Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 65: Crazy blood, origin (4)

"Cough ... cough cough ... cough ..."

Nie Renwang also stared at Chu Tian staring blankly, his mouth spitting out blood.

It wasn't until I could feel my hands that I couldn't feel that Xueyin was holding it in my hands. When I wanted to do it, I found that there was no hand to move ... Nie Renwang found something wrong.

His two arms, suddenly ... broken?

No warning?

Even, almost invisible fast?

When did this happen?

Did Chu Tian do it?

Turning his head, Nie Renwang found that his shoulders were flat and flat, and the incision was just like a voucher on the surface of the water. It seemed to be swept by the most terrifying and fierce sword spirit under the sky, which was perfectly shocking. Blood was spraying, but it seemed to be blocked by the sword of nothingness. How terrifying should be to interfere with the sword's intention ...

A trace of sword spirit left on it invaded Nie Renwang's mind, and Nie Renwang even had the urge to kneel down and worship ...

What kind of sword is that?

How powerful is that!

There are really such powerful people in this world! ?

"You, you, you did, did--"

Nie Renwang stared at Chu Tian, ​​the fear in his eyes continued to increase.

There is no doubt that no thought is needed. Nie Renwang firmly believes that Chu Tian did absolutely!

Actually cut off his arm?


How did it happen?

Unprecedented fear filled Nie Renwang ’s brain, and fear of death has never been stronger. Nie Renwang didn't even doubt that Chu Tian could kill him at this moment as long as he wanted to. His legs are shaking and his eyes are shrinking, thinking that his son may suffer revenge from Chu Tian in the future. This horrible and unimaginable emotion is more like a wave sweeping from the sea.

In the eyes of Nie Renwang, a hint of red madness suddenly appeared.

Extreme panic, extreme worry, and intense emotional fluctuations made Nie Renwang's brain messy. In addition to being seriously injured and chaotic, the Nie Renwang is already out of control.

The eyes are getting redder and crazier.

In the blink of an eye, it seems to be congested!

Nie Renwang's eyes became blood red!

Under the madness, the curse of the Nie family-crazy blood, finally broke out!

"Crazy blood" has plagued Nie's curse generation after generation.

At the time of the attack, you will gain tremendous power, and even the most internal force, it can skyrocket more than ten times! The fighting power of the whole person has not risen many times! In the original book, Nie Feng, who was abused by the (fake) alone, could even easily kill his opponent after the onset of mad blood. I can imagine its power!

The only flaw is that people will lose their minds!

At the moment, Nie Renwang, a series of violent emotional fluctuations made him go crazy when he was about to die! Killing. Killing the breath of madness. Through Nie Renwang, this terrifying power makes Nie Renwang's breath continue to skyrocket. Even at the broken arm that was bleeding, the blood stopped.

Rage and other internal forces, forcibly blocked the blood!

In the messy mind of Nie Renwang, I only remember Chu Tian as the enemy!

Without arms, he still rushed towards Chu Tian frantically--

"Roar Roar Roar ——————————"



Nie Renwang ran wildly and rushed towards Chu Tian. The land around him exploded one after another, and Nie Renwang completely ignored it, just like a crazy beast, fighting for the last time. The only thing that remained in the mind of Nie Renwang was the idea of ​​killing Chu Tian.

In Chu Tian's eyes, at this moment, there was finally a touch of color.

That is the color of satisfaction.

Interesting colors.

"--Crazy blood? I have heard it for a long time, but unfortunately I haven't seen it. It's really an eye-opener ... What's missing is that it's only happening now. What can you do without arms?"

Chu Tian murmured to himself, slowly raised his hand, and once in a rare earnest, his **** and index finger were together, gently shaking in the air.

In the distance, Xueyin's crazy knife jumped up as if he had been pulled!


Xueyin's mad knife stabbed Nie Renwang.

The technique of imperial sword, this is beyond the scope of the warrior!


Xueyin mad knife shot through the chest of Nie Ren like arrow rain!

