Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 68: Game on the wine table (2)

On the wine table, specialties of Wushuangcheng were presented one after another.

Chu Tian and Du Gu Fang, while tasting wine and food, discussed the alliance between the two.

The wine table is a great place. There are so many things in the world, that is, on the wine table, while eating and drinking, the negotiation is completed. This is the case now, and it will be the same in the future. After Chu Tian and Du Gu had finished drinking Liutan Fine Wine, the cooperation between the two factions had been almost discussed.

Mutual benefits in business.

Mutual non-aggression in the territory.

When confronted with foreign enemies, unanimous confrontation.

Prosperity and prosperity, loss and loss.

And, the most important purpose of both parties-deterrence.

When the most powerful gangs and the richest gangs unite, it is self-evident for the entire Jianghu martial arts. The combination of Wushuang City and the Gang of Money will deter all young people. Even the Central Plains eight major schools can be completely ignored. No one can shake the status of overlord.

Even the so-called martial arts supreme is simply empty.

The current martial arts is in the hands of Wushuangcheng and the money gang ...

-Wushuangcheng wants to enjoy prosperity forever.

——Chu Tian is too lazy to manage those messy things.

Although the starting point is different, the cooperation between the two parties has already been decided. The general pattern of rivers and lakes and martial arts has set the tone for this. In the next ten years, no matter how chaotic the martial arts world will be, it will not hurt the bones ...

"Chu helps the master to speak quickly, come and do it!"

"The Lord of Lonely City has a long-term vision, heh, the cooperation between our two is correct, and history will prove it."

"Haha, Chu brothers are really funny!"

"Duo Gu's wine is not bad!"

"From now on, no one will be our opponent on the rivers and lakes!"

"That's nature."




The wine glasses collide and the wine splashes.

When everything is discussed, the alone is also very happy.

His face was ruddy and he was very excited.

In fact, there is no hero on the other side. He can only be said to be a hero, but he can't talk about Xiaoxiong. Compared to ordinary heroes, martial arts masters, and the solitary side is indeed a remarkable person, and is excellent in every aspect. Martial arts and resourcefulness are very powerful, but if compared with Xiongba, the most top-ranked and ambitious lord of the world, it is still a little worse.

Alone, he has no ambition to dominate the world.

This is a fatal flaw.

The true solitary party is dead, now he is just a stand-in.

He was originally a younger brother on the solitary side, little known. In Wushuang City, few people know his existence, and they look almost the same. But his brother's accidental death made him the substitute, and he continued to do so. It was safe and stable, and it was not easy to fall into a windfall.

As a stand-in, it is already very satisfying to be able to enjoy the present good life.

As long as Wushuangcheng dominates forever, he will be satisfied.

This is also human nature. Ordinary people suddenly get millions of gold, will they continue to struggle? Enjoyment is king. The decline of Wushuang City is actually already doomed ...

Without aggressive gangs, it will eventually fall ...

The two drank two bottles of wine again.

Du Gu looked at Chu Tian tentatively, and suddenly asked a doubt hidden in his heart for a long time. He said: "Brother Chu, you and I are now in the Union. Brother asked you a question, I don't know if I can answer it. ——Of course, if the Chu brothers feel that there is a problem, no problem, do n’t say, I am alone, I just ask casually, haha, do n’t take it seriously! ”

The lonely party laughed, concealing a trace of doubt in his heart.

How to say is also a hegemony, but the solitary side still has some ideas.

Although the alliance with the money gang, but the heart is separated, who knows what the other party thinks? Du Gu always wanted to try it out. For Chu Tian, ​​he was a little bit worried and uneasy.

Chu Tian is too old, so old ... not like a young man.

Chu Tian nodded and said:

"Brother Dugu, please speak, you're welcome."

The duo drank a drink and said casually, "I will say that. A month ago, the Chu brothers and Nie Renwang dueled at the Leshan Giant Buddha, and finally killed the Nie Renwang. , I am alone, and I admire you so much. Those characters, they said they would kill if they killed. It ’s amazing, come! Brother Chu, let me give you a cup first! "

The duo paused slightly and drank again.

At a glance, Chu Tian didn't speak, and even his expression didn't change at all, which was obviously the default.

Chu Tian really killed Nie Renwang.

The outside news was unreliable after all, and the Du Gu party always wanted to confirm it by itself, but Chu Tian personally admitted that Chu Tian really killed the Nie Ren Wang, and the Du Gu party paid more attention to it.

I have to take some things into consideration.

After a short pause, the duo pretended to continue unintentionally:

"Brother Chu killed the Nie Renwang, which shows that martial arts are extraordinary. And I think the Chu brother's breath is stable, his face is ruddy, and his internal injuries have been healed.

Chu Tian did not hide anything, smiled and said:

"Nie Renwang, the name is not true, if the city lord goes, the city lord's martial arts can also kill him."

Du Gu smiled, and of course, Chu Tian ’s polite words, he certainly did not take it seriously, saying: "But Nie Renwang has the sword of Nie family ancestors, and Xueyin crazy sword, which can be compared with my Wushuang sword in Wushuangcheng. , It ’s not easy to deal with. Brother Chu, I do n’t know what weapon you are using? You can actually restrain that kind of overbearing swordsmanship? I do n’t know, can you tell me? Let me know my brother? ”

The voice fell.

Chu Tian couldn't help but look down at Du Gu's score.

After all, the lonely side was still afraid of him.

Because of Chu Tian ’s news, there are too few and too few circulating on the rivers and lakes, martial arts, moves, everything, almost nothing. Everything about Chu Tian is a fan!

No one knows what Chu Tian is good at!

No one knows what weapon Chu Tian used!

Inner power mentality, martial arts moves, division of the school, everything, everything can not be found!

Ordinary masters are enough, but Chu Tian was able to kill Nie Renwang, and he was able to kill him easily! If such a master is ignorant, it will be very dangerous! Once you look back in the future, without knowing anything, you will probably fall into a passive state!

The difference between the masters is also fatal!

If you do not understand anything, it is even more dangerous!

Alone is tempting.

It is also a signal.

The two knew that this was temptation. Would you like to cooperate thoroughly, it depends on Chu Tian's answer. Chu Tian's attitude will determine the cooperation process between the two parties. Du Gu looked at Chu Tian with a smile, and his face was ruddy, completely like drunk ...

"Sword, my weapon is a sword. And coincidentally, like the Wushuang sword, it is a double sword."

Chu Tian said calmly.

Why not tell him?

Knowing the weapon, how can you get me?

Moreover, the courage of the alone is too small. On the surface, it seems to be "predecessors". It is shameful to test the weapon of a junior. In Chu Tian's heart, he became even more disdainful.

"Sword? Same as Wushuang sword ... double, double ... sword ?!"

Alone's eyes widened wide, and thought of something.

The expression of Du Gufang gradually became solemn, staring at Chu Tian, ​​as if to discover something general.

The eyes of the two struck violently.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly stiffened.

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