Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 15 Chapter 80: Ambition (1)

Nowadays, the world club is already the first school in the world.

The entire martial arts is recognized.

However, that is just what the world thinks.

People's cognition does not represent facts.

In terms of true strength and heritage, it is still far from being the first in the world. Even the tyrants of the world club do not think their gang is the first.

The bully is still somewhat self-aware.

Even without knowing the existence of Tianmen, there is still a knot in the domineering heart.

A small, and then gradually expanded, silted decade knot.

That is in addition to the Tianmen, another force that can contend with the world and even surpass it.

——Money help.

Wushuangcheng's domineering is not in the eyes.

The godless imperial palace on the side of the dormant side, and what are the eight martial arts schools that are ready to go, also the domineering hegemony is not in the eyes.

Only money helps.

Over the past ten years, the influence of the money gang on the bully has become greater and greater, and the bully has finally noticed this huge martial arts that mainly focuses on collecting money. . Xiongba realized that the previous understanding of the money gang was completely a mistake. It is simply a stupid idea to understand the money gang as the richest sect! The money help is more terrible than everyone imagines! Not even as good as your own world club!

The money gang is terrible!

Terrifyingly can beat the world club!

Chu Tian is even more terrible!

Terrifyingly, even if you travel around, the development of the money gang has not fallen!

After so many years of hard work, Xiongba has become the world's recognized largest group. But the domineering heart is more and more cautious and afraid of the money gang. Even some of the cooperation with Chu Tian was cautious, for fear of making a mistake.

This person is simply unfathomable.

Applauding martial arts as if playing. In the final analysis, Chu Tian's current situation is formed by Chu Tian's one hand ...

In terms of martial arts, I have never heard of how hard Chu Tian practiced. You have to know that in these years, even if you are busy, Xiongba will spend a lot of time every day and practice three points. But Chu Tian just wandered around so leisurely, and the martial art master who went to ask Chu Tian for help, no one could go back alive ...

Resourcefulness, martial arts, all aspects ...

Chu Tian is impeccable.

"--Hey, the old man is not as good as the old man. In ten years, the old man has worked hard to expand his territory and is constantly striving to do his best. Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng and three others are fighting around and laying down countless territories. The reputation of the meeting is loud, and the people of the rivers and lakes are frightened by the wind! But, but my world will still be worse than the money help ... "

"... Oh, using unrest to make unjust wealth, selling weapons, selling herbs, and even taking advantage of the robbery, even the kung fu are sold! The old man is expanding his territory, but his money gang is sitting on the profit of the fisherman; the old man is criticized, he But hiding in the dark to make a fortune ... Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian, ​​is worthy of being the most invisible person of the old man! "

"The money gang, the money gang ... Unless the old man annexes Wushuangcheng, there will never be a strength against the money gang."

"Can't do it!"

"Now, I can't do it yet."

After he finished his exercises, he said to himself.

Although the money gang has nothing to do with the bully.

Chu Tian and Xiongba did not have a holiday.

But what is the domineering ambition? The domineering is the domineering, his purpose is definitely not the dominating party, but the dominating world! If there is a gang bigger than yourself, how can the bully allow it! ?

No one can ride on his head!

The domineering ambition has never stopped.

After frowning and thinking for a long time, Xiongba looked up to the south, where another martial art giant was located: "Maybe, it's time ... to start against Wushuangcheng."

The world has formed a three-legged situation.

The world will be, Wushuangcheng, money help.

The bully can no longer satisfy the current forces, Wushuangcheng, it is time to eliminate.

Without swallowing the twin cities, you can contend with the money!

The financial power of the money gang is terrifying enough to subvert everything! Can not be underestimated!

Get up slowly.

Xiongba walked out of the training room.

Outside the practice room, there are layers of guards, and no one can enter the surrounding kilometers. This is the place where Xiongba cultivates three points, and is the most confidential place in the world.

In the distance, the chief executive is ugly and ugly, chatting with a bodyguard.

Seeing Xiongba coming out, Wen Chouzhuo nodded and walked over with a clown-like expression.

The ugly fan fanned the fan in his hand and smiled:

"Help the Lord, you come out, the helper's face has turned a lot more ruddy, congratulations to the helper's great advancement, and the three points are invincible!"

Xiongba touched his beard and smiled: "Hahahahahahaha, ugly, what's the matter, shouldn't you appear here now."

Wen Chouzhug nodded and said: "Qizhu Gangzhu, Chu Tian ... Chu Tian has just come to the world meeting."


"Chu Tian has been here for half an hour, and his subordinates did not expect him to come suddenly. However, you are practicing the exercises, and the younger one did not dare to disturb."

Xiongba is a little jealous of Chu Tian, ​​and ugly is also known.

Therefore, in front of the bully, ugly and ugly are usually called their names.

The ugly ugly knows how to look and talk.

Xiongba thought about it and suddenly asked:

"Feng'er all right?"

The ugly face was embarrassed for a while, Feng'er, naturally referred to Nie Feng, the ugly face was embarrassed for a while, and continued: "Qi gang lord ... that ... Feng Tang lord fights Chu Tian again in the name of learning , The result ... the result ... the two moves were defeated ... Chu Tian ... Chu Tian's martial arts can be comparable to that of the Lord! "

Xiongba shook his head and sighed: "Two strokes, two strokes ... Now, the old man wants two strokes to defeat his apprentice, and he has to go all out with only two strokes, Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian ..."

In the seemingly calm eyes of the bully, there was a sharp edge.

Chu Tian comes to the world almost once or twice every year.

Every time, he will be challenged by Nie Feng.

Nie Feng will not be stupid enough to assassinate Chu Tian, ​​after all, the world will have a cooperative relationship with the money gang. Nie Feng only played against Chu Tian in the name of "learning", and tested the gap between the two sides in a fair and honest manner. In this way, it doesn't hurt.

It's just a pity ...

Chu Tian's martial arts are really unfathomable.

Nie Feng has never walked three moves in Chu Tian's hands for so many years ...

Two strokes have been defeated, it is already a rare achievement!

The bully thought about it, and then said again:

"Where is Chutian now?"

The ugly ugly said: "Help the Lord, do you want to ask this question? You know, every time Chu Tian comes, he does not ask you to discuss things, Chu Tian ... Chu Tian went to Miss Kong Ci again ..."

"Hehehehehe ... let him go, but the old man hopes that he will go every day, his wine is dispirited, since ancient times ... hehehehehe ..."

the other side.

After just coming to the world meeting and cooking Nie Feng, an ignorant challenger, Chu Tianzheng was walking to Kong Ci's residence.

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