Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 44: The roots of zombies

The light of the morning passed through the windows, slowly falling. Light rain is still falling in the ground, the morning of Baihe Village is cool and silent.

Above the bed, Chu Tian hugged Linger, and the two were whispering. Linger was lying in Chu Tian ’s arms with a smile, a red apron tied to his chest. The sides were squeezed out. The fat and rich breasts, the girl ’s greenness faded away. Linger ’s eyes showed a woman Charming.

"Dad, it's just comfortable." Linger said softly against Chu Tian's chest.

"Cough, daughter, remember, this kind of thing just tells me, don't say it in front of others." Chu Tiandao. Fearing that this daughter didn't know anything, she preached everywhere.

"Ling'er understands. In fact, Ling'er knew it already." Linger snuggled with Chu Tian, ​​laughing happily, "After Linger, he will be the father's, giggling."

Linger's jade hand gently ticked, and a suction appeared. Two quaint pendants flew out of the messy clothes on the bed. Linger took the pendant and played it carefully.

"However, my mother didn't tell me that the other half was with Dad, and Linger was worried for a long time." Linger said a little bit indignantly. Turning his head, the dragonfly kissed Chu Tian's cheek like water, and smiled sweetly again.

The beautiful face made Chu Tian feel pitiful. Although her daughter is naive and kind, she is not ignorant. Many things have long been known.

Her attachment to herself, not just the child's attachment to adults.

Embracing Linger tightly, Chu Tian felt her body temperature carefully. At this time, I don't want to do anything. I am not just a family member of Linger. Chu Tian was reluctant to destroy this girl ’s purity ...

After a long period of warmth, Chu Tian and Ling'er finished wearing, went out, and joined Lin Yueru.

The three discussed, and today we will remove the root of the zombie poison. In fact, Chu Tian's thoughts have long cleared all the exploration. It's just that there seem to be a few more fun things, which slowly makes me patient to play.

After saying goodbye to Han Yixian, the three followed the path behind the village and walked forward. Bypassing several mountain forests, the trees were gradually lush and the terrain became mixed. There was an eerie atmosphere that haunted everyone.

In front is a graveyard.

"The root of the zombie should be in front." Chu Tian pointed to the front.

Lin Yueru looked at the gloomy cemetery in front of him for a few moments, and was a little afraid. Grasp the sword, said: "Huh! It's handed over to this female heroine!"

Ling'er took Chu Tian's hand and cleverly clung to Chu Tian without saying a word. After the two have made substantial progress, Ling'er has become more attached to Chu Tian.

The three of them walked forward, without a few steps, a rustling sound came in front of them.

A dozen people with open teeth and claws were obviously poisoned by zombies. Smelling the breath of a stranger, one by one rushed towards Chu Tian.

But these people are even more weird than the infected villagers in Baihe Village. It is even more crazy, and at the same time, it also lacks the breath of "human". There was a rotten smell on his body, and his whole body was dirty, as if he had drilled out of the mud. One or two people even lack arms and legs.

"Zombie poison not only affects living people. Even dead people can act under the influence of this poison," Chu Tian explained.

Lin Yueru looked at the zombies that were pouring up in front of her, Xiu Mei wrinkled slightly, pulled out the sword in his hand, and hula swayed with a sword: "Dirty things, don't think of approaching Miss Ben!"

The sword light circulated, Lin Yueru rushed up quickly, the Lin family swordsmanship was profound and profound. In the past few days, there were also Chu Tian ’s instructions. Lin Yueru ’s cultivation practice also increased quite a bit, and he came and went freely between a dozen zombies.

Sword spirit traverses, each sword can force a zombie back. After a few moments, a dozen zombies have been forced into desperation by Lin Yueru.

However, the situation does not seem so optimistic.

Lin Yueru can only repel these zombies. But this group of monsters that can't die is originally a dead person. How can it be solved completely? After a short pause, these fallen zombies rose again and slowly moved closer to Lin Yueru.

Lin Yueru can only fight back with a sword again.

In the distance of the cemetery, dozens of zombies approached slowly. Lin Yueru wrinkled beautifully, feeling a little too hard. Turning his head, he shouted towards Chu Tian: "Brother Chu, how are these zombies solved? Too many!"

Chu Tian pouted silently.

Rushing up rashly, now I finally know the difficulty? Chu Tian said with a smile: "Yueru, this is actually very simple. As long as their legs are cut off, can't they act?"

Lin Yueru's pretty face was pale, and he shivered, saying, "Is there no better way?"

Silver sword waving in the air, Lin Yueru slowly swinging a sword. A magnificent aura was cut from the blade of the sword, and it knocked out more than ten zombies. Lin Yueru hurried back a few steps and retreated to Chu Tian's side.

Gasping for breath, Lin Yueru's stamina was somewhat out of support. More and more zombies gathered in the distance, and gradually reached a hundred. Lin Yueru looked nervously at the cemetery and said, "Do you really want to cut their legs?"

Linger smiled and said, "Sister Yueru, dad is making you play. Solving these zombies is actually very simple."

"It's simple?" Lin Yueru asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's too simple. Bombing into scum, or removing toxins, or directly solving the source, etc., there are too many methods. So, Yueru, you still have to practice!" Said muzzle.

Reaching out, Chu Tian gently towards the distance.

A cold mountain emerged on Chu Tian's fingers, quickly passing a straight line, and the immense coldness filled the entire cemetery in an instant, like winter came. Dozens of zombies could not move in an instant, and the flesh and bones of the whole body quickly froze, and in a blink of an eye, they turned into white ice sculptures that could not move and breathed white gas.

Chu Tian's finger flicked again!

A windy sharp breath swayed.

All the ice sculptures burst again, like fragile glass. Nearly a hundred zombies, in a blink of an eye, became a patch of ice chips, covering the entire cemetery with whiteness.

Solve the zombie easily, and it is not **** at all, it is the most perfect solution. Lin Yueru watched it for a long time, and pulled up La Chutian's sleeve, whispering, "What's the name of this move? Can you teach me?"

"Of course I can teach you. But this is nothing. It's just basic five spirits."


"Yeah, you wouldn't even hear about the five spirits."

"When, of course I heard it!"


Chu Tian and others walked with a smile, and continued to move forward. While walking, Chu Tian explained to Lin Yueru the simplest basics of Wulingxianxue. At the same time, his eyes flicked back from time to time, revealing a few smiles.

A white shadow is listening carefully to Chu Tian's explanation, and at the same time, his hands are dancing, learning quickly ...

This is Yin Li stealing the teacher.

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