Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 57: Out of the Wind (3)


Tianmen is a huge martial art established by Chutian thousands of years ago during the Qin Dynasty. The enormous power and unfathomable heritage of Tianmen is unmatched by any school in this world. After thousands of years of development, the power of Tianmen can even subvert all countries in the world.

Even Chu Tian's current use to play the money gang, compared with Tianmen, is scum. The most proud financial resources of the money gang are still far behind.

One can imagine the power of Tianmen ...

Tianmen has three realms.

Heaven, earth, human world.

[Heaven] All women, and beautiful women of the allure level, everyone is the power of the fairy level! Among them, Lu Su, Lu Pheasant, the four ancient beauties, and so on, everyone is on the list. Chu Tian will adjust the time difference from time to time, go back and play for ten days in August. The headquarters of the Celestial Realm is located above nine days, and mortals cannot reach ...

【Boundary】 Also full of women. The boundary is the Xing Palace where the Tianmen is located on the earth, scattered everywhere, and the foothold of Chu Tian when playing. There is a huge enchantment hidden, mortals can not be found.

Only people.

The human world is full of men.

Everyone has cultivated the sunflower collection! Everyone was distorted by Chu Tian with the power of law! Everyone's cultivation is at least a congenital realm! Everyone placed on the rivers and lakes is enough to start a school!

The first leader of the human world, Xiang Yu, and his final strength even reached the extreme of the realm of heaven and man, near the broken void! Can imagine its power!

Now these people are all people in the human world!

When you see Chu Tian, ​​call him the master!

They are like dogs, and Chu Tian can kill at any time as long as he wants to! Chu Tian's upset kill, Chu Tian's kill when he is not happy, kill the wrong thing!

Chu Tian is God in Tianmen!

No human rights in Tianmen!

Chu Tian is above everything else!

Chu Tian waved his hand and glanced for a week, saying:

"The leader of the human realm will be withdrawn immediately. Luo Xian will be the leader of the human realm and my spokesperson here. Luo Xian is the goddess, under one person, above ten thousand people. You will see her in the future. As respectful as I am, have you heard? "

Everyone was silent.

No one dared to resist.

In other words, it is impossible to resist, because everyone has been altered by Chu Tian to become a puppet-like existence. Even if you let a little girl who is not capable of martial arts be the leader of everyone, no one will object! The super cohesive force at the top and bottom of the Tianmen makes it terrifying!

Everyone knocked their heads together and replied neatly:

"Observe the master's order!"

Chu Tian continued:

"Very well, continue to monitor the movement of the martial arts in the world. Anyone who finds my strength in Tianmen will immediately kill it without reporting it to me. Members who leaked Tianmen ’s whereabouts will also commit suicide immediately. And, Luo Xian you— — ”

Chu Tian touched Luo Xian's little head.

Luo Xian looked at Chu Tian with some fear, at this time, she seemed to understand something. This master of himself seems to be a terrible and powerful person.

Powerful enough to determine the fate of countless people.

Chu Tian rubbed Luo Xian's little face and smiled:

"Don't be nervous, little girl. First take a bath, change your clothes, and dress up beautifully. Then, I let Yushu teach you martial arts, these things, always have to learn."

"Yes ... Lord, Master!"

Luo Xian shuddered and said such a title.

She saw those people calling Chu Tian master, so Luo Xian also called it that way.

For Chu Tian, ​​Luo Xian was actually a little scared.

Chu Tian was stunned for a while, then he smiled and said:

"Since you like this title, please call me Master. Well, it sounds good. Well, I have sent a voice to Yushu. Let me see your mistress. When I am free, I will go back. look at yours."

Chu Tian reached out and waved.

A ray of light shone.

Luo Xian disappeared in place and had reached a palace in the sky.

Yu Shu, who received Chu Tian's voice, pouted and began to teach Luo Xian various martial arts.

For so many years, Chu Tian did n’t know how many times she played Lori, but Yu Shu has been accustomed to it for a long time ... was n’t Yu Shu cultivated by Chu Tian Lori?

In this way, after commanding everything, Chu Tian left this mountain forest and continued to help fooling around with money ...

Tian Xian Mother Luo Xian, also began her martial arts career ...

