Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 21: Reasons to kill you (3)

Yingzheng never believed in ghosts and gods.

Yingzheng always believed that he was the master of the world. A command can determine the life and death of countless people.

But today, the power displayed by Chu Tian has completely changed the concept of Yingzheng. Power is completely useless in the face of power. Fifty thousand troops were crushed and collapsed by pure momentum, and the bows and arrows of Chu Tian's body were wiped out without touching Chu Tian. Even a glance can make people fall into the cold ...

This magnificent power is simply not what human beings should have!

Perhaps, as Chu Tian said.

Chu Tian is a god!

Yingzheng prostrate, trembling, trembling, this time, I was really scared, and served ...

"You said, do you regret it?"

Chu Tian smiled and looked down at Yingzheng.

In the entire palace, only Chu Tian stood up. The rest of the people, all under the power of Chu Tian ’s terror, fell to the ground and could not move ...

"Yes ... I ... I regretted ... I ... I was wrong ... I, I shouldn't offend Mr., please ... I beg you to spare me ..." Ying Zheng said in a low voice.

"But I don't want to let you go, what should I do?"

"Sir !? Mr. Rao, Rao, Rao Ming, I ... I am willing to obey all my husband's mission ... Please, beg me to let me go, I, I ..."

Yingzheng was crying and grimacing, her face pale with horror.

As an emperor, enjoy the worship of all people, all glory! But today, in front of Chu Tian, ​​only lying down like a dog! Chu Tian's personal strength is enough to subvert everything!

Yingzheng felt at this time that his identity as an emperor had no effect at all!

For the first time realized the importance of personal force!

In this case, I can only pull down my body, put down my face, and pray to Chu Tian. Yingzheng even decided that after escaping this catastrophe, he must study martial arts well, and his power is not omnipotent.

Chu Tian smiled, kicked Yingzheng a few feet, kicked Yingzheng vomiting blood, and even hit a few rolls. After getting tired of playing, Chu Tian sighed: "I also want to let you go, how bad it is to kill, but you are so ignorant, how can you let me let you go? I can't find it The reason. "

"Sir!" Yingzheng really wanted to hit him dead, holding Chu Tian's thigh, crying, "Sir, I was wrong, I was wrong, I should not meet Mr. Bingrong, sir I You promise, there wo n’t be, this kind of thing will never happen! I was blind before, and I do n’t know Taishan, my fault, my fault ... As long as you want, Daqin and Daqin are yours, I, I am willing to saddle up for my husband, please beg me to take my life! ... I know wrong ... sir ... "

"Ooooo ..."

Yingzheng wailed steadily.

Where there is a little bit of the emperor's temperament, Ying Zheng unkempt, like a beggar.

When truly facing death, there is no difference between a beggar and a noble emperor.

But Chu Tian seemed indifferent, shook his head, and suddenly said:

"The one next to me is the princess of Tu'an, my woman. It is also the one you threatened to grab back to the palace and be the concubine, her. Her name is Yushu."

Chu Tian's faint words seemed to be pouring cold water on Yingzheng's head!

Yingzheng suddenly looked up, at this time, once again noticed the woman beside Chu Tian.

Yingzheng had a shocking feeling before, just because she missed the elixir of eternal life and did not take a closer look. At a glance at this time, Yingzheng was suddenly shocked!

The beauty is dusty, the beauty is like a fairy, the white dress is graceful, the complexion is smooth and the water is tender, the face is even more beautiful and touching. A pair of eyes like stars, shining and beautiful.

The Jiangnan woman's femininity, femininity, and femininity are perfectly combined with the sassy and lively nature of the women outside the plug. The posture, temperament, appearance, and all aspects are perfect, without any flaws ...

Even those concubines in the harem of Yingzheng, compared with Yushu, were suddenly ugly. The difference between the two is the ugly duckling and the swan!

What a perfect woman! If you don't see it with your own eyes, Yingzheng can't believe it!

Yushu hair bun was picked up, apparently already married ...

No wonder there is such a beautiful woman ...

It turned out ... it turned out to be the legend ... Princess Tuan ... Yu Shu ...

She is ... Chu Tian's woman ...

Yingzheng finally understood where he was wrong! He actually did not know Taishan and wanted to take Chu Tian's woman away! In order to be yourself, someone threatened to capture her woman, and won't allow it!

This is the dignity of a man!

"I ... I ... I ..." Yingzheng stammered, not knowing how to quibble.

Chu Tian nodded and said:

"Now that you understand it, you should rest in peace. Yushu is a person in this seat, but it is not something you can delusion. Killing you is not because the soldiers met. It is because you are too ignorant."

After Chu Tian finished his speech, he did not even give Ying Zheng a chance to continue his argument.

The palm is raised.

The huge vitality of heaven and earth was lifted up in an instant. In the hands of Chu Tian, ​​the unimaginable power of terror was condensed. This palm has not fallen, and the floor at the foot of Yingzheng has all broken into powder! The bones of Yingzheng, under this force, have already crackled and crackled, breaking from inch to inch!

Chu Tian's palm fell suddenly!

Boom! ! !

A bottomless huge pit appeared in Yingzheng's position. Yingzheng's body and the land on this side were all destroyed by Chu Tian's palm.

The huge pit leads all the way to the dark ground, with no end in sight. Occasionally stones are dropped and no echo is heard ...



Soldiers awake faintly, one after another ...

Emperor Daqin, dead ...

No one thought that things would develop to this point ...



"Okay, Yushu, Xiaoyue, let's go. There is nothing more to worry about here in the palace."

After exterminating Yingzheng, Chu Tian clapped his hands and turned to the two women behind him.

Killing Yingzheng seemed to be a trivial matter, and did not cause Chu Tian to be a little bit strange. Not happy, not depressed, very ordinary expression.

"Well! Brother Tian!"

Yu Shu embraced Chu Tian's arm, her exquisite face, her smile bloomed like a flower, she was all over the country, beautiful and beautiful.

What Chu Tian said just now made Yu Shu feel sweeter than honey.

Chu Tian killed Yingzheng because of her.

Happiness is like being surrounded by air, everywhere.

A heart of Yu Shu jumped up and down. Although Chu Tian was already a person, the two had been together for a long time, but at this time, they still smiled sweetly, just like their first love ...

Marrying Chu Tian is her greatest blessing.

Yu Shuhong's face moved gently, and in the light of day, she was bold and plucked like a chicken on Chu Tian's face. "Boom" ...

"Yo! Yushu, another one!"

"Come on!"

"Come one!"



The two said with a smile, slowly leaving the palace.

Xiaoyue followed the two and left slowly. However, Xiaoyue is still immersed in a strong shock, and the girl still needs some time to digest this terrifying reality ...

Everything just now is like a dream ...

As Chu Tian left, the heavy pressure in the air slowly faded away, and the soldiers woke up slowly. The thunder in the sky also subsided, the sun lost the suppression of Chutian's power, and gradually became brighter, and the sky gradually cleared ...

The dark sky finally regained its light ...


The darkness that shrouded everyone in the palace could not be removed.

Those sober soldiers, those who woke up later, and many generals who rushed to the palace, discovered this tragic fact that they had to face—

Yingzheng is dead.

The supreme ruler of the Great Qin Empire died.

Moreover, there is still no bones ...

The panicked flames started from the palace of Qin Kingdom and spread quickly, burning the entire empire ...

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