Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 3: Xiao Yushu is sick (3)

Is it! ?

Seeing Lao Zhang's sad face, and then contacting the plot of "Myth", Chu Tian thought of something.

Yushu, the princess of Tu'an, the national appearance of Tianzi, smiling all over the city, dancing all over the country, is a legendary woman. Everyone in the legend who has seen her will be impressed by her beauty. Many people who have seen her even mistakenly think that it is a fairy.

Later, Li Fei was her.

In the original book, Yu Shu accepts and kisses for Tu'an's survival and stays away from his hometown to marry Yingzheng. This kind of thing is indeed a depressing thing for the people of Yushu and Tu'an. The old man's sad words made sense.

It's just that it would be so coincident?

Could it be that the plot has arrived?

Chu Tian was about to ask, the old man had already said it, with a sad and helpless tone: "Hey, it's really my Tuan's misfortune! Princess Yushu is young, so it is ... Hey!"

"... just this spring, it was extremely cold and it rained for many days in a row. Many Tu'an people suffered from wind chills and became more and more serious. The wind and cold were transmitted one by one, and many Tuan people were sick. Falling down ... Princess Yushu, like everyone else, fell ill ... "

"If ordinary people fall ill, that's fine. In the palace, there are Tuan's best doctors and the finest medicinal herbs. It's okay to be cured. But the princess is so young. It ’s just ... it ’s just so sick ... "

"Princess Yushu is so small, so cute, my old man has seen her a few times from afar, how is that ... Hey! The emperor list is also posted, but such a big land in Tuan, how many famous doctors can there be? … "

"Princess is only 8 years old this year ... God has no eyes ..."


Chu Tian was still a little relieved in his heart. It turned out not to be a relative, but to be sick. If the plot doesn't start, you can play for a while.

——But the old man ’s last sentence directly made Chu Tian almost squirt out breakfast!

8, 8 years old?

Yu Shu is only 8 years old!

There is something wrong, only 8 years old? Although Chu Tian only roughly set the crossing time, I didn't expect that it would be so early!

Chu Tian even outlined Yu Shu ’s perfect figure, that exquisite figure, bulging forward and back, plump and full, girl ’s lively, touching red lips, fresh body fragrance, and various Obscenity ... Now I suddenly become a little loli, the contrast is too big!

After coughing a few times, Chu Tian interrupted Lao Zhang's nagging and asked, "--That, Princess Yushu, this year ... Is it really only 8 years old this year?"

The old man nodded and shook his head again, saying: "Two days later, it is the 9th birthday of the princess."

Chu Tian: "..."

How unruly this is!

Never mind.

Chu Tian exhaled. If he was 8 years old, he would be 8 years old. He was too lazy to care about it. He was not afraid to come early, but it was a tragedy if he came late. Since it's a little early, let's cultivate feelings slowly.

Yu Shu is also a tragic figure in the original book. Since she can save the girl, Chu Tian has always been indisputable!

Chu Tian made up his mind and then asked, "Lao Zhang, where is the palace?"

The old man reached out and pointed to the north: "Going north, getting more and more prosperous, the biggest house is our palace in Tu'an."

"Thank you husband!"

"What are you doing, son?"

Chu Tian smiled and whispered:

"It's not a secret. In fact, I am not only a swordsman, I am also proficient in medical skills. Listening to what you said, I just showed the little princess ..."

After speaking, in the surprise of the old man, Chu Tian dangled and walked to the palace in the distance.

Infecting the wind and cold, that is, catching a cold, is put in the modern society, which is a big thing about sesame seeds.

But in ancient times, especially in the Qin dynasty, medical equipment, ideas, everything was very backward, and even in many places, superstitious and hired wizards to cure diseases ... In this era, colds are not It is not easy to treat, even, there is not a small mortality rate!

As the old man said before, this time a large-scale infection of wind and cold, Tu'an actually killed hundreds of people! You know, the entire Tu'an, but only a population of more than 1.2 million!

Princess Yushu, an 8-year-old girl with poor resistance, is more understandable.

Coupled with the backcountry of Tu'an, there is no able doctor ...

I can't afford to be sick ... maybe I will die.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian accelerated his pace and walked to the palace of Tu'an in the distance. The cute Yushu little loli is seriously ill, how can you delay ...

"Who is it, what's the matter with coming to the palace?" In front of the palace, seeing Chu Tian walked straight, several guards approached him and stopped him. Seeing Chu Tian's peculiar clothing, obviously not a local, the guards are very vigilant.

"I'm here to treat Princess Yushu."

"Are you a doctor?"


The chief of the guard heard the words and immediately changed his face. He said: "Sir, please wait ... Come, come and inform the king! Act fast! ... Sir, please follow me, please."


The princess's condition is obviously very serious.

The doctors of Tu'an were helpless, and the king of Tu'an was so worried all day. When seeing a self-recommended doctor, the guards did not dare to neglect and treat each other with courtesy.

The guards, who were responsible for passing the news, rushed into the distant palace ...

Among the palace.

Princess's bedroom.

A little girl about eight years old, pale, lying on the bed.

The five-black hair is like a waterfall and ink, bright and moving, and the light eyebrows are like crescents, hanging on the forehead. The little Qiong nose breathes delicately and looks very weak.

This is an exquisite, lovely face that can't pick out any flaws!

At 8 years old, she is so cute and moving, you can imagine how great it will be in the future.

Little Yushu princess was lying on the bed helplessly, with a weak look, anyone who saw her like this would be unable to bear to worry about her.

The little princess is already ill ...

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