The man who changed her life luck, Luo Xian's heart is both worship and fear ...

Luo Xian has appeared.

As Chu Tian expected, the plot is getting closer and closer.

All developments are getting closer and closer to the plot.

Duan Shuai and Nie Renwang, their reputations are getting louder and louder. Especially Nie Renwang seems to have been beaten up by Chu Tian and practiced day and night. The martial arts are much higher than the original! Xueyin crazy knife, I do not know how many masters defeated in the rivers and lakes!

The world will become bigger and bigger, and the reputation of the bully will become more and more famous. The world will quickly develop from a medium sect to a behemoth, even in a hidden place, and has the power to keep pace with the eight sect! Moreover, Xiongba is not satisfied with this, and is still thinking about expanding further!

The world is turbulent.

The plot is getting closer.



Half a month later.

A flower garden in the money house.

Chu Tian and Yan Ying are enjoying the flowers leisurely and comfortably as always.

"Brother Chu, look at this flower, it's so beautiful!"

"This is said to be a Persian heterogeneity. It costs thousands of silver in a pot. Last time when I talked to Mrs. Kongtong's head lady, she didn't believe it ..."

"Brother Chu, my clothes look good? This is the work of the world's first tailor ... spent 300,000 silver, Brother Chu, you won't blame me ..."

"Brother Chu ..."


The soft and soft voice is infinitely charming and charming, and the tempting tone can almost make anyone fall for it. Even simple words can be distracting.

Yan Ying was a jewel of pearls, and her flowery branches were leaning against Chu Tian. Warm snowy skin, gold hairpin shining with dazzling light, earrings are huge and delicate gemstones, and even ten fingers are all kinds of valuable jewelry. It's really rich ...

Yan Ying has grown from a 14-year-old girl to a 19-year-old Allure National Beauty.

The dress is more gorgeous, the figure is more exquisite and full.

A smile, a word, can reverse all sentient beings.

Leaning on Chu Tian's side, Yan Ying whispered with a smile, all of which were very touching. Chu Tian also eats tofu, so be happy!

While the two were chatting with joy, the sky suddenly darkened.

The clouds are rolling.

The wind screamed.

A huge vision occurred in the entire sky in an instant, and then lightning flashed, and a thunder struck the sky, almost dividing the sky in half!

Bang! ! ! ! ! !

"this is--"

Chu Tian was rarely attracted to the outside scene and looked up to the sky.

The deep eyes seem to have to see through everything. The clouds and the wind in the sky return to the most essential phenomenon under the observation of Chu Tian ...

"... Brother Chu, Brother Chu, do you think I am pretty with this flower? Brother Chu? Brother Chu?"

Yan Ying held a bright peony on the bank of her hair, adding even more beauty. It was found that Chu Tian did not look at himself, but looked at the clouds in the sky, could not help but also looked up at the sky, "What's wrong, Brother Chu? What are you looking at? Brother Chu ~~~ You look at me, I Does this flower look good ~~~ "

Yan Ying coquettishly, her face charming.

Chu Tian turned his head and squeezed Yan Ying ’s little face, but said with a helpless smile: "Little girl, you are beautiful, of course you are beautiful, the world's first beauty, it is not a joke ... but this is not an ordinary weather change , This is a world-changing. Natural vision, there are important things to happen. "

Yan Ying asked: "Is it important?"

Chu Tianneng can count, Yan Ying has known a lot over the years.

Seeing Chu Tian saying this, Yan Ying naturally believed. I looked at the sky, but Yan Ying could hardly see anything. Yan Ying looked at Chu Tian again, waiting for Chu Tian's answer.

On Chu Tian's body, the laws of Tao are intertwined.

The cause and effect of fate can be seen in Chu Tian's eyes.

Chu Tian looked at it for a long time before he said: "Yan Ying, do you remember King Nie Ren?"

"Remember, of course I remember, that person seems to have mixed well lately." Yan Ying said with arms around Chu Tian's arm. At that time, Nie Renwang, who could not be photographed by Chu Tian's slap, was somewhat impressed.

Chu Tian nodded and continued: "Nie Renwang has a son, called Nie Feng, and he has been born. It is just now, just now ..."

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