Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 43: Facing paper or toilet paper (2/2)

Yan Ying squatted on the ground and cried for a long time.

Since her childhood, Yan Ying's biggest and biggest dream was to marry a man who stood up to the ground, swayed the wind and rained, and was supremely powerful. Over the years, he had not changed.

She has lived where people's eyes gathered since she was a child, and her growth environment is different, making Yan Ying very different from ordinary girls. Ordinary girls at this age are still dreaming of geniuses and beautiful women, waiting for the arrival of Prince Charming, simple in mind, beautiful, carefree ... but Yan Ying, has begun to pay attention to many other things, power , Fame, money, status ...

She is realistic.

She likes to watch people look up at themselves.

Like to compare with girls of the same age, proud, proud, watching their surprised eyes.

Or, like to watch men crazy for her, screaming, or even a duel of life and death, then she can play with countless people in a word ...

These were all Yan Ying's illusions.

Used to be so close.

She always thought that she would marry an amazing hero admired by thousands of people, or a hero.

But today ...

Yan Ying cried for a long time before slowly recovering.

The depression in the heart was removed, Yan Ying lifted her clean and white face, pitiful, and the tears in her eyes made her unable to bear to wipe her. This weak look is heartbreaking!

"Why don't you coax me."

Yan Ying looked at Chu Tian and held it for a long time before he said a word.

No longer squeamish. Squeaky, but with a lot of resentment, like a girl abandoned.

This unbelievably handsome and martial arts man was so outrageously high that Yan Ying was looking forward to, and even when she first saw Chu Tian, ​​she was inexplicably happy ...

but now.

This man actually has no family background, no money, and even has to be a hotbed girl himself! Yan Ying suddenly fell from heaven to whisper, not to mention the dull mood.

Chu Tian touched Yan Ying's chin frivolously and said:

"You're crying, why should I coax you? Don't forget your identity. You are not the first beauty of martial arts. You are my hot-bed girl. Have you seen your host coaxing her?


Yan Ying stared at Chu Tian with wide eyes, and his angry expression was extremely cute and lovely.

But it seems that he really has nothing to do with Chu Tian, ​​Yan Ying grumbled Xiao Xiao mouth, snorted, don't go too far.

Holding his knees in this way, Yan Ying squatted on the ground, sad and distressed. Thinking of his carefree life in Yanjiazhuang, Yan Ying suddenly missed it. At least, don't be bullied by this bad guy.

The big hero of the dream did not appear.

But Chu Tian had an outrageous robber with high martial arts skills.

Yan Ying felt more and more sad when she wanted to, her eyes were sour, she seemed to have tears coming down again ...

Chu Tian stood beside Yan Ying and shook his head gently.

The girl living in the gentle and wealthy country is really too fragile. As for what I said shortly, that's it. Chu Tian reached into his arms, took out a tissue, and handed it to Yan Ying: "Give it, wipe it, don't cry."

Yan Ying snorted, but still reached out to take Chu Tian's facial tissue.

Although this man has no money and no power, he is still a robber, criticized ... But Chu Tian martial arts is strong, at least he will not be bullied by anyone, if he is gentler, it seems good to marry him.

Yan Ying reluctantly convinced herself.

"I won't thank you." Yan Ying whispered softly, the voice is still pure and nice. After taking the facial tissue, Yan Ying was about to wipe her tears——


The white jade hand of the eyes shivered, staying in midair, and Shui Lingling's eyes stared at the sheet of paper in his hand, as if he was seriously confirming something.

what is this?

This one--?

Not a handkerchief?

Why is this ... paper-like feeling?

Yan Ying rubbed the tissue. Although the touch was different from the paper, it was still very close. When Yan Ying was painting, the rice paper used was also very thin and soft. But it was still inferior to this kind of paper ...

Yan Ying thought Chu Tian would hand over a handkerchief.

As a result, she was given a stack of paper?

