recognized the enemy. And in the deepest part of my heart, there is a strange feeling ...

Jade's hand grabbed the wall, and Shi Lan didn't realize how hard she was. One word after another, Shi Lan almost forced herself to say the last line: "... So ... go back to Xianyang ... Don't stay in Sanghai, it really ... makes no sense ..."

The scene in front of me seemed a little blurred.

What is that unreal, hazy, heart-beating emotion?

Why do you feel like a knife?

Why would you not give up?

Why would you want to cry out loud?

Shilan the girl is not clear ... or rather, she doesn't want to admit it in her own heart.

When Shi Lan thought of seeing Chu Tian for the first time, Chu Tian, ​​as the leader, invited her in the second shop to have lunch together. At that time, Chu Tian left a big image in her heart ...

Shi Lan thought of Chu Tian kissing her for the first time, obviously for the sake of taking advantage, but shamelessly speaking to detox her, and in front of so many people that he was his ...

Shi Lan also thought of Chu Tian's warmth towards her daughter Qianlong, and suddenly she was a little envious ...

Strongly enduring not to let Chu Tian see something strange, Shi Lan's heart was low and she hated herself a little.

I hate that I was born in Shushan, so I have no courage.

Why hate Chu Tian is the holy church leader, hate him and his own natural hostile side.

Turning her head, Shi Lan was very heartbroken, pursing her red lips, afraid that Chu Tian wouldn't go, and speeding up, Shi Lan was about to leave here. No matter what Chu Tian said, Shi Lan decided that he would never look back ...

"--Shilan, no, I said in public that I'm going to chase you back. How much face does this return? The believers of the Holy Church know that they will despise me as the leader." Chu Tian came from a distance The voice is still so calm.

"What does it have to do with me?" Shi Lan said without looking back, and continued walking forward.

"But I will lose face. Men's face is sometimes more important than life ... Hey, Shiran, Shiran? Why do you walk so fast? ... Wasn't it good yesterday ..."

In the distance, there are still scattered voices from Chu Tian, ​​but Shi Lan can't hear it.

In Shi Lan's eyes, crystal tears burst out.

She didn't want to separate so quickly, even if the two were not possible, but staying with Chu Tian for some more time, the two playing and making trouble, and living such a comfortable life is also very good. Chu Tian ’s humor, Chu Tian ’s giggling, and pretending character, all of which made Shi Lan, who had been immersed in revenge since childhood, relax as never before.

She really doesn't want to.

But this morning ... Shilan remembered those words from the people of Shushan.

"... Princess, the Holy Christian leader has taken a fancy to you. This is a bad thing, but it is also a good thing. You can rest assured that we will soon save you from the sea of ​​suffering. You only need to bear with you for a few more days and spend time with Chu Tian ... Canglong Qisu It has been completed, and we have reached an agreement with the Mo family. At that time, the thieves will first capture the king, attack the small sage, and kill the priest! ... "

"Princess, your importance in the plan is irreplaceable. Be sure to use the faith of the sacred leader to keep him in the mountain village. This can only be done by you. Three days later, we blocked the small sage village Come and catch the turtle in an urn! As long as the leader of the sacred church is in Zhuang and will not allow the sacred forces to come to our aid, 70% of us are sure to kill him! "

"Must hold him!"

Shilan didn't want to betray Shushan, that was the place to raise her.

I don't want to hurt Chu Tian by myself. There are more complicated reasons.

Let Chu Tian leave here and return to Xianyang. Among the layers of protection, the Mo family dare not start. In that way, the two sides will naturally stop, Shilan simply thought in his heart. No one will be injured, no one will be in trouble.

Walked through the promenade, through the sea of ​​trees. In Shi Lan's heart, there was a deep melancholy.

Just about to leave Xiaoshengxianzhuang, Shilan suddenly found something wrong. The stars in the sky converged into a dragon-shaped pattern. In a flash of light, the light suddenly rose suddenly!

More and more prosperous, more and more dazzling.

The stars spread across the sky!

The surging starlight is scattered, and the positive earth is so cool that every star is dazzling, especially the seven stars in it, it is like a day!

Under the dazzling light, the whole Canglong is lifelike and exudes a majestic and majestic momentum! The light, even the sun that far covered the sky!

At the same time, the entire Xiaoshengxianzhuang also boiled in an instant, shouting, boiling sound, the collision of weapons won, all kinds, sounded! Countless Confucian people are roaring, countless familiar voices are shouting, and there are many voices of catching anti-thieves and killing Chu Tian, ​​one after another. The entire small sage village instantly entered an unprecedented turmoil!

East, south, west, back!

Roaring sounds everywhere. Countless people rushed into Xiaoshengxianzhuang from all directions!

"Canglong Qisu ... started!"

In Shi Lan's water-like eyes, there was no way to hide the shock:

"How, how, how ... How could this be? No ... Isn't it three days after saying good, how, how can it start now, how can ... It is obviously three days later, why is this ... Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian he ... "

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