Shot from the back and out from the chest.

The power of Xueyin's crazy knife manipulated by Chu Tian with the technique of imperial sword has not only increased by a hundredfold? The sharpness of the sword even turned everything in Nie Renwang's chest into powder.

A big **** hole appeared on Nie Renwang's chest!

Chu Tian manipulated again!

Xueyin Kuangdao shot again from the chest to the back of Nie Ren Wang!

From back to chest again.

Chest. Front to back!

Back and forth, it seems that Xueyin's crazy knife is constantly shuttled under the control of Chu Tian, ​​because the speed is too fast, as if there are dozens of blades running through Nie Renwang ... Nie Renwang's body speed gradually slowed down, no Knowing when I have lost consciousness, only Xueyin Kuangdao is still moving back and forth, piercing the body of Nie Renwang time and time again ...

In the end, King Nie Ren was still 5 meters in front of Chu Tian, ​​and was still ...

Chu Tian nodded his head with a rigorous scientific attitude: "The mad blood passed down from the Nie family's ancestors, against the ancestral treasure sword, failed. Speaking of it, flesh and body are still difficult to resist the sharp edge of the **** soldier ..."

After talking, Chu Tian volleyed.

Boom! !

Xueyin's mad knife from the blast was kicked back by Chu Tian again. Chu Tian was playing like a football, Xueyin became a fierce shot at the head of Nie Renwang.


A bright blade of light shone.

The upper half of Nie Renwang's body disappeared into the air, leaving only two legs, standing alone. Xueyin mad knife, also don't know where he flew ...


With a snap, he snapped his fingers.

Xueyin Kuangdao didn't seem to arouse Chu Tian's interest. Chu Tian didn't look at it, so he jumped up and jumped over the shoulder of Leshan Giant Buddha.

On the shoulder of the Leshan Giant Buddha, Yan Ying's pair of snow-white arms stretched his chin, watching Chu Tian's performance. Seeing Chu Tian came back, the bird fell into Chu Tian's arms.

"Brother Chu, you are too slow!" Yan Yingjiao snorted.

"Now, it's a rare pretend, let me have fun."

"What about those two children? Why didn't you ignore Brother Chu? I remember what you said, the so-called 'cutting the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze comes out and gives birth'."

"... Sometimes, pulling grass is also a pleasure."

"Oh ... But, Brother Chu, you killed King Nie Ren this time, and your reputation on the rivers and lakes will definitely skyrocket. By then, the size of the money gang will have to expand again ... Brother Chu, ah, you are too powerful excitement!"

"Hey hello, don't be excited? Calm down ..."




The figure of the two people gradually went away. After Yan Ying learned that Chu Tian's reputation was about to rise, it was as if the peacock was on the screen.

Yan Ying was full of joy at this time, her face flushed, and she couldn't bear Chu Tian's shouting. All kinds of tenderness are almost the same as before ...

She likes to show, like her distinguished identity, like to wear gold and silver life.

She prefers Chutian to be admired by others, and then she is admired together.

Occasionally returning to her mother's house, watching the former sisters' relatives and friends envious of death, Yan Ying can be excited and proud to sleep for three days ...

She is very simple, so simple, at least Chu Tian believes that this girl has always been an ordinary woman who loves vanity ... although she doesn't hate it.

Long after Chu Tian disappeared at the Leshan Giant Buddha, Nie Feng and Duan Lang woke up.

However, the two of them could not find Duan Shuai anymore, and Nie Renwang had only two solitary legs. The two children looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know how to express this loss and pain, but just looked at it dumbly.

The only thing that is certain is that this unforgettable hatred, and the enemy called "Chu Tian", that face, that voice, the two can never forget ...


After a few hours, the spies from the world club came to the scene to explore the results of the comparison. After learning the outcome of the contest, he hurried back to the world club quickly.

At the same time, the orphaned Nie Feng and the broken wave were brought back to the world club ...

The rollers of history run again, coincide, and bury deep traces ...

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