Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 47: Swordsman (2)

After seeing the Mud Bodhisattva in the original book, the feeling in Chu Tian's heart is only four words: but so.

The numerology is unfathomable, but the people on the rivers and lakes also look too high at the mud bodhisattva. If you use the martial analogy of numerology, the study of Mud Bodhisattva on numerology is only equivalent to the peak of the acquired realm on martial arts.

It's just that there are too few people who study Xiangshu, gossip, etc. Many people don't even believe that there is a destiny, and the destiny has been very wonderful, so the Mud Bodhisattva seems inscrutable. You know, in other fairy worlds, who would n’t pinch the calculus for those high-ranking people? Induced blessings?

This knowledge is the most basic common sense.

Mud Bodhisattva is still very tender and tender.

If you want to see the face after you arrive, and even help the hero to figure out the evils of your life, this kind of state needs a lot of practice ...

"All in all, Mud Bodhisattva is still a good person, and his talents in this area are also very high ... Unfortunately, no one leads the way, after all, it is still like this."

"But, for the sake of ideals, devoting myself to the city and being a beggar, I appreciate this a little bit ..."

Chu Tian and Yan Ying said while walking.

Along the way, Chu Tian told many stories to Yan Ying, including the inspirational story of Mud Bodhisattva.

Chu Tian wants to tell Yan Ying that sometimes down is not inability, but unwillingness; scenery does not mean happiness, the pursuit of life is the most perfect.

Chu Tian does not know how many allegory stories are told!

Everything is because of Yan Ying's values, the world view is too confusing, free from a profitable little girl. In Yan Ying's eyes, there are only power and wealth, gold and silver treasures, and the only criterion for evaluating people is achievement and family background. Such a realistic little girl, even if this is the ancient time when the woman is precocious, it is too strange ...

The values ​​of the little girl must be corrected!

"But ... but I'm hungry."

Yan Ying mumbled Xiao Xiao's mouth and said bulgingly.

At this time, Yan Ying had the youthful liveliness of a little girl, and the sakura, peach, and mouth were full of cuteness and delicacy that were difficult to portray.

The town was destroyed by Lei, and Yan Ying hasn't eaten anything yet.

"Just let you eat ravioli, but you didn't listen, hang me?" Chu Tian said, took out dozens of red fruits from his arms, and handed them to Yan Ying.

The little fruit exudes a red magical light, red bright colors, like a fire burning. Each one is very beautiful. Yan Ying hasn't seen it in such a hurry.

Yan Yingshui Lingling's eyes looked and stretched out a white and delicate finger, poked the red little fruit in Chu Tian's hand, and said, "This ... won't it be poisonous?"

"Poisoning your sister! I don't disdain to kill a warm bed maid! This is Blood Bodhi, Blood Bodhi! Such a precious thing, ordinary people can't even eat it if they want to eat it!" Chu Tian retorted without words. The blood bodhi that I have refined is fully effective, without any harm to the human body, one worth the effect of the original one hundred! "


Yan Ying snorted, and the small hand grabbed a handful of blood bodhi from Chu Tian's big hand.

Picking up a small blood bodhi, Yan Ying gently put it to her mouth. Ying. Tao Xiao. Mouth, bright red blood bodhi, the two complement each other, really beautiful.

Xiao. Mouth sipped gently, Yan Ying swallowed the blood bodhi in one gulp.

The faint fragrance melts in the mouth, and the chicken-like flavor quickly spreads. That kind of delicacy seems to relax the pores of the whole body, and the whole person swims in the delicious soup. The delicious feeling has invaded Yan Ying's entire brain!

Yan Ying chewed gently.

Suddenly, the soup splashed.

Cold and fire. The interlaced feeling of heat spreads in the mouth.

The whole person seemed to be floating in the clouds.

There was also a lot of power, spreading all over his limbs and corpses, all the tiredness and sleepiness that came along the way disappeared. A warm current appeared in the lower abdomen, with Yan Ying's idea turning, flowing around, every time passing by, the body was very light and powerful.

Yan Ying almost couldn't help but took the second, third, fourth ...

I didn't expect Chu Tian to have such delicious food!

No, Yan Ying ate all a dozen blood bodhi. Strangely, for such a small blood bodhi, after eating a dozen or so, Yan Ying's stomach is actually a bit ...

"Really ... really delicious."

Yan Ying's complexion floated a little ruddy, flashing his words.

The girl's thoughts are always messy, and then I don't know what to think of again, and suddenly become twitched again. Xiao. Mouth squeezed gently, Yan Ying leaned against Chu Tian.

His face was red.

What is the little warm current in the body?

It's not the legendary spring. Medicine ... Yan Ying thought in a mess ...

Where Chu Tian is interested in prying into other people's psychology, of course, I don't know the little girl's thoughts, the beauty sent to the door, Chu Tian does not mind. Chu Tian has long been accustomed to all kinds of seduction along the way.

Embracing Yan Ying's slender little waist, Chu Tian said:

"Hurry up, I want to speed up."

Yan Ying's little head was buried in Chu Tian's arms, and she said scornfully:

"where are we going?"

"Don't you just say it, keep it secret. However, you will never be disappointed."

Chu Tian's voice fell.

The surrounding rocks and trees quickly retreated.

The speed is getting faster and faster and more and more fierce, so that afterwards, what appeared next to Yan Ying and Chu Tian is not any scenery, but a flare.

This is the speed beyond the limit!

The speed of breaking through space!

In a short moment, Chu Tian and Yan Ying arrived at their destination ...

Surrounded by mountains, the forest is cloudy.

Streams flow hurriedly, and there is no sound in the silent mountains.

Chu Tian hugged Yan Ying, his eyes swept around, and finally, he found his target on an open field in the distance.

That is a swordsman.


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