Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 14 Chapter 229: End of battle (3)

"Boom !!!!!!"

The violent power poured out, and Xiang Yu and Tianming after the broken weapon could not resist Chu Tian's palm. Like the power of the world's destruction, rolling through the bodies of the two!

Even though Chu Tian has condensed ninety-nine strengths, such a huge power is also a fatal attack for the flesh and body. Direct attack at close range is better than any damage! Destiny and less than two people lost consciousness almost instantaneously!

Their bodies flew out like rockets!

Under the palm of Chu Tian, ​​the power of stars in the body poured out and left the body.



House after house collapsed!

One tree after another was knocked down!

Three hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

One thousand meters! !

Both Tianming and Xiang Yu did n’t know how many buildings they had knocked over, and they had been going backwards for several kilometers. During repeated impacts, the bones of their bodies had broken. I do n’t know how much. At violent speed, the two were even impossible There is no chance to avoid damage!

Almost almost across the entire Xiaoshengxianzhuang, after being wounded, the body of the two fell to the ground with a bang, and the severe pain almost killed ...

If it were not for Chu Tian ’s mercy, the two would have been killed ...

After falling to the ground, it took a long time for Tianming and Xiang Yu to relax.

Chu Tian is invincible like a god. The power of offense, the almost invincible power, let the two taste the desperate emotion for the first time. What's the point of everything the Mojia, the military, and all the people have done so far?

There was even a sense of humiliation in Tianming and Shaoyu's hearts.

That was humiliation like being teased ...

"Since ... since he is so powerful, why ... why have we been left to now ... with ... with his power, I want to get rid of all the enemies, light ... easy ... cough cough cough cough ..."

"Maybe, we in his eyes are like clowns ... cough cough cough cough ..."

Xiang Yu was lying on the ground, coughing violently, while talking, the two who had lost their strength, no longer have the image of just the spirit of enthusiasm, just like ordinary people who are about to die.

This time, it really failed ...

The two knew clearly.

In the distance, more and more people are coming to Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

The elders of the Yin-Yang family, the Liu Jiannu in the snare net, the holy guards of the temple ... Countless masters are coming here, looking terrified and trembling. Each of these people is the best expert in the world. If they are gathered here, even the most powerful enemy can't run away ...

Many of the fighting forces that were initially contained in Xiaoshengxianzhuang also wiped out all the enemies and quickly arrived. A group of Confucian masters including Fu Nian and Yan Lu ... even heard that the leader was assassinated in Xiaoshengxianzhuang, and even the elderly Xunfu hurried over to blame Jing for guilt ...

The rebellion is gone.

Xiang Yu and others, even if they inserted their wings ...

In front of Chu Tian, ​​countless people had already fallen on his knees.

"Liu Jiannu is late for rescue, death penalty !!"

"Fu Nian sees the leader! Confucianism allows the enemy to enter, and his subjects are guilty!"

"The gods of the gods are out of the world, no one can be defeated! A few anti-thieves will be destroyed by turning the hands of the gods!"

"Teacher Shenwei, nobody can stop it!"


People shouted and yelled to celebrate the greatness of the priesthood.

Chu Tian alone wiped out thousands of traitors, and this record will inevitably become the topic of the next year, or even several years, to praise the believers. After all, in this peaceful age, such fighting is not much!

Everyone who was able to watch this scene with their own eyes felt blood boiling ...

"--Get up, pardon your innocence."

Chu Tian stretched out his hand, and the majestic majesty spread out, and everyone stood up.

Chu Tian was too lazy to cure sin. Today ’s assassination is actually a good play, and the chance of barely being able to shoot is too little in this world. Tian Ming and Fei, let Chu Tian be satisfied once. Even if these people were really guilty, Chu Tian was too lazy to care.

Nodded with everyone, Chu Tian turned around randomly and walked towards Shilan in the distance.

Shi Lan's dark girly costume stood quietly in the distance. Her graceful posture could not find any flaws. The perfect curve was extremely extreme. The dynamic exquisiteness was full of the girl's energy and fragrance.

Long hair fluttering in the wind, bright eyes twinkling like stars.

Chu Tian walked slowly to Shi Lan's side and grabbed his delicate hand like jade. Shi Lan's slightly hot face seems to have explained the girl's intention at the moment ...

Quietly, Chu Tian looked at Shi Lan, and Shi Lan also looked at Chu Tian. The two stared at each other for a long time.

The short acquaintance seems to have passed the ages.

In a short moment, a lot of things happened, Shi Lan's own thoughts have long been understood ...

"All the people in Shushan, I have killed, you don't care." Chu Tian held Shi Lan's hand and smiled.

"Girls, after all, they want to marry someone, what to do at home." Shi Lan said softly, leaving no trace of nostalgia.

"You say that, it seems that you still hate them?"

"... No, I don't remember to hate. After all, it was Shushan who raised me. I was just thinking, the temptation of power is so confusing. They have been dizzy and planning before they get the world. ... what would happen if they really got the world? ... Then they were not like that. They were originally very loyal people ... "

Shi Lan's bright eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​and the sad expression looked distressed.

How can I be happy to be treated as a general exchange of goods by Shushan.

At that moment, Shi Lan did not believe that what he heard was true. Shushan and the Holy Church, right or wrong, are not important anymore, but Shushan, which has lost even the most basic loyalty, is certainly not the same one.

The girl's heart has always been very sensitive.

Thinking of these things, Shi Lan's mood has been very low ...

"Every bad guy is a good guy at the beginning."

Chu Tian also rarely said a serious sentence, took Shi Lan's hand, and walked forward.

Being held by Chu Tian, ​​Shi Lan's mood finally improved a lot.

Under the watchful eye of so many Christian believers, Chu Tian has recognized Shi Lan's status. Shi Lan's cheeks are getting hotter and hotter, and she is looked up admiringly. The girl Shi Lan has never experienced ...

Gently, leaned back to Chu Tian again ...

"Come on, Shilan, look at those two guys."

"... Well ... actually, Chu Tian, ​​actually ... actually Shilan is my pseudonym, you can call me Xiaoyu."

"Actually, I already knew."


"However, the name Xiaoyu is a little bit more awkward. How about that, I will call you Yu Ji directly?"


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