Somehow, the tears can't stop it anymore, the spring water in Yan Ying's eyes is crying, angry and helpless, crying: "You ... are you still a man ... you ... how poor are you? I can't even buy a handkerchief ... woo woo ... I Yan Ying vowed to marry the hero of the heaven and earth ... Now planted in your hand, I ... I also recognized ... But ... but you actually ... actually so poor , You, how can you do this ... you wo n’t use ... use ... "

"You wouldn't use toilet paper ... woo woo woo woo ... woo woo ... how can you do this ..."

"You are not a man ..."


Chu Tian is also on fire!

What kind of stuff are you so poor! ?

Even if it is no longer a thing, it is not so boring! Chu Tian grabbed the facial paper in Yan Ying's hand and shouted: "I tell you, this is not paper!-Oh no, this is paper, but this is not ordinary paper, this is facial paper, facial paper ah understand Do n’t understand? This is for wiping your face. I ’ll show it to you if you cry. How can it be compared to ordinary paper ?! ”

"Great inventions and high-tech products of the 21st century. I gave them to you hundreds of years in advance. Even if you are not grateful to Dade, you may even doubt me ... doubt that I use toilet paper? Fuck! I have seen such a comfortable toilet. Paper !? "

After a while, Chu Tian simply passed the facial tissue and placed it under Yan Ying's delicate nose.

Suddenly, a refreshing fragrance penetrated into Yan Ying's nostrils.

Clear and light, intoxicating and ecstasy, obviously just a piece of paper, but it has this wonderful fragrance. The softness is also comparable to silk. Yan Ying gradually stopped crying, looking at the paper in front of her, the anger in her heart gradually dissipated.

From the invention of hundreds of years later, how could people in this era understand? But this kind of paper exuding strange fragrance is definitely not a common toilet paper, this Yan Ying can still distinguish ...

"Why, you know you have short-sightedness? Wipe away your tears first, don't you embarrass ..." Chu Tian said silently, then took out a plastic package and threw a small bag of paper to Yan Ying.

The tears in Yan Ying's eyes gradually dissipated.

The strange packaging of the facial tissue, the delicate packaging, is obviously transparent, but ... this plastic material, Yan Ying has never seen it.


Yan Ying took the facial tissue and wiped her tears, her cheeks flushed slightly.

It's like a child who has done something wrong.

With long hair and short knowledge, these six words suddenly appeared in Yan Ying's mind. Yan Ying felt that he seemed to be restrained by this man ... restrained ...

Wiping her tears, Yan Ying rang her mind on her own.

Many things happened today, and it was also the day when Yan Ying's life was the biggest ups and downs.

Under the setting sun, Yan Ying's graceful figure seemed a bit lonely and pale. The woman chasing fame and fortune, even if it can be more than 10,000 under one person, is still a fragile girl ...

Chu Tian also squatted slowly, leaned on Yan Ying's side, and touched the dark, supple hair, feeling very good. The evening breeze was blowing and the fragrance was fresh, which was the unique smell of the girl.

There was a little emotion in Chu Tian's heart.

After touching Yanying's little head melon, it took a long time before he slowly said:

"... Okay, don't be too sad. The days to come are long. I just want to tell you, girls, there are so many things you can pursue, don't think about the status of money and the like, how tired? You are only 14 years old, at such a young age, do n’t pretend to be so thoughtful, just be simple, you will live a happier and more exciting life. "

"Ronghua is rich and wealthy, it's overwhelming. People can dominate wealth, but they can't be dominated by wealth, do you understand?"

Yan Ying sobbed softly.

Somehow, as Chu Tian said, Yan Ying was not very angry. The meaning of Chu Tian's words is that he loves vanity too much and is greedy for wealth, how can Yan Ying not hear?

Yan Ying held this tissue tightly in her hand and sniffed it gently, the smell was very fragrant, very fragrant ...

"But ... but no one ever told me this ... never ..."

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