Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 39: King Nie Ren is here! (2/2)

【Yan Yingtu】

A faint, shallow smile rose from the corner of the girl's mouth.

It is soft and soft like a flower, as clear as clear water, and the tenderness and delicateness of a 14-year-old girl are perfectly and beautifully displayed in this light smile.

A little bit pure, a little bit charming.

A little curious, and a little happy.

The girl's shiny eyes looked at Chu Tian, ​​and there was no trace of fear. All the guards did not arouse her trace of interest, just looked at Chu Tian with crystal eyes.

No one knows what exactly is in the mind of the 14-year-old girl ...

The shallow smile on the corner of the mouth is better than all makeup.

It stood so quietly at the window.

The hair fluttered gently and fluttered, as if it was an unexpected dream ...

The guards were dull, looking at the ladies in the loft silly. Mouth. The mouth is wide open, the eyes are wide open, and even the breathing has solidified.

They forgot the pain and shouted, and even Chu Tian, ​​the enemy. All the people, full of brains and full of thought, are all the women in the fighting tower. Everyone's eyes were all focused on the girl in the pavilion, and could no longer be moved halfway.

After all, Yan Ying is still a girl who is not out of the cabinet and stays at home on weekdays. The guards only occasionally had the pleasure of seeing the back of the young lady, and all the beauty was just rumours. But when I saw the true face of the young lady recently, these guards only knew what it means to be truly beautiful, and what really is the best in the world ...

The moment the window opened, the whole world was darkened ...

The world was silent, only this girl stood on the pavilion and smiled lightly ...

Overwhelming looks.

Reverse the beauty of all beings.

Crazy smile.

This is the first beauty of martial arts, Yan Ying.

Thousands of people present were all dull ...

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Applause suddenly sounded, resounding throughout Yanjiazhuang. Chu Tian's smile on his face was more and more abundant, saying: "Yes, very good, even more beautiful than I expected. Beauty, I like you very much, go back and be my hotbed girl."

Chu Tian's words suddenly broke the tranquility here.

A faint voice, across thousands of meters, clearly passed into Yan Ying's ear in the distance. Yan Ying was not angry or panicked, but instead looked at Chu Tian very interestingly.

For girls, maybe such things make life more exciting.


The guards of the Yan family collapsed at this time!

To catch their young lady as a maidservant?

How does that work!

Even though they were all injured, they did not care about the danger of their lives and cried and scolded:

"Fuck things! Your kid! Fuck! Our old lady of the Yan family, actually want to make you a bed-warming girl? Fuck! It's a fool !!!"

"You are a flower thief who dares to be so rude. The name of the first beauty of martial arts is not something you can humiliate! ... Such a big fan broke in and hurt me to wait, just for my lady. Now you are like this Humiliation, what exactly do you want to do? "

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't look down on my lady, then please come back!"

"... Fuck! Let's not let people live! There is already a beauty around this kid, no worse than my young lady! Now I still want to have two! Let's not let people live! Let him account for all the benefits. ! Lao Tzu curses you to death! "

"You can't approach my lady!"

"Stop !!"

"Miss! Run! Run !!!!"


Chu Tian smiled and ignored everyone's struggle.

For thousands of years, Chu Tian hasn't known how many times he has done this, so it's easy to understand. face? Chu Tian has never really noticed such a thing!

Chu Tian went straight to the pavilion in the distance.

An invisible energy barrier suddenly appeared on the avenue between Chu Tian and Yan Ying. On both sides of Chu Tian are invisible barriers, repelling all irresistible forces. All those who want to stop Chu Tian are excluded by this force.

Even if you grab it with your hand, bite it with your mouth, split it with a knife, and stab it with a sword, you can't get close to Chu Tianfen.

The crowd wailed and cried.

Countless men struggled, watching Chu Tian's robber behavior.

But no one can stop ...

I can only watch, watching Chu Tian go to the pavilion in the distance ...

"This gentleman, don't be forced by a strong man. How can the little girl Pu Liuzi be worthy of a gentleman? The gentleman looks at the little girl, but the little girl ... the little girl may not be worthy of the gentleman.

After a long time, Yan Ying in the attic finally made a noise.

Jiao. Squeaky, it seems to be coquettish, but also seems to sigh helplessly.

Yan Ying was so deliberately deliberate. It was unnatural to speak softly, pretentiously, and pretend softly. But when such words are spoken, no one will hate them.

Because it is so beautiful.

Just because it's so nice.

Even if it was deliberately pretentious, scornful words, it would only make people drunk ...

Yan Ying's gem-like beauty looked at Chu Tian.

Still a faint smile, hanging on the face ...

Chu Tian smiled and continued to walk forward, reaching for a wave, shaking a few roaring guys, and continuing to walk forward, and blinked to the 500 meters in front of the pavilion: "I am looking at you, To take you away, this is my original word. Beauty, remember, I did n’t let you choose, and I did n’t ask you what you thought. You, you have no right to refuse. ”

Yan Ying's eyes in the attic seemed to light up.

Such rudeness, the girl's heart did not feel the slightest annoyance.

Yan Ying took a deep breath and put on a lazy look. The jade hand slowly lifted up, swaying the hair, and a touching halo wrist, as if it took the whole world ...

"But, the little girl already has a marriage contract and can't go with you ..." Yan Ying continued to whisper, still smiling, without any fear.

"The marriage contract can be ruined at any time." Chu Tiandao jumped up and flew into the pavilion.

Several maids danced their sword lights, and when they saw that they were about to step forward, Chu Tian reached out and waved gently. The maids who served as guards in the pavilion were all settled down.

"But, Nie Renwang is very powerful." Yan Ying pretended to be afraid.

"He is not good, but it is not up to you."

"Oh really?"

Yan Ying asked with a smile.

In Jiao Mei's eyes, it seemed to be a bit cunning.

Yan Ying's eyes immediately looked at the gate of Yanjiazhuang.

At this time, everyone in the entire courtyard turned their attention to the distance. Everyone held their breath and looked at the gate of Yanjiazhuang, looking excitedly, as if seeing hope.

A man with a burly figure, carrying a knife, exuded fierce anger and walked in.

The strong swordsmanship enveloped the entire mountain village.

The man's fierce gaze looked at Chu Tian's pavilion.


It seemed that there was a sword light shining.

"Who is so rampant! How dare you rob the people in broad daylight !?"

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