Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 225: Weak like ants (1)

The screaming flame is burning, the seemingly pale pale flame, but there is a kind of terrifying energy that makes the world fight back. The flame is always wrapped around Chu Tian's body, burning everything close to him. Chu Tian walked forward step by step, ten meters around him, everything turned to ashes ...

This is based on the supreme rule of the fire system of the Qin Shi Mingyue world, which is the strongest fire produced.

In other words, the strongest fire in Qin Shi world!

Even the power of the sun's flames, the power of the stars when they explode, and even the temperature released at the moment of the big bang ... can't be compared!

This is the strongest!

Wind, fire, thunder and lightning, swords, swords and sticks.

Either way, Chu Tian is extremely proficient.

No matter which item, Chu Tian is the strongest.

"Don't dare to go? Then I'm welcome. Really, such a huge siege of Xiaoshengxianzhuang, I thought you were going to do something big, it turned out ... but that's it."

Chu Tian's words fell, and all the flames fluttered, gradually concentrating.

All the flames were concentrated on the sword body, and the temperature of the sword body reached an unimaginable height of terror at this moment. The space where the sword moved, the space seemed to be burning, and the time seemed to be twisted, beyond all Temperature is enough to interfere with the laws of this world!

A white flame shone on the shiny sword.

Every sword he wields will bring a terrifying temperature.

Before each sword touches the enemy, it can be burned to death.

Innumerable rebels across the street, sweating and tearing down.

Those concentrated flames merged into the sword body, everyone could see it.

Never be touched ... No, even close contact, I am afraid there is a danger of being burned to ashes ... how to fight, how to fight! ?

How can the biblical leader do this strange move!

Is n’t the strongest swordsmanship! ?

They came to attack Xiaoshengxianzhuang today, right?

Shaoyu and Tianming, have n’t they? ?

Everyone, they were shaken ...

"--Don't panic, don't be afraid. Such a temperature, in fact, you will not notice at the moment of death. Just a moment, you will die."

"Open your eyes wide, concentrate on it, and appreciate the last glory in your life."

Chu Tian's arm slipped gently.

Entangled. The sword around the pale flames traversed the light and graceful arc in the air, and it became natural.

Chu Tian's figure disappeared in the sight of everyone in an instant ...

"Danger! Big hammer !!!"

Gao Jianli suddenly shouted loudly!

Gao Jianli wanted to step forward to help, but it was too late! Chu Tian's figure, in a moment of childhood, did not know what was going on, and suddenly came to the back of the big hammer!

Chu Tian leisurely raised the sword in his hand, so that he could relax.

Chu Tian's speed is too fast, too fast, obviously wiped from the side of the big hammer, but the speed is too fast to capture, no trace, as if it appeared instantly behind the big hammer, how could the big hammer be found! ?

Chu Tian raised his sword behind the big hammer, and the big hammer was still looking ahead!


The big hammer shuddered!

In a hurry, too late to think, lifted the Thor hammer and smashed behind him!

Chu Tian also raised his sword at the same time.


Hammer and sword intersect!

There was no clanking sound, but only the sound of sharp sword sweeping through the air.

The hot temperature is ridiculously high.

The pale flame burned everything.

Before the Thor hammer touched the blade, it was already burned by pale flames. As if cutting the tofu with a knife, the giant Thor's hammer was gently crossed by Chu Tian's sword, and then fell to the ground one by two. Where the hot temperature passes, everything evaporates and disappears ...

The Thor hammer fell to the ground, and most of it has been melted into molten iron ... The Big Iron Hammer has n’t even had time to be surprised. Chu Tian ’s sword has swept the Thor hammer and cut it towards his back—


A sword penetrated the back of the big hammer.

No blood splashed because the blood had evaporated in an instant.

The sword gas and the flame are mixed, and the whole person with the big hammer, in such a horrible and unimaginable temperature, all turns into steam and disappears ...

"Big Hammer !!!!!!!!!"

Gao Jianli shouted loudly, his compatriots died, and Gao Jianli was grieved and angry. In his anger, he subconsciously used his strongest moves.

Yi Shuihan! ! !

The chill spread and the temperature dropped suddenly!

In an instant, Gao Jianli bleeds Qiqiao, and the meridians are broken! But the temperature actually reached a new low, reaching minus 180 degrees Celsius! The huge ice crystal is like a surging sea wave, which is approaching Chu Tian!

There are also many disciples of the Mo family, who also rushed to Chu Tian crazy!

At this moment, everyone is crazy!

For revenge! !

Chu Tian looked at this group of people and shook his head boringly. No matter how many people it was, it was just in vain. The gap between the two sides was not a matter of number at all.

"A group of ants are rushing towards humans, should they laugh at their ignorance, or should they appreciate their courage? ... But you should know that this is not a soft-hearted person.

Chu Tian stood on the spot, his feet did not move.

After hundreds of meters, even thousands of kilometers, Chu Tian slowly raised his sword in his hand and attacked everyone. Including Gao Jianli, including Mo School, Taoism, Soldiers, Shushan, Quicksand ... All of them are under the sword of Chu Tian!

The horrible sword gas enveloped Xiaoshengxianzhuang!

The flames that burned everything, dispersed in an instant!

With Chutian as the center, the sword gas spreads and the flame spreads! Huge power, like a god!

"not good!!"

"Run !!!!"

"Asshole, how come, how come--"

"No, ah, ah, I surrender, I surrender, ah--"


After the brilliant sword spirit swept through, thousands of people all felt the approaching of death in an instant, but in a short moment, all people lost consciousness ...

Gao Jianli's cold and icy ice crystals were burned and evaporated by the flame before the sword qi had touched it. The proud stunt had no effect at all in front of Chu Tian.

Immediately, the fierce sword gas swallowed him, and Gao Jian disappeared from his body ... Before he died, there was still no time to win even half of the incense ...

Too failed ...

One by one died, one by one disappeared.

Under the sword spirit, the middleman died.

Where the flame swept, everything turned to ashes.

The noise was instantly countless times smaller, and Xiao Shengxianzhuang could not even hear the roars of the rebels, and the sounds of various rescues in the distance, but he could feel clearly at this time.

Chu Tian smiled and raised his head, looking at Tianming and Shaoyu in the distance.

No one obstructed again.

Step by step, Chu Tian went to the last two Xiaoqiang.

That is the last hope that Wei Zhuang said, who is in his arms, who is lucky ...

"Zi Ming, Zi Yu, long time no see."

"Chu Tian ———————————— !!!!!!!!!”

Xiang Yu hissed, his face was grim, and he wished to cut Chu Tian into eight pieces! Master Fan, Xiang Liang, the Mo family, and his good brothers were all slaughtered by Chu Tianyi!

The confidence before the departure was full, and the cruel defeat of reality made Xiang Yu's heart fall into unprecedented anger and panic.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, Xiang Yu almost fainted to the ground ...


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