Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 27: The home of Sister Lu

Although Lu Yu fainted, there was still a smile on the delicate face. The sweet, beautiful smile, like the peony in midsummer, is brilliant and brilliant.

Lu pheasant seems to be having a very satisfying dream.

There is no need to hide a bit of laughter and joy, all outlined on this delicate face. Maybe I was so excited to see the idol that I had been longing for in my heart.

Be generous and dare to love and hate.

This is the biggest feature of Lu Pheasant.

Chu Tian moved Lu Pheasant and put it down in a good posture ...

Lu Pheasant passed out soon.

Lü Pheasant's sister, Lv Su, finally recovered slowly.

Lu Su.

In mythology, it is this girl who is the most tragic in the end.

But now Lu Su is relatively happy. Father and sister are taking care of them, and there is a fairly wealthy family living carefree.

The beautiful face is elegant and refined, like a peaceful spring ...

A light gauze wraps the exquisite Jiao body. The light fragrance on Lu Su's body is just like her character, soft, light, and memorable.

Lu Su ’s crystal clear eyes stared at Chu Tian, ​​seeming to wonder what ...

"Woke up?"

Chu Tian looked at Lu Su and asked.


Lu Su nodded gently, his face reddened.

Ying. Tao Xiao. Mouth squeezed, Lu Su raised his head, glanced at Chu Tian, ​​then quickly retracted again, trying to stop again several times, but still no opening. A faint blush spread on Lu Su's face ...

In Lu Su's original work, even if he thanked Yi Xiaochuan for his life-saving grace, he was accompanied by his sister. Lu Su's temperament is more than everyone's boudoir in ancient times ... too shy.

Now I guess I want to speak, but the stranger didn't have the courage to speak before ...

Not many girls like this in ancient times ...

Chu Tian understood Lu Su's character, smiled, and then spoke directly:

"The girl doesn't have to worry too much, thank you, I will do it easily. It's you, if there are any uncomfortable things on my body, I will help you to see.-I am very skilled in medicine."

Chu Tian also added a sentence at the end.

Lu pheasant's face was reddened slightly, and he nodded gently.

"Thanks to your son, no, no, Lu Su is very good ... Lu Su thanks the son for his help ..."

Lu Suzhen bowed her head and said like a mosquito.

The two light and smart earrings shone with ethereal light in the sunlight, which was more in line with Lu Su's elegant temperament.

I have to say that the two daughters of the Lu family are similar in appearance, and all of them are slender in appearance; but in terms of temperament, Lu Su is better than Lu pheasant.

This classic quiet beauty is also Chu Tian's favorite.

"Your name is Lu Su? Really good name, Lu Su, Lu Su ... Is that your sister? I don't know what her name is?" Chu Tian asked, pretending not to know the two girls.

"Sister ... my sister's name is Lu Pheasant ... ah, sister she?"

"It's okay, your sister just fainted for a while. I took a look, and as long as I rest, it's okay, and your sister will wake up later."

"Thank you ... Thank you son ..." Lu Su said again.

"By Lu Su, let me tell you a joke."

"Young man?"

"I want to see what Lu Su looked like when you laughed out of control, now, I said--"


"Just kidding, don't mind. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Chu Tian."


Chu Tian and Lu Su chatted like this.

In the past, Lu Su was almost speechless in front of strangers. But today, after chatting with Chu Tian, ​​a strange man, for so long, his mind gradually calmed down without any confusion.

Chu Tian ’s hundreds of millions of years of experience in picking up girls is not overwhelming, and it is even more unique in guiding topics and atmosphere. Plus Lu Subai had to resemble a piece of paper, and it didn't take long for Chu Tian to completely let the girl down.

Moreover, sister Lu pheasant often tells various stories about Chu Tian.

In Lu Su's mind, in fact, unconsciously, he had a good impression on Chu Tian.

Now Chu Tian has another hero to save the beauty, a simple girl who is not familiar with the world, just like this, it is natural and very simple, and gradually raises a different emotion ...

I hope to chat with him for a while, stay with him for a while ...

Lu Su even looked forward to Chu Tian's ability to **** them, so that he could often see Chu Tian ...

The girl's heart is very messy.

The girls in the flower season, whether they are calm or cheerful, are still in their prime. The longing emotion deep in my heart has inadvertently blossomed ...

The two chatted and chatted.

I forgot the time ...


"Cough ... cough cough, cough, Lv, Lv, Lv Su ... Don't ... don't just focus on chatting, father, father is about to die ... Come on, come--"

At this time, Lu Gong suddenly inserted a foot, interrupting the conversation between Chu Tian and Lu Su.

Lu Gong, who had been slashed, was already dying, but he was not dead after all! After more than ten minutes of brain blankness, Lu Gong still panted and recovered.

Chu Tian ’s terrifying power, Lu Gong still cannot forget ...

Although his own worldview has been subverted, Lu Gong has no mood to think about those things at this time.

"Lv Su, and ... Lv pheasant ... over ... come over, I, I have something to say to you ... Say, you ... you want--" Lu Gong said hard to the two daughters.



Lu Su threw himself crying.

At this time, Lu Zhi finally woke up. After hearing his father's voice, tears burst into tears.

Although Lu Gong didn't want to die at this time, but he was old, how could he get this knife? Looking at the two flowery daughters, if they are gone, they will be bullied by outsiders.

Lu Gong's most precious is his two daughters. How many people ask for marriage, he can't bear to marry.

Today, I have to place two people here, otherwise he will not be relieved to die. The only thing fortunate is that there is a person like Chu Tian here. It would be better for Chu Tian to take care of his daughter.

Lu Gong coughed and spit blood in his mouth, but he still beckoned to Chu Tian with difficulty, and said in an almost pleading tone: "Chu ... Chu Tian ... You are ... Chu Tian? I ... My Lu Gong, one thing Seeking ... you ... you--cough cough cough cough cough ... "

"Please, take care of me ... two ... daughters, wait ... wait a few years ... a few years ..."

"A few years later ..."

Lu Gong wanted to say that in a few years, you will find a good family and marry them.

After all, Lu Pheasant is only 14 years old this year, and Lu Su is only 13 years old.

Because of the Chutian crossing, a series of butterfly effects caused Ying Ying to die many years earlier, and the world was chaotic too early. Lu Pheasant and Lu Su are not as big as in the original.

Too young. If you get married at this time, it is too early.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian grabbed Lu Gong's hand and interrupted:

"Don't worry! Lu Gong! In a few years, I will definitely marry Lu Su and Lu Pheasant through the door! You can rest assured that you will entrust them to me without any mistakes!"

"I, I--" Lu Gong wanted to say, I didn't mean that.

"Lv Gong, you can rest assured! I will take care of them!" Chu Tian Da Yi said awe-inspiringly.


"rest assured."

Lu Gong looked at Chu Tian with amazement.

He wanted to say that this wasn't originally meant, but Chu Tian said so, how did Lu Gong refute? This misunderstanding, how to say?

If he refutes such a terrifying person and embarrasses the other party, who can afford the consequences?

Who will take care of Lu Su and Lu Pheasant?

Lu Gong hesitated.

Nodding, Lu Gong finally couldn't help but coughed several times and perfunctoryly said: "That's it ... thank you ..."

After entrusting his daughter to Chu Tian in a muddle, Lu Gong finally turned his head and died ...

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