Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 3 Chapter 55: Wanxian Conference III

In the roar of the giant bird, several behemoths came from all over.

Kirin has been radiating light all the time.

The phoenix flying all the time.

There is also a giant bear with a mountain shape and an age of one million years!


Chu Tian did not expect that this small place actually gathered so many powerful monsters! Although, the strongest is nothing but the peak of emptiness. However, with so many monsters, the forces are so scary!

"I'm afraid it is the whole world, the power of all monsters."

Chu Tian thought.

Looking at the monsters from all over the sky, Chu Tianning looked closely. On that unicorn and phoenix, it was fixed.

If there is no wrong guess, this phoenix should be the elder of Qing'er Phoenix.

This unicorn was also in the Nuwa Temple in the original book.

It's all about, Nuwa!

"It turned out that way, but how did she communicate with these guys?" Chu Tian thought.

The unicorn running in the air looked at Chu Tian far away, and suddenly his eyes shrank, and his pupils contracted sharply: "It is the **** god teacher !!!"

With a loud roar, he turned to escape!

Upon hearing the roar of Kirin, the monsters were shocked!

Who does n’t know the reputation of the **** of gods! They are all people who have experienced the huge changes of the moon! A sword cut off the myth of half a moon, they witnessed it with their own eyes!

How can such a person stand up to it!

Not wanting to succumb, but it does not mean that they are willing to die!

Suddenly, the demon who had just prepared to do a big fight, deflated, and ran out of strength one by one, ready to escape! Flying, escape, and diving are all fully prepared in an instant!

It was the giant bird that was ready to escape in the shortest time!

"No one wants to run."

Chu Tian whispered.

The sound fell, and the power of the laws of law interlaced. The huge space of the whole forest was frozen in an instant. As if bound by invisible forces, everything is difficult to move half a point!

All the monsters can't move together!

Chu Tian, ​​whose strength has surpassed this world for a long time, has already been able to use some of the world's power initially. Although, not even one percent. However, it is still possible to solidify the space.

Looking at the Qilin in the sky, Chu Tian didn't look at it. He waved his hand, and a ray of ray of light rushed up, symbolizing the auspicious and auspicious Qilin beast. Under Chu Tian's attack, he didn't even have the strength to resist, and he instantly disappeared.

"Phoenix or something, go, I don't like this."

Chu Tian waved his hand again, and the phoenix, which had been coagulated by the space just a few steps away, also dissipated. In the twisted space, even **** can't be found.

Chu Tian looked back, looking at the thousands of monsters present, smiling broadly.

"You guys are really brave." Chu Tian said softly.

Very light and light voice, but it seems like a heavy hammer, hitting all the monsters!

"Adult! Master, Master! I have recruited, I have recruited! It is Nuwa, the Nuwa Niang let us do this! The Ten Thousand Demon Assembly is to deal with the God of God! Master, Master, let go, let go!"

A slightly weaker monster finally couldn't bear this horrible scene and immediately gave everything!

The two very powerful beings in his view disappeared instantly. Such an opponent can only be described as invincible! Even the goddess Nvwa in his heart could not believe it.

"Asshole! How dare you betray Nuwa!"

"Sir, I also recruited!"

"Damn, you traitors, Nuwa Niang will not let you go!"

"Tenjin religion will perish sooner or later!"



Chu Tian listened to the news, but still not too relieved.

It is better to get the news in person.

The power of the world oscillated. Chu Tian used the rule of Immortal Sword Three to wrap up a group of monsters. One after another, they penetrated deep into their hearts and souls, and probed carefully.

Chu Tian didn't like this kind of thing to probe people's hearts. However, at the critical moment, you still have to do it.

Everything about all the monsters is clearly displayed in front of Chu Tian. The curse and fear of Chu Tian, ​​the worship of Nu Wa, and so on.

Chu Tian finally knows how Nu Wa did this!


Nu Wa, actually used the trick of Tuomeng!

Through dreams, communicate messages with these guys. Although this trick is a bit strange, it is not like Taoism in this world, so the number is also limited. To this day, Nu Wa has just summoned the most powerful monsters.

However, it is really not easy to conceal your perception. Chu Tian has some new speculations about this strange trick and Nuwa ’s whereabouts ...

"But Nuwa, you still lose."

Chu Tian laughed.

The development of Tenjinism has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts, and it is almost impossible to eradicate it.

Only monsters do not believe in Tenjin. This is why Nu Wa didn't trust her dreams to those humans.

With the help of powerful monsters, fight against Tenjin? It sounds like there is still some feasibility. The people they created were fooled, and Nu Wa must have suffocated the fire.

Therefore, there was a series of plans afterwards.

Unfortunately, Chu Tian's strength exceeded Nu Wa's expectations, even if Nu Wa's plan succeeded, it was useless. Moreover, Chu Tian has now seen through the plan.

"Yin Li, be prepared. Let's go to Shu Mountain some time later, for a while, that swordmaster!" Chu Tian smiled. At the same time the power of the law spreads one after another, tampering with the memories of all monsters!

"Loyal to Tenjin!"

"Loyal to Chutian!"

"We have to pretend to stand on Nuwa's side and provide accurate information to Lord Tianshen!"

"Tianjinjiao immortal!"


The usage rule seals the connection between Nuwa Temple and the outside world's dream, which is indeed useful. However, it apparently fell off and frightened the snake. Only by bringing out Nuwa, a bitch, can you proceed to the next step!

These monsters are a good bait!

Baiyue, Li Xiaoyao, both!

Chu Tian would like to see if Nu Wa, as he really thought